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T. Buchanan Read

   Peach Trees in Blossom


1  -  14  MARCH 

SUN. 1                    A beautiful day


          21 -- Frank Coffee  (1 KY H)

          23 -- James M. Sipple  (31 IN B)

          26 -- Lt. Louis Hoeke  (1 KY H)

          30 -- Nathan Bond  (31 IN I)



...Went on picket.  It was a beautiful day.  The regiment got mail to-day, which the boys highly appreciated.



Line of battle early and inspection of arms in compliance with Genl Woods['] late order.  Company inspection at 10 o'clock...



MON. 2                   Another nice day with clear skies but air cold


          20 -- John H. Camper  (1 KY F) 

          22 -- James Anderson  (31 IN K)

          26 -- Charles A. Pinger (1 KY G)



Regt on Picket



A skirmish reported beyond Readyville



...Go at 8 o'clock about 4 miles west of camp after forage.  Our company thrown out as flankers on the right...Return to camp before noon...




TUE.  3                   A cold, cloudy day--a mixture of sunshine and shadow


          16 -- William H. Horsfall  (1 KY G)

          19 -- Byron Deer  (31 IN A)

          20 -- William H. Elvis  (1 KY D)

          26 -- Sgt Tyler Gilkeson  (31 IN A)




Lincoln signs The Conscription Act, which led to the

"New York City Draft Riots"; also on this  

day the Idaho Territory was organized









The entire division of General Reynolds passed our camp, going

towards Woodbury



...The regiment worked on the fortifications to-day.



...On Picket at 8 o'clock.  About 10 o'clock a large body of troops passes our lines, Reynolds' Division...[William] Newcome and [Elnathan?] Smith return to our post [?] and we have a rich time.



WED. 4                        Day and night extremely beautiful, but also cold


          20 -- Hiram Lackey  (31 IN H)



...Relieved at 8 o'clock and return to camp to commence working on

Reports and drawing clothes.  Work all the forenoon and sleep all the

afternoon.  The boys [?] in our mess have a pleasant time...William Schultz

in camp for his final papers.





THUR.  5                A beautiful day (and night);  Quite cold in the evening          FULL MOON


          24 -- Josiah Forcelle  (2 KY B)

          26 -- Joseph Axford  (1 OH LA)

The Battle of Thompson's Station (near Franklin), TN



An election this day for five persons whose names should be

placed on the Roll of Honor, according to published order of

General Rosecrans.  The following men were elected, viz:  John

Boon, Joseph Axford, Thomas C. Potter, John Snyder, and C.B.




Cannonading all day in the direction of the rebel army...

Some of the men were on picket.



...Finished Pay Rolls...Afternoon sleep off my ill feeling...About

midnight receive notice that we move with one days ration at

5 o'clock in the morning.




FRI.  6                     A cold rain fell all day


           20 -- Anthony Rengering  (2 KY H)          

           22 -- Eli S. Anderson  (1 KY H)



Were paid this day for four months' services, being up to

January 1st.  The first payment we had received in six months.  

This put the men in good spirits again, but they had one difficulty,

and that was, they had no means of getting rid of their money,

as the market in this vicinity was not over-well stocked with what

a soldier wants.



...The forage wagons went to Murfreesboro, and a part of the regiment went as guards.



...Reveille at 4 o'clock.  The 1st and 2nd KY move at day light to Readyville occupying the camp of the 19th Brigade while it joins Reynolds in a move on Woodbury.  We bivouac without shelter and remain, rendered miserable by the cold rain until the troops return about dark.  We march rapidly to camp finding our tent clean and _____...





SAT.  7                    Damp and cloudy; A regular "thundergust" of a storm at night


          21 -- John Camper  (1 KY K)

          21 -- Adj. George M. Noble  (31 IN F&S)





...a portion of General Reynold's force--which went towards

Woodbury a few days previous [ 3 Mar]--returned to Murfreesboro.  

Cannonading was heard this day--supposed to be in the direction

of Franklin.



Worked on a road in front of headquarters, in mud up to our

knees.  There was cannonading in front all day.



...On Picket and comfortable in the well-arranged shelter...

A young girl, passable in looks, visits the Picket post to trade

Butter, Milk, eggs, &c for Coffee and sugar.  These women dare

all for these luxuries...




SUN.  8                   Cold, wet, drizzly, but "tolerably pleasant"

          25 -- John A. Ripperton  (1 OH LA)

          26 -- Joseph L. Devault  (90 OH B)

          27 -- Hiram Gilbert  (31 IN C)

          42 -- QM Sgt. Franklin W. Fee  (1 KY F&S)


...the order was passed to prepare to march.  But, after getting ready, we stood all day waiting for word to proceed.  Just at dark were told to unharness horses, as we were not to move for the present.


