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Nicholas Fletcher Hitchcock   29   (1833 - 1891)  Born in Perry Co, OH;  His parents were John and Rosannah Hitchcock;  He married Jemima Angle in 1853 in Hocking Co, OH;  In 1860, Nicholas worked as a Common School Teacher in Perry Co (in the picturesque-sounding community of Monday Creek);  He mustered in as Capt of Co H from the outset of the company;  His brother-in-law, Hugh Ferguson, was also an officer in Co H;  He was promoted to Major in Sep 64;  Mustered out 13 Jun 65;  He returned to Perry Co where he was a Farmer for most of the rest of his life;  In 1872, he was Postmaster in Perry Co;  By the late 1880s, he and his family were living in Johnson Co, NB;  He filed for an Invalid's Pension from Nebraska in 1889;  The 1890 Census-taker noted that he suffered from Feeble Mindedness;  He died and was buried in Sterling Co in 1891  

George W. Ritchey  24  (1838 - 1900)  He was born in OH, probably in Perry Co, the son of Thomas and Harriet Ritchey;  Thomas was a Farmer in Perry Co;  George mustered into the 90th OH on 26 Aug 62 as 1 Sgt;  Was promoted to 1 Lt on 2 Dec 62 (but was never mustered into that rank);  He resigned 20 Jul 63;  I am not sure why;  He later enlisted in Co H of the 160 Regiment of the OH National Guard as a Capt;  By 1870, he was a Farmer in Missouri, where he would live for roughly the next 20 years;  He married Lucinda Josephine ("Josie") Bullard in 1874 in Sangamon Co, IL;  In 1880, he and Josie were living in Cooper Co, MO, where he was an Agent in a Land Office;  He filed for an Invalid's Pension in 1890 from Kansas; At some point, he served in Co I of the 14th KS--perhaps a National Guard unit;  In 1899, he was suffering from Senile Dementia and entered the Disabled Soldiers' Home in Leavenworth, KS;  At the time, he was described as being 5' 11", with gray eyes and gray hair, His complexion is listed as "Bernette", but I think this means "Brunette";  He was a Protestant, and able to read and write;  His occupation was listed as Clerk;  He died in the Soldiers' Home in 1900, and was buried there  



William J. Webb  22  (1840 - 1914)  He was born in OH to Jonathan and Polly Webb;  He mustered in as 2 Lt of Co E, but he transferred to Co H as 1 Lt on 15 May 63--meaning he started as 1 Lt  just over 2 months before George Ritchey resigned (Did this create some animosity or, at least, did this situation result from some kind of strife in Co H?);  He was appointed Regimental Quartermaster on 18 Apr 65, but apparently continued to serve as 1 Lt of Co H;  He left both posts on 7 Jun 65 and was mustered out with the rest of Co H on 13 Jun;  Was he on furlough during that last week?;  He married Mary Jane Mathews in 1862 in Trumbull Co, OH, so he must have received at least one furlough during the War;  He spent the rest of his life after he returned home working as a Farmer in Ashtabula Co, OH;  He is buried there in the Colebrook Cemetery  

Hugh L. Ferguson  26  (1835 - 1910)   Born in Perry Co, OH, he was the son of Daniel and Louisiana Ferguson; Before the War, he attended Dennison Univ and Ohio Univ at Athens, but was unable to complete his studies, due to the War;  He married Susannah Hitchcock, the younger sister of Capt Hitchcock in the bio at the top of this page;   He was mustered into Co H as 1 Sgt on 26 Aug 62;  He was promoted to 2 Lt on 1 Feb 63, but he was never mustered into this rank;  He was promoted to 1 Lt of Co F on 24 Sep 64 and mustered out with Co H on 13 Jun 65;  He returned to school, this time attending the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, graduating as an Allopathic Physician in 1869;  He practiced medicine in Franklin Co, OH for over 35 years;  He moved to Madison Co, OH, living with one of his sons, after his wife's death, and practiced his profession for four more years until his death in 1910;  He was an active member of St. John's Evangelical Church;  He was buried in the Maple Hill Cemetery in Fairfield Co, next to his wife, Susannah     



