Camp cripple creek
18 january - 24 june 1863

Capt Jeremiah Mewhinney* 36 (1825 - 1864) Born in OH; Served as a Pvt in the 4th IN Infantry, Co H (The Ft. Harrison Guards) during the Mexican War; Married Frances Carter in 1849; Was a well-to-do Farmer in Vigo Co before the Civil War; Mustered in from Terre Haute on 5 Sep 61 as Capt of Co C; Injured at Shiloh: Although he was still officially listed as Capt of Co C, the Register of Deaths of Volunteers shows him as being Regular Army; Died 24 Jun 64 in Chicago, IL "of disease"; Buried at Lone Hill Cemetery, Vigo Co, IN
1 Lt Joseph F. Morris 31 (<1830> - 1871) Born in IN in Dec 1830, according to a family source on Ancestry; Mustered in from Riley, Vigo Co on 5 Sep 61 as 2 Lt of Co C; Promoted to 1 Lt on 8 Feb 62 and would remain in this rank until he resigned 12 Sep 64; Returned to Vigo Co where he married Lavina E. Barnes and began a family; Farmer; Died (interred) in June 1871; Cemetery records say he was 40 when he died and list his birth year as 1831, but if he were born in Dec 30 (as the family records say) and died in Jun 71, he would still be 40 years old
2 Lt Lucien Ray* 22 (<1839> - 1864) Born in IN; Mustered in from Terre Haute on 5 Sep 61 as 1 Sgt of Co C; Promoted to 2 Lt on 8 Feb 62; He was still 2 Lt when he died of Smallpox on11 Apr 64 at the Tullahoma, TN General Hospital; Buried at Stones River National Cemetery Grave J-3863 (His name is spelled Lucian Ray on the gravestone)
Evans, Martin Van Buren* ( - 1864) Mustered in from Terre Haute as a Cpl on 20 Sep 61; Killed at Kennesaw Mtn, GA on 24 Jun 64; I find a Martin Evans living in Vigo Co in 1860, but he was born about 1850 in TX! I can't find where our Martin Evans is buried, either
Hughes, Samuel D* 22? (1839? -1864) Mustered in from Terre Haute as a Sgt on 20 Sep 61; Died at Regimental Hospital in Cowan, Franklin Co, TN of Erysipelas on 9 Apr 64; (The AG report says 16 Apr, the Register of Deaths of Volunteers says 9 Apr, and what I believe to be his tombstone (cenotaph?) in Vigo Co says 6 Apr, and the transcription on Find-A-Grave says 6 Apr 1861!)
Mahan, Leonard H. 22 (1839 - 1938) Lived in Vigo County nearly all of his life; Mustered in from Terre Haute as a Cpl on 20 Sep 61; Promoted to 1 Lt on 24 Jun 64; Resigned 6 Apr 65; Made his living growing fruit trees; Lived to be 99 years old!
Young, William L. 23 (1838 - 1904) Born in IN; Mustered in from Lockport, Vigo Co, on 20 Sep 61 as a Cpl; Transferred to Co D of 115th Reg as a 2 Lt on 4 Aug 63; Mustered out from 115th on 25 Feb 65; Applied for pension as Invalid in 1889 in IN; 1900 Census From Johnson Co, IN, shows he and Clara were married about 1885 and his birthday is May 1838; His widow, Clara A., filed for her pension in 1904 from IN
Burgan, James A.* 27 (1834 - 1865) Born in Pa; Mustered in from Terre Haute on 20 Sep 61 as a Musician; Vet; Killed in a Railroad accident in Knoxville, TN on 14 Mar 65; Buried Knoxville National Cemetery, Grave A-1375
Harris, Daniel W. 18 (1843 - 1905) Born in OH, he mustered in from Terre Haute on 20 Sep 61 as a Musician; Vet; Mustered out 2 Dec 65 as a Principal Musician; Pension application indicates he was also in Co I, but I find no record of him there; After the War, Daniel married Florinda Stough in Clay Co, IN and lived there as a Railroad worker for the rest of his life; Daniel and Flora are buried in Brazil, Clay Co, IN
Splady, Aaron ( - ) Mustered in from Terre Haute on 20 Sep as a Wagoner; Vet; Mustered out 8 Dec 65; While there were several Splady family members living in Vigo County from the mid-1800s forward, I can find no information about Aaron