This is another Sunday, and a cold, wet, drizzly day.  Received mail today.


...Mother sends an appropriate Birth Day present. [What was it?]...

Irving Fuller arriving from Louisville Well and hearty--the same old Irv.  

Hear today of the defeat of our troops at Franklin, Tenn!  Boys very indignant.


MON.  9                  Very pleasant during the day;  Night rather stormy

          15 -- Henry Donahay  (31 IN H)

          19 -- William S. Shuster  (90 OH B)


Went on picket, but were ordered back to get ready to move.  Took down our tents, but did not move, but went back to the picket line.


...About 9 o'clock ordered to strike tents--the baggage loaded in wagons and we rest in line with 3 days rations, ready to move.  Companies A and K came down from the Knob but do not move.  At night they return and tents are pitched but wagons not unloaded...


TUE.  10                 Heavy rains, very disagreeable

          19 -- Jesse P. DeBeck  (2 KY D)

          20 -- Thomas J. Farrar  (1 KY C)


All quiet on Cripple Creek.  Tents were again pitched.  Considerable

rain fell during the day.


It rained all day.  Came in off picket and went to work putting up our tents again.


Rainy and disagreeable Reveille.  Pack knapsacks ready to move.  

The cause of the commotion, The advance of the Rebels in force

as near [?] as Woodbury.  Their camp fires last night almost discernable [?]...


WED.  11              Morning cold, but sunshiny and the mud begins to dry up

          18 -- John Henry Pigman  (2 KY F)

            26 -- Cpl. George Saxton  (31 IN A)


Orders to move countermanded...


...On Picket.  Visited again by the girl who as she ______

is in quite a quandry about [John] Guthrie appr___ing some milk.  

(She intended for [John] Snediker.)  After much talk [Samuel] Duff

and I got the milk and enjoyed ______ at dinner...


THUR.  12              Pleasant

               22 -- John Chilcote  (90 OH H)

               27 -- Lorenz Voelker  (2 KY K)


Lt. [Norman] Baldwin went to Nashville this day, to procure horses.


Drew five days' rations today.


...Releived [sic] early...


FRI.  13             Pleasant

          23 -- Frank Diederich  (1 OH LA)

          23 -- Cpl John Cook  (31 IN A)

            28 -- 2 Lt Hugh L. Ferguson  (90 OH H)

Friday, the 13th (again)


This was our picket day again.  A Woman came to our post with

some eggs and sold them at 40 cents a dozen.


...We have marching orders at the present time and have had for several days.  I do not know whether we shall go or not, and if we do go, I don't know where.  The boys are all in good spirits.  We have plenty to eat and wear...


...Perrine left yesterday for Nashville...T. Buchanan Reed [sic], the Cincinnati Poet arrives in camp...


SAT.  14                The most beautiful day of the season

          21 -- Warren Brockway (31 IN A)

          23 -- George Washington Walker    

          40 -- Capt Alvah Perry  (90 OH D)

          42 -- Robert Hewitt  (90 OH B) 


Buchanan Reed [sic], the artist and poet, of Cincinnati,

addressed our brigade this day.  Lieutenant Kelley left for

home, having resigned, and his resignation being accepted.  

Captain Standart returned to his command [He left on furlough

on Mon. 23 Feb.].


After coming in off picket, policed our quarters and cleaned

up the camp.

Walker [in a letter to his sisters]

...We have one clear day and then four rainy ones, and mud

comes up as high as Jacob's boots.  We have marching orders

now.  The orders came to strike tents and be ready to move

at a moment's warning.  We did so and it rained hard alll day

and we did not move, so at night we put up our tents again

and have them up yet.  I don't know when we shall move now,

nor do I care...You wanted me to write and tell you where

Jackson Dishong is.  He is at Nashville in a hospital.  He ought

to have a discharge, but they don't often discharge a man here

in the army till he is eight days dead and buried.  We have had

some men to desert in our company.  Their names are Toby

Jackson and John Ford from Somerset, Reuben Vansickle

from the north part of Perry County, and Levi Wilson.  The

latter is the son of old Ezra Wilson.  The Major went after them,

but he did not get any of them except John Ford.  T. Turner

is well.



...The first brigade at this camp formed to hear a speech from

the Poet Read.  The Brigade formed by regiments enmasse in

square.  Genl Cruft makes an introductory speech and then

Read without dismounting delivers an eloquent oration and

then declaims his poems "The Oath" and The "Phantom Leaders" [?]...