???Adcock, Henry Stoltz  25  (1837 - 1899)   He was born in OH to John and Elizabeth Charlotte Adcock;  They lived in Perry Co in 1850 and 1860;  In 1860, he was a Common School Teacher, the rest of his life, he was a Farmer;  He married Julia Ann Lott in Perry Co in 1861;  He mustered in as a Cpl on 26 Aug 62;  He was discharged from the Army while he was in hospital at Camp Chase, OH on 10 Apr 63--was he ever at Camp Cripple Creek?;  He filed for an Invalid's Pension in Jun 63;  He enlisted in Co A of the 23 OH VRC on 27 Sep 64 and mustered out on 8 May 65;  He lived in Hocking Co, OH the rest of his life;  Julia died in 1885 and he married Jane I. Kerwood (date unknown);  In 1890, he reported to the Veterans' Census-taker that he suffered from a GSW to his neck and to his left forearm (during the Battle of Stones River?);  He died in Hocking Co and was buried in Perry Co 


Bateman, John C.  20  (1843 - 1927)   He was born in OH to Rev Samuel and Letitia Bateman;  They lived in Gallia Co, OH in 1850 and Fairfield Co in 1860;  Was mustered in as a Cpl on 26 Aug 62;  He would later be promoted to the rank of Sgt Major on 3 Feb 64;  He enlisted in the US Army in 1867 as a 2 Lt;  He resigned in Aug 72;  He was unmarried and living with his parents in Pike Co in 1880, where he worked as a Bookkeeper;  He appears in a second Census listing for Pike Co in 1880 where he lived alone and was working as a Clerk;  He entered the Soldiers' Home in Dayton, OH in Mar 1899;  His personal information was given as 5' 8" with fair complexion, gray eyes and gray hair;  He was able to Read and Write (not surprising, since his occupation was still listed as Bookkeeper) and was a Protestant;  He was also listed as Divorced--although, I can find no marriage records for him;  He reports being Totally Deaf in his Right Ear as a result of his service during the Civil War;  He was listed as being Widowed in the 1910 Census--again, no records of his marriage;  He remained at the Soldiers' Home in Dayton until 28 June 1926, when he transferred to the Roseburg Branch in Hampton, VA;  At the time of his admission in VA, he suffered from Senile Dementia, Cataract in Right Eye, and General Arteriosclerosis;  He  died there on 22 Sep 1927;  He was buried in the Hampton National Cemetery in Grave 1533 - A;  Nearly a year later (in June 1928), his personal effects (valued at $2.27) were sold at auction for $9.50       

Black, William H.   28  (1834 - 1904)  Born in Perry Co, OH to Henry and Susannah Black;  He was apparently not related to Pvt Osias H. Black listed below;  He married Susannah Hogate in IN in 1854;  In 1860, he was a Farmer in Perry Co, OH;  Mustered into the 90th OH as a Pvt;  Made a Cpl on 15 Feb 63;  He would be reduced back to a Pvt on 28 Feb 65 and mustered out on 13 Jun 65;  By 1880, he and his family had moved across the country to Washington, where they were Farmers;  He died in Spokane and was buried in the Greenwood Memorial Terrace Cemetery

Gordon, Bazil   42  (1821 - 1897)   He was born in PA, the son of George and Eleanor Gordon;  He spent the first 40 or more years of his life in Perry Co, OH;  There is a marriage record for a Bazil Gordon who married Mariah Ingraham (or Riffle) in 1841--is this our Bazil?,  There is a subsequent marriage record for Bazil and a Sarah Ann McCormick in Perry Co in 1845;  Bazil and Sarah are living in Perry Co in 1850 and 1860;He mustered into Co H as a Cpl and maintained that rank until he mustered out with the men of the Company in 1865;  I cannot find him in the 1870 Census;  In 1880, he is living in Hocking Co with a wife named Elizabeth (possibly Elizabeth Wiseman);  He filed for an Invalid's Pension in 1886;  He told the 1890 Census-taker that he had a fatty tumor from a wound he suffered in the Army;  He died of Bright's Disease in Hocking Co and was buried in the St. John's (Lutheran?  Catholic?) Church Cemetery in Hocking Co; His name varies from Basil, Bazil, Bazel, and surname is sometimes given as Gardner                                                                               