Alvis, Dixon (18 - )
Ash, Alonzo (18 - )
Aterburn, John C. <21> (<1840> - 1873) Born in IN; Mustered in from Terre Haute on 20 Sep 61 as a Pvt; Vet; Promoted to 2 Lt on 1 Jun 65; Promoted to 2 Lt on 1 Jul 65; Married Harriet Burk in 1866; Worked as a Laborer after the War in Vigo Co, which is where he is buried
Beauchamp, Thomas J. (18 - )
Brady, Isaac O. (18 - )
Brenton, Zenas K. (18 - )
Brewster, John (18 - )
Brown, William A. J. (18 - )
Carter, Charles M. (18 - )
Clark, William P. (18 - )
Cooper, Marian (18 - )
Ferguson, James J. (18 - )
Foulke, Silas Dudley 20 (1841 -1922) Born in OH; Mustered in on 20 Sep 61 from Christy's Prairie, Clay Co, IN; Vet; Mustered out 8 Dec 65 as a Cpl; After the War, he continued to live in Clay Co and was a Farmer; He was one of the flag bearers at the Monument Square Dedication on 15 May 1902 in Indianapolis, IN
Fouts, Joseph B.* 21 (1842 - 1863) Mustered in from Christy's Prairie, Clay Co, on 20 Sep 61; Died in City General Hospital, Indianapolis, IN, on 5 Jun 63; The AG's report says he died of "w'ds, pistol shot", the Register of Deaths of Volunteers gives the cause of death as of a "Gunshot wound to the brain"; It is possible his wound was self-inflicted--either a suicide or an accident--and I do not know when the incident occurred; I wonder if it happened at Camp Cripple Creek?; He is buried in Grave 10-550 of the Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis
Gilbert, Hiram (1837 - 1919) Born in IN in Mar 37; Mustered in on 20 Sep 61 from Christy's Prairie, Clay Co; He received a medical discharge on 12 Apr 64, due to wounds; Lived as a Farmer in Clay Co for most of his life
Gittings, Joseph B. (18 - )
Graham, Robert (18 - )
Gray, William Henry Harrison (18 - )
Green, Thomas 20 (1841 - 1914) Born in Vigo Co; Farmer; Mustered in 20 Sep 61 from Terre Haute; Wounded at Shiloh and again at Chickamauga (had his left eye shot out there!); Returned to active duty; Mustered out 15 Sep 64; Lived most of his life as a Farmer in Riley, Vigo Co, IN
Hixon, William (18 - )
Holeston, Andrew M. (18 - )
Jones, James (18 - )
Jones, Wesley (18 - )
Joslin, Jahiel F. (18 - )
Larison, Robert (18 - )
Leak, Israel (18 - )
Light, Jacob (18 - )
Lowe, Isaac O. (18 - )
Lowe, Jeremiah T.* (18 - )
According to The Weekly Sentinel of 26 Jan 63, he was wounded at the Battle of Stones River, the "character of the wound not known"
Malory, John G.* (18 - )
Miller, Harlan P. (18 - )
Morris, William A. (18 - )
Moses, George (18 - )
Newton, Andrew Jackson* (18 - )
O'Conner, Timothy (18 - )
Phillips, Richard M. (18 - )
Pierce, Thomas C. (18 - )
Price, Alfred H. (18 - )
Rector, Benjamin V. (1839 - 1924) Born in IN in Apr 39; Mustered in 20 Se 61 from Christy's Prairie, Clay Co; Vet; Mustered out 8 Dec 65 as QM Sgt; Lived most of his life in Clay Co, IN as a Farmer; I suspect that he and Charles Galen Rector were distant cousins, but I haven't been able to verify this yet
Rector, Charles Galen (1839 - 1915) Born in Oct 39 IN, the son of John and Catherine Rector; Farmer; Mustered in on 20 Sep 61 from Christy's Prairie, Clay Co, IN: Wounded at Kennesaw Mtn on 16 Jun 64--shot through the left leg below the knee and through the right thigh; Transferred to Veterans' Reserve Corps 17 Feb 65; Lived in Perry, Clay Co nearly all of his life; I suspect he was a distant cousin to Benjamin V. Rector, above; Not to be confused with Charles Prentice Rector (born Feb 40 to John P. and Martha Rector) who also lived in Perry, Clay Co, and died in 1923; And there was also a Charles Henry Rector...