William Horsfall turned 16 at Cripple Creek--he would later be awarded the Medal of                               Honor

Gen. Joseph J. Reynolds

The Battle of Thompson's Station, TN

Adj. George M. Noble

The Nashville Depot



                         HAMLET. -- Swear on my sword.

                         GHOST (Below). --  Swear!



Ye freemen, how long will ye stifle

The vengeance that justice inspires?

With treason how long will ye trifle,

And shame the proud name of your sires?

Out, out with the sword and the rifle,

In defence of your homes and your fires.

The flag of the old Revolution,

Swear firmly to serve and uphold,

That no treasonous breath of pollution

Shall tarnish one star on its fold,


And, hark, the deep voices replying

From graves where your fathers are lying:

"Swear, oh swear!"


In this moment, who hesitates, barters

The rights which his forefathers won,

He forfeits all claim to the charters

Transmitted from sire to son.

Kneel, at the graves of our martyrs,

And swear on your sword and your gun

Lay up your great oath on an altar

As huge and as strong as Stone-henge,

And then, with sword, fire and halter,

Sweep down to the field of revenge.


And, hark, the deep voices replying

From graves where your fathers are lying:

"Swear, oh swear!"


By the tombs of your sires and brothers,

The host which the traitors have slain,

By the tears of your sisters and mothers,

In secret concealing their pain--

The grief which the heroine smothers,

Consuming the heart and the brain;

By the sigh of the penniless widow;

By the sob of her orhans' despair,

Where they sit in their sorrowful shadow,

Kneel, kneel, every freeman and swear.


And, hark, the deep voices replying

From graves where your fathers are lying:

"Swear, oh swear!"


On mounds, which are wet with the weeping,

Where a nation has bowed to the sod,

Where the noblest of martyrs are sleeping,

Let the winds bear your vengeance abroad;

And your firm oath be held in the keeing

Of your patriot hearts and your God.

Over Ellsworth, for whom the first tear rose,

While to Baker and Lyons you look;

By Winthrop, a star among heroes;

By the blood of our murdered McCook,


And, hark, the deep voices replying

From graves where your fathers are lying:

"Swear, oh swear!"





And the war-kindling numbers which fell from his tongue

Like the notes of a wild battle-clarion were flung!

And just in advance galloped Koerner and Burns,

Unsheathing the war-song and falchion by turns!

There, gazing and listening, my spirit entranced

Leaped for joy as these poets for Freedom advanced;

And I felt the warm thought through my bosom descend,

That the bard to be true must be Liberty's friend.


Then came a dim host to my vision unknown,

Like those lights which astronomers number alone;

But their voice still made clear what the eye could not see,

Crying, "Down with the tyrant, wherever he be!"


But why swept these phantoms?  Whence rode they and


What occasion had summoned these allies of air?

I looked and beheld the swift spread of the blaze

Which dazzled the stars with the ulse of its rays,

As if through the darkness the lightning had played,

And in midst of its splendor been suddenly stayed:

There I read the great words like fiery wings

Where "weighed and found wanting" confronted the kings!

And this army of spectres, led on by the light,

Like a cloud on a hurricane swept through the night;

And this was their cry, coming down on the gale,

"The modern Belshazzars are weighed in the scale!"







By starlight they rode in their speed and their might,

A warrior-host sweeping down through the night,--

An army of spectres they sped on the wind,

With swords piercing front and plumes streaming behind;

On the highways of air they were lead as by Mars,

While their steeds shod with thunder seemed trampling the stars!

Like a fleet in a gale they careered through the night,

And the path where they passed flashed with phoshorous light.


In front galloped Brutus, a foe to all peace,

His sword gleaming red with the blood of Lucrece;

And, turning toward Rome, bent his way down the heaven,

Repeating the oath which of old he had given.

"These modern Tarquins must fall!" was his cry;

"By the blade of their own bloody oath they shall die!"

And, strange though it be, there Mohammed was seen,

His Arab's mane sweeing his mantle of green,

And the watchwords engraved on his drawn scimitar

Were "Allah, il Allah!" each letter a star;

Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden was there,

As at Lutzen he rode with his battle blade bare.

And, like their own turbulent torrents let loose

By a storm in the Highlands, sped Wallace and Bruce.

Sobieski, the Pole, gave his charger the rein,

Every stroke in whose hoof broke a fetter in twain.

There was Olaf of Norway whose mandate and sword

The heathen struck down in the name of the Lord.

There sped fiery Tell with his crossbow and dart,

The barb glowing crimson from Gessler's proud heart.

And close by his side, the beloved of his peers,

Bold Winkleried rode with his arms full of spears,

The same of self-sacrifice lighting his eye,

And "Make way for Liberty!" still was his cry. 