Harris, Samuel*  28  (1835 - 1864)   He mustered into the 90th OH on 26 Aug 62 as a Pvt, but was appointed Cpl on 14 Jan 63'  He was wounded on 15 Dec 1864 at the Battle of Nashville and died the next day;  He was buried in the Nashville National Cemetery in Grave F-3581


Holliday, James Jarvis  26  (1836 - 1875)  He was born in Adams Co, OH to James and Helen Holliday;  He mustered in on 26 Aug 62 as a Cpl;  He received a Medical Discharge from Chicago on 22  Feb 65;  He married Agnes Nancy Riddle in Lawrence Co, OH in 1867;  In 1870 (Lawrence Co), his occupation is listed as a Journeyman Broom Maker;  He died and is buried in Lawrence Co in 1875  

Lyons, Thomas W.  19  (1844 - )   He mustered in as a Cpl on 26 Aug 62 and remained in that rank until he mustered out on 13 Jun 65

Mains, Thomas Selby 35  (1828 - 1907)  The son of John G and Hannah Mains, he was born and lived all of his life before and after the War in Perry Co, OH as a Farmer;  He married Sarah Hazelton in Perry Co in 1851 and they had 4 children before her death in 1862;  He mustered into the 90 OH as a Sgt in Aug 62;  During the march from Wildcat Mtn to the Battle of Nashville in the late autumn of 64, Mains was one of several men who faced terrible privations, as related by Jonas Chenoweth in the 40th Reunion book (p. 228)--specifically, Thomas had no pants (!), so he fashioned a garment, sort of a single pant leg, out of a blanket;  He mustered out with his comrades on 13 Jun 65;  He married Catharine Richter in 1865 and had one child with her;  He filed a Petition for an Invalid's Pension in 1887;  Catharine died in 1894;  In 1900, his youngest child, took care of her father until his death in 1907;  He was buried in the Maplewood Cemetery 


Smith, William J.  32  (1831 - )   He mustered in on 26 Aug 62 as a Pvt;  He was promoted to the rank of Sgt (skipping the rank of Cpl!) on 19 Jun 63;  He mustered out with the Company on 13 Jun 65  



Tharp, David A.  18  (1844 - 1912)   Born In OH to David Amos and Bethany Tharp;  He and his family lived in Perry Co, OH in 1850 and 1860;  They were Farmers;  He mustered into the 90 OH on 26 Aug 62 as a Pvt;  He was promoted to Cpl on 15 Feb 63;  He would make Sgt on 15 Jan 65 and muster out on 13 Jun 65;  He married Sarah E. Sanders in 1867;  After his marriage, he continued to live in Perry Co and would remain there for the rest of his life;  In 1870, his occupation was listed as Farmer;  In 1880, his occupation was given as Engineer;  In 1890, he applied for an Invalid's Pension;  In 1900, his occupation was given as Coal Miner and in 1910, it was given as Carpenter in a Coal Mine;  He died in 1910 in Perry Co and was buried in the Springer Cemetery;  His Widow filed for her Pension within a week of her husband's death  

Turner, Thomas  21  (1842 - )  He mustered in as a Cpl on 26 Aug 62;  He was promoted to Sgt on 14 Jan 63;  He would be made 1 Sgt on 12 Oct 64;  He would go on to be named 2 Lt on 30 May 65, before mustering out on 13 Jun 65 



Wells, John M.  21  (1841 - 1908)  Born in PA to John and Elizabeth Wells;  By 1850, the Wells Family were living in Perry Co, OH;  They were Farmers;  He mustered into the 90th OH on 26 Aug 62 as a Cpl;  He was promoted to Sgt on 1 Jan 65;  He mustered out on 13 Jun 65,  He returned to OH, but he never married;  In 1880, he was living in Warren Co, OH and working as a Laborer;  He filed for an Invalid's Pension in 1888;  He was still living in Warren Co in 1900;  He died in 1908 and is buried in Maplewood Cemetery in Perry Co   

               OTHER  PERSONNEL   from  Co.  H  at   CRIPPLE  CREEK  


Brashears, Caleb     22  (1841 - )  He mustered in as a Musician on 26 Aug 62 and he mustered out on 13 Jun 65 


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Ansel, Jacob  19  (1844 - )    He mustered in 26 Aug 62 and mustered out 13 Jun 65


???Axline, Solomon  30  (1833 - )  He mustered in 26 Aug 62;  He died 9 Apr 63 in Somerset, Perry Co, OH;  Was he ever at Cripple Creek?  