Reece, John L. (18 - )
Reeve, Jerome B. (18 - )
Roberts, Thomas J. (18 - )
???Ruddle, James J, (18 - )
Ryman, William T. 21? (1840? - 1924?) Mustered in as a Pvt from Terre Haute on 20 Sep 61; Promoted to 2 Lt on 28 Nov 64; Promoted to 1 Lt on 7 Ap 65; Promoted to Capt of Co C from13 Jun 65 until being mustered out; Filed for a pension as an Invalid in 1868; There is a record for a William T. Ryman who was born 14 Jun 40 and who died in Montrose, Colo, on 26 Ar 24--is this our William?
Serts, Henry (18 - )
Sutherlin, Samuel H. (18 - )
Sutherlin, Marquis H. (18 - )
Swalls, Valentine (18 - )
Totton, Joshua* (18 - )
Turner, William (18 - )
Welch, George C. (18 - )
Willoughby, Levi B. (18 - )
Willy, Samuel A. (18 - )
Wyatt, James J. (18 - )
Wyeth, Henry E. (1836 - 1904) Born in OH, but came to Vigo Co before 1850; Mustered in on 20 Sep 61 from Terre Haute as a Pvt; Promoted to 2Lt on 1 Aug 65; Promoted to 1 Lt shortly thereafter (the AG records don't give the date); Mustered out 8 Dec 65 as a Commissary Sgt; Lived most of his life as a Farmer in Riley, Vigo Co, IN
Young, Francis M. (18 - )
Young, Myron H. (18 - )

Anderson, Iven
Brown, James T.
Burns, James A.
Clark, Walter L.
Cotton, Joseph B.
Donham, James M.
Dubre, Jonathan (Sgt)
Hunt, Eli B.
Jenckes, John (Cpl)
Kershner, George W.
Kershner, Thomas F.
Lowe, John
Modisett, Watson S.
Monce, John A.
Moore, Richard M.
Ransford, Levi B.
Ransford, Samuel
Redifer, William S.
Sharp, Alexander S. (Cpl)
Solomon, Jacob
Watson, James L. (Cpl)
Baker, Elijah
Ferguson, Elijah L.
Foster, Ellery (Sgt)
Harris, Daniel (not Daniel W. Harris, the Musician)
Jeffres, William
Larisen, Francis M.
Marshall, Albert
Peterson, James
Sharp, Isaac N.
Bain, Henry - Absent, sick,
not heard from since
7 Jun 62
Sharp, James M. (Deserted)
Davis, Lucas M. (Cpl) --
To 43rd IN on 1 Dec 61
Adair, Stephen
Brill, Huntley
Brown, Dallas*
Boofman, Henry
Beck, Samuel
Blackburn, Cyrus
Brown, John B.*
Brinley, George W.
Cansey, Milton W.
Cole, Milton B.
Coon, John
Coon, Simon
Cornish, John G.*
Coulters, George
Critchlow, Walter L.
Cruse, James N, (D)
Cruse, John*
Cruse, William (D)
Cruse, Zachariah
Deaver, John C.
Dennis, William
Emery, William
Foulke, William
Fransley, Halbey B.
Frelinghuysen, Frank
Gastenhelt, John
Haggard, William
Harmon, Hayman
Hemberle, Charles
Huff, Hiatt
Huff, Milton
Johnson, John R.*
Joslin, Edward H.
Kester, William
Koon, James M.
Koon, John C.
Larrison, Luther
Latta, Sylvanus
Long, John
Lynn, William C.
McKinnis, John R.
Martin, James S.
Mayden, James N
Morris, Francis
Pointer, Henry C.*
Queen, Elijah
Rector, Elijah O.
Reddy, Thomas
Reed, John
Reed, John H.
Richard, John R.
Seibert, John Christian "Cris" (P)
Slicer, William
Smock, John R.*
Stark, Alonzo M.
Sterm, Jacob
Stuart, James W.
Toby, John E.
Tucker, John B.*
Wallace, William
Wilkinson, James B.
Zint, George