???Black, Osias H.*  25  (1837- 1863)  Born in Fairfield Co, OH to Allen and Alcinda Black;  He married Margaret Wright in Perry Co in 1860;  His Occupation in 1860 was a Journeyman Carpenter;  He mustered into the 90th OH on 26 Aug 62; He was discharged 12 Feb 63 on a Surgeon's Certificate;  Was he ever at Cripple Creek?  He died in Feb 1863 in Nashville and is buried there; however, he also has a cenotaph in the Forest Rose Cemetery;  He was apparently not related to William Black in the earlier bio

Bowlby, Henry*  32  (1831 - 1863)  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  Drowned 5 Sep 63 in the Tennessee River, near Shell Mound, TN 

Brown, Jacob  18  (1845 - )  Mustered in 26 Aug 62 as a Pvt;  Would be appointed Cpl 28 Feb 65;  Mustered out 13 Jul 65


Brunner, Philip M.  20  (1843 - )  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  He would be captured at Chickamauga on 20 Sep 63;  He would be exchanged on 30 Mar 65 and mustered out at Camp  Chase 0 19 Jun 65


Bumcrots, John M.  18  (1845 - )  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  Mustered out on 13 Jun 65;  Was he a brother to William Bumcrots, in the bio below?


Bumcrots, William  22  (1841 - )  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  Jonas Chenoweth in the 40th Reunion book (p. 228) tells of some of the hardships suffered by some of his comrades leading up to the Battle of Nashville in Dec 64, including the notation that Bill Bumcrots had no coat, shoes, or socks;  Mustered out on 13 Jun 65;  Was he a brother to John M  Bumcrots, in the bio above?

Chenoweth, Jonas S.  27  (1836 - )  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  During the march from Wildcat Mtn to Nashville in the late autumn of 64, Jonas walked barefoot in the snow (this, from the 40th Reunion book)-he tells of some of the other hardships leading up to the Battle of Nashville in the section titled Uncle Sam's Commissary (pp. 227 - 229);  Mustered out 13 Jun 65


Chilcote, John Wesley   21  (1841 - 1929)   Born in Perry Co, OH to Joshua and Catharine (Shaw) Chilcote;  Mustered in 11 Aug 62;  Mustered out 13 Jun 65; Went back home to Perry Co and lived there almost the rest of his life; Married Harriet Moore in 1867; Worked primarily as a Carpenter, but did some Farming, also;  In 1890, he told the Census-taker for the special Veterans' Schedule that he suffered from Heart and Chest Diseases;  However, this didn't prevent him from living almost another 40 years;  He died in Muskingum Co, OH in 1929 and was buried in the Uniontown Cemetery, next to his wife, who had died the year before

Coleman, Ovid A.  18  (1845 - )   He was mustered into the 90th OH on 26 Aug 62;  The AG's Roster does not indicate when he was appointed Cpl, so I am unsure what his rank was when he was at Cripple Creek;  He mustered out on 23 May 65 in Knoxville, TN by order of the War Dept--I do not know why he was not mustered out with the rest of Co H  

Coons, Andrew  18  (1845 - )  He was mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  Mustered out 13 Jun 65

Cooper, Erasmus M.  26  (1837 - )  He was mustered into the 90th OH on 26 Aug 62;  He received a Medical Discharge on on 21 Nov 63

Damonde, John H.  21  (1862 - )  Mustered into Co H on 26 Aug 62;  He was Medically Discharged on 5 Sep 63 from Camp Dennison, OH

Dishong, William  21  (1862 - )  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62 as a Pvt;  Promoted to Cpl 28 Feb 65;  Mustered out with Co H on 13 Jun 65






Dundon, William C.  25  (1838 - )   Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  Mustered out 13  Jun 65





Ecenrode, James  19  (1844 - )   Mustered in with Co H on 26 Aug 62;  He would transfer to the VVES on 7 Aug 64 and would muster out with them on 30 Jun 65

Edwards, Perry  24  (1839 - )    Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  Would be wounded on 15 Dec 64 at the Battle of Nashville and discharged on a Surgeon's Certificate 

Emrine, Henry  21  (1842 - )  Mustered into the 90th OH on 26 Aug 62;  He would be wounded near Dallas, GA on 10 May 64;  Mustered out with the rest of his company on 13 Jun 65




???Fickel, William T.  18  (1845 - )  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  Would receive a Medical Discharge on 30 Mar 63 from a hospital in Louisville, KY   

???Flowers, Patrick N.  19  (1844 - )  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  Discharged on 27 Mar 63 from Camp Dennison, OH

Ford, John H.  34  (1829 - )  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  Mustered out on 13 Jul 65


Fry, Josephus D.  28  (1835 - )  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  Mustered out on 13 Jul 65







Gettman, Adam  31  (1832 - )  Mustered in 26 Aug 62 a a Sgt;  Reduced, at his request, to a Pvt on 14 Jan 63;  Mustered out on 13 Jun 65





Graves, James W.  18  (1845 - )  Mustered into the 90th OH on 26 Aug 62;  Wounded 31 Dec 62 at Stones River;  Would transfer to the VRC on 21 Jan 64 and would muster out with them on 5 Jul 65 from Detroit, Mich





Grim, Daniel  18  (1845 - )  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62 and mustered out on 13 Jul 65





???Hook, Alexander*  18  (1845 - 1863)  Name given as Abraham in some records;  Younger brother of Samuel Hook in the bio below;  Mustered into the 90th OH on 26 Aug 62;  Died 9 Apr 63 in a hospital in Gallatin, TN 

Hook, Samuel  21  (1862 - )  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62 with his younger brother, Alexander, in the bio above;  Mustered out on 13 Jul 65

Hes, George W.  35  (1828 - )  Mustered in and out with his comrades


Irvin, Andrew  19  (1844 - )  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  Appointed Cpl 28 Feb 65;  Mustered out on 13 Jul 65

Jackson, William S.  19  (1844 - )  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  No further information is given on him in the AG's Report

Kinnan, John  24  (1839 - )  Mustered in and out with his company




Kissick, Robert  22  (1841 - )  Mustered in and mustered out with his company

Krumbaugh, Samuel J.  21  (1842 - )   Mustered in 26 Aug 62;  Would be wounded 20 Jun 64 at Kenesaw Mtn, GA;  Mustered out 16 May 65 from Nashville, TN




Kulp, Michael  19  (1844 - )  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  Would be Medically Discharged on 23 Apr 64

Laughman, Henry C.  19  (1844 - )  Mustered in and out with Co H


Lott, Bradford  19  (1844 - )  Mustered in as a Pvt on 26 Aug 62;  He would be the tentmate of John Chilcote for most of his enlistment, sharing in the benefits of Chilcote's foray into "the dairy business" while at Cripple Creek; He would eventually be made a Cpl on 28 Feb 65;   He mustered out on 13 Jun 65


Lutz, William   23  (1840 - )  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  Would receive a Medical Discharge on 18 Feb 65  

McClerg, William  23  (1840 - )  Mustered in and out with his comrades



Minor, Andrew J*  24  (1839 - 1864)  Mustered in alongside of his brother, Thomas M. Minor--see the next bio;  He would die on 2 Aug 64 at Vining Station, GA

Minor, Thomas M.  31  (1832 - )  Mustered in with his brother, Andrew (see bio above)  on 26 Aug 62;   He would receive a

Medical Discharge on 25 Jun 63

Mohler, Adam  19  (1844 - )  Mustered in with his company on 26 Aug 62 and mustered out with them on 13 Jul 65




Moore, John William  21  (1842 - 1908)  Born in OH to Calvin/Colvin and Elizabeth Moore;  Lived nearly the whole of his life in in Madison Twp, Perry Co, OH as a Farmer; Mustered in with Co H on 26 Aug 62;  He was known as "Little Johnny Moore", although all indications are that he was 21 in 1863--hardly the youngest soldier in Co H--is it possible he was just short or perhaps especially young-looking for his age?;  According to the 40th Reunion book,  he was promoted to Cpl after the Battle of Stones River, but this is not reflected in the AG's Report;  The book also tells us that the soldiers in Co E called him Co. H's "Little Corporal";  On pp.138 -141 of The 40th Reunion book, you will find the story of how he was kidnapped by Confederate bushwhackers near Manchester, TN during the Tullahoma Campaign and the efforts made by men in the whole regiment to find him;  He was mustered out on 13 Jul 65;  He married Priscilla J. Chilcote in 1867--she might have been a distant cousin of Pvt John Chilcote of Co H;  He filed for an Invalid's Pension in 1889;  In the 1890 Veterans' Census, he reports suffering from Chronic Diarrhea, Rheumatism, and Asthma;  He died in Muskingum Co, OH in 1908 and was buried in Union Cemetery in Perry Co, OH 

Ormick, John T.  37  (1826 - )  Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;   Received a Medical Discharge on 25 Nov 63


Price, Robert F.  18  (1845 - )   Mustered in as a Pvt on 26 Aug 62;  Would be made the Principal Musician on 5 Jan 65

Rickett, Ezra  20  (1843 - )  Mustered in and out with his company;

Roberts, William T.   37  (1826 - )  Mustered in with the 90th OH on 26 Aug 62;  Mustered out on 13 Jul 65

Smittley, John William  23  (1840 - 1923)  Born to John and Catharine Smittley in Muskingum Co;    Mustered in on 26 Aug 62 as a Pvt;  He was appointed to Cpl on 1 May 65;  He mustered out with his company on 13 Jul 65;  He married Catharine Higgins in Perry Co in 1865;  By 1880, he and his family were living in Miami Co, OH, as Farmers;  In 1890, he reported suffering from Chronic Rheumatism;  It is also noted in the 1890 Census that the length of time he was in the Army is added up incorrectly on his Discharge Papers;  He continued to live in Miami Co until his death in 1923, and is buried in the Riverside Cemetery 



Snyder, Daniel S.  27  (1836 - 1909)  Daniel was born in MD;  I haven't found his father's name, but his mother's name was Hannah;  From 1850 (or before) until his death, he lived in Mercer Co, OH;  He was a Farmer;  Mustered in as a Pvt in Co H  on 26 Aug 62;  Would be appointed Comm Sgt  on 23 Aug 64;  Mustered out on 13 Jul 65;  I am not certain, but I believe he was married three times:  Rachel Vian in 1865; Harriet Lytle in 1869;  Harriet died in 1883, and he married Catherine Vance in 1884;  (I assume that Rachel died sometime before 1869);  He died of Heart Disease in 1909 and was buried in the Tomlinson Cemetery in Mercer Co


Sowsley, George   25  (1838 - )   Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  He would transfer to the VVEC on 16 Jul 64;  He would muster out with them on 26 Sep 65 from Nashville





Strait, James A.  18  (1842 - 1933)   He was born in OH, to Henry and Catherine Strait/Streight;  (I believe that William Strait in the next bio is actually James' younger brother, although the AG's Report shows him to be older);  He lived in Perry Co, OH for the first 25  years of his life;  Mustered in as a Pvt with Co H on 26 Aug 62;  Appointed as a Cpl on 28 Feb 65;  He mustered out on 13 Jul  65;  He removed to Missouri around 1868 and was living in Lafayette Co, MO in 1870; The following year, he married Flora Ann Allman in Bates Co, MO--they would spend the rest of their lives as Farmers in Bates Co;  In the 1890 Veterans' Census, he reported he had had no Disabilities Incurred in the Army;  In 1930, he told the Census-Taker he was able to read and write;  He also reported he owned no radio set;  He died in 1933 and was buried in the Mulberry Cemetery in Bates Co    


Strait, William Hays  18   (1844 - 1829)   The AG's Report has his age as 22, but family records place his birthyear as 1844;  He was born (I am reasonably sure) in Perry Co to Henry and Catherine Strait, making him the brother of James Strait in the bio above;  He lived in Perry Co for the first two decades of his life;  One military record lists him as being in the 31 OH, Co A, from Sep 61 to Sep 62--meaning he would have been 17 when he mustered in with them and would still have a month with the 31st at the time he mustered into the 90th;  So, was this a different William H. Strait who served in the 31st?;  We know for sure that he mustered into the 90th OH  on 26 Aug 62;  He was reportedly wounded in the left hand--at Chickamauga?;  He also reported being captured and taken to Libby Prison for 29 days;  He mustered out on 13 Jul 65.  He is probably the Willaim Strait who married Mary Jane Petty in Perry Co in 1866;  William and Mary J Strait are Farmers in Howard Co, IN in 1870;  By 1880, they are back in Perry Co as Farmers once more;;  He filed a Petition for an Invalid's Pension in 1880;  By 1889, he is living in Butler Co, KS;  A  woman named Mary J. Strait files for a Widows Pension in 1894--is this a record for that other William and  Mary J. Strait?  (This William served in the Cavalry);   In 1900,they are back in Perry Co, still as Farmers;  In 1910, William is a Widower, still living in Perry Co;  In 1920, what I believe to be my William is an Inmate at the IN Asylum for the Insane in Athens, IN--the result of PTSD or alcoholism, perhaps;  Finally, William dies of Arterio-sclerosis (in Perry Co?) and is buried there in the  Ironpoint Cemetery   


???Tracy, Abraham   24  (1836 - 1906)  He was born in Baltimore, MD to Lewis and Nancy Tracy;  He lived in Perry Co, OH virtually his whole life;  Married Martha Ann Frazier in Perry Co in 1860;  Mustered in with the 90th OH on 26 Aug 62;  Discharged on 3 Mar 63 on a Surgeon's Certificate from Nashville;  Was he ever at Cripple Creek?  Most Census Reports see him working as a Laborer/Day Laborer, with the exception of 1900, in which he was a Coal Miner;  He died of Pneumonia in 1906 and was buried in the Iliff Cemetery in Perry Co 



Van Horn, Samuel*  21  (1842 - 1864)  Name occasionally appears as Vanhorn or Vanhorne;  He was born in OH and lived in Perry Co, OH in 1850 and 1860 with a couple named Wilson;  He was not married in the 1860 Census;  Mustered into the 90th OH on 26 Aug 62;  Died 11 Jan 64 in a General Hospital No 3 in Vicksburg, Miss--his cause of death was Chronic Diarrhea;  He is buried in the Vicksburg National Cemetery, but there is some confusion over which grave he rests in--most sources say Grave I - 7571, but his regiment is given as 11 Iowa Co C;  One document makes note of a soldier named Christ Jedman of Co C of the 16th Iowa, who died on 4 Mar 1864 and is buried in Grave I - 7561;   Samuel and Crist may have died 3 months apart, but they are unwittingly linked in death;  There was a Widow's Pension Petition filed by Samuel's widow, named Martha

--I have been unable to find her last name or information on when and  where she and Samuel were married



Vansickle, James Reuben  21  (1841-1921)  Apparently went by his middle name, since many records refer to him as Reuben or J. Reuben Vansickle;  Born to Stephen and Eliza Vansickle in Perry Co, OH--he lived virtually all of his life as a Farmer in Perry Co; Was he related to Stephen Vansickle in the next bio;  Mustered in and out of the 90th OH with Co H;  Returned home and married Deborah (Debby) A. Wilson in 1866;  He filed for an Invalid's Pension in 1888;  He died in 1921 of Apoplexy and was buried in the Hopewell Cemetery in Perry Co  

???Vansickle, Stephen  25  (1838 - )  Was he related to James Reuben in the previous bio?;  Received a Medical discharge from Nashville on 21 Apr 63;  Was he actually at Cripple Creek?

???Virts, Richard Henry   24  (1839 - 1923)  Name given in AG's Report as Vertz, but family record and tombstone say Virts;  Born in Loudoun Co, VA to Jacob and Pleasant Ann (James) Virts;  In 1860, he is living with another Virts family--perhaps an uncle--along with a Samuel Fry;  Richard, according to his obit, left his native VA "with considerable risk" to avoid serving in the Confederacy and having to take up arms against the Union--I don't know how he came to be in Perry Co, OH;   Mustered into the 90th OH on 26 Aug 62;  Discharged on a Surgeon's Certificate on 10 Feb 63 from Camp Dennison, OH--was he injured at Stones River?  If so, was he ever at Cripple Creek?;  Married Mary Amanda Baker in Muskingum Co, OH in 1864;  He was a Farmer in Perry Co in 1870;  He and Mary and their young family removed to DeWitt Co, IL by 1880, but they eventually settled in Montgomery Co, IN;  He and Mary died there and are buried in the Oak Hill Cemetery in Crawfordsville, IN






Walker, Robert *  20  (1843 - 1864)   Born in Perry Co, OH to Robert and Patience Walker;  The Walkers were Farmers in Perry Co, OH in 1850 and 1860;  Young Robert mustered into the 90th OH on 26 Aug 62;  He was one of the main sources of information I used to create my website on Cripple Creek;  He was wounded at The Battle of Nashville on 15 Dec 64 and died 17 Dec 1864 in a Nashville Hospital;  He was buried in the Nashville National Cemetery



Walker, William Henry   21   (1841 - 1923)   He was born in Perry Co, OH to Joseph and Catherine Walker;  He married Mariah Ann Russell in 1862, before being mustered into the 90th OH on 26 Aug 62;  Received a Surgical Discharge 3 Mar 63 from Louisville;  He went from hospital (in Nashville?) to Cripple Creek, then to Louisville;  He returned to Perry Co and worked as a Merchant and as a Shoemaker;  He died in 1923 of Senility and is buried in Somerset, OH in the Holy Trinity Cemetery;  Was he a distant cousin to Robert Walker in the bio above? 



Wilson, Levi  19  (1844 - )   Mustered in on 26 Aug 62






Younger, Aaron  23  (1840 - )    Mustered in on 26 Aug 62;  Transferred to the VRC on 5 Feb 64 and mustered out with them 


         DIED                            GONE                  PRISONER               IN HOSPITAL            NOT YET

                                           HOME                    OF WAR                                                 RECRUITED

Baird, Samuel M.

Chilcote, Henry C.

Edington, Perry A. (Cpl.)

Melick, Lyman

Reelhorn, Jesse

Speaks, James F.

Tracy, John W.

Whitmore, Henry

Bugh, Bernard

Freeman, Jacob (1 Lt)

Chaney, Jared* -- Was

   exchanged on 1 Feb 63;

   Died at Annapolis, MD

   8 Feb 63

Ashbaugh, Robert (Sgt) --

   Discharged from Camp

   Dennison on 6 Jan 63

???Barnes, Caleb (Cpl)* --

   Would die in Hosp in

   Nashville on 27 Jan 63

???Chilcote, William H.* --

   Would die in Nashville hosp

   on 23 Jan 63

???Guffey, Eli* -- Would die in

   hosp in Nashville on 31 Jan 


???Hadley,  Henry H. -- Would

   be disch from the service

   from a Nashville hosp on

   21 Jan 63

???Juniper, Absalom* -- Would

   die in Nashville (hosp)

   on 2 Feb 63  

Potts, Isaiah J.* -- Died in hosp

   in Nashville on 13 Jan 63 

Selby, John N. (2 Lt) -- 

   Suffered GSW at Stones

   River and Medically

   Discharged on 27 Jan 63

Spicer, William H. -- Disch

   from the service from a

   Nashville hosp on 6 Jan 63

Ashbaugh, David --

   (Possibly an older

   brother to Sgt

   Ashbaugh who was

   disch in Jan 63 --

   David was mustered-in

   in Sept 64


1 Lt James K Jones

   would transfer from

   Co G on 24 Sep 64,

   when he would

   become Capt of Co H



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