There was Luther, no braver e'er rode to the field,

And the word of the Lord was his buckler and shield,

While the weapon he grasped was the same he had sped

In a moment of anger at Lucifer's head.

There was Cromwell, that monarch who never wore crown,

With his Bible and sword and his Puritan frown,

And with his Charles-Albert, the Piedmontese star,

As he rode ere betrayed on the field of Novarre.

There, with garments still red from that last fatal day,

The ghost of Bozarris sped fierce for the fray;

And close by his side, with an eye full of fire,

Rode Byron, still grasping his sword and his lyre;





          Payday at last!


15  -  31  MARCH 

SUN. 15                   Warm and pleasant


          28 -- John W. Miller  (90 OH A)



Eighth week in our present camp.  Brigade review to-day.



Thre was a general inspection this morning, and a grand review in the evening.



...On Picket.  Have quite a flare up on the question of insulting women...The Brigade reviewed by Genl [Charles] Cruft.  Have a splendid review.




MON.  16                 Morning foggy but day pleasant


           20 or 21 -- Stephen Riddle  (31 IN H)



Policed camp in the forenoon, and in the afternoon had

regimental and company drill.  



Capt Wright ______ the pickets regarding[?] the report that we hear from a negro this morning that the rebel cavalry is at Hall Mills 3 miles down the creek from camp. [I believe this should be Halls Hill, but I could be wrong.] Relieved early.  Return and _______ police camp.  [William] Newcome returned yesterday.  Skirmish drill in the afternoon...______Inspection by order of Genl Wood.




TUE.  17                  Very warm


          19 -- Henry James Meehan  (31 IN A)

          23 -- Sgt William H. Strode  (90 OH D)

          23 -- William H. McKinley  (90 OH A)

          28 -- Sanford A. Fordyce  (31 IN H)

          32 -- Amos Reid  (90 OH D)


St. Patrick's Day



Co B Gards [sic] a train of Wagons to Murfreesboro and back



Our picket day again.  It comes quite often.  General Cruft and staff visited our lines today.



...Line of Battle promptly form ________Detached Duty make __________Descriptive Book...Afternoon Brigade Drill, Genl Pruitt Inspector.  _______________ new, quite an interesting affair.  The ______________ is well pleased.  Eggs selling in _____ for 50 cts a dozen, Butter 50 cts per pound...




WED.  18                 Very pleasant; but cloudy in the afternoon


          21 -- Robert N. Stoker  (1 KY C)



Came in off picket, took down our tents to "air them" then had battalion

and brigade drill, and dress parade.  Then put up our tents.



..._______Skirmish Drill in the forenoon.  Brigade Drill afternoon.  

More success than yesterday [?]...



THUR.  19                Warm and pleasant                                                              NEW MOON





Had battalion drill in the forenoon, and brigade drill and dress parade

in the afternoon.



...Learn that Rosecrans is a native of Delaware Co, Ohio.  Was made

Brigd Genl in the Regular Army soon after entering the service.  On

picket having a quiet, pleasant time...George Hunt [?] visits the line.  

Have a good crew of the Brigade on drill, Col Enyart presiding.





FRI.  20                    Pleasant, but cloudy


          32 -- George Riley Dickerson  (90 OH B)


Fighting at Vaught's Hill, TN



The forenoon was wash day for many of the boys.  In the

afternoon we had brigade drill.



...Brigade Drill at 2 o'clock--a pleasant and interesting time.  

At the Brigade Commissary in the evening to get 3 lbs. candles [?]...



SAT.  21                   Nice and pleasant, but cloudy


          18 -- Ashton Briggs  (90 OH F)



Picket day again.  Also got mail.  This was a nice day.



Pleasant but sky clouded.  [Sgt. Samuel] Duff and I go to town

to visit [Philip] Foreman and [Cpl. Charles] Rice, find them weak

but in tolerable spirits.  Visit the 3rd Ohio working 4 hours a day

on the fortifications [Fortress Rosecrans] near Stone River.  The

strongest that I have ever seen.  Coffee [George W. Coffey

(1837 - 1928) lived all of his life in Clark Co OH], the only one

of my acquaintances left.  Miss the train and have to walk into

camp.  Genl Inspection during the day and Brigade Dress Parade.





SUN.  22                  Delightful and warm, but sky clouded


          26 -- Isaac D. McAvoy  (1 KY C)



On Picket to day [.]  19 months a Go [sic] went in to Camp[.]  

Jackson of Co I [There was an Andrew M Jackson and a

John W. Jackson in Co I, but neither of them captured] and

[Louis] Wright of Co B [should be Co G--he was captured

23 Mar 63] Garbled [gobbled?] up by the Rebels while on Picket. 



Ninth week in our present camp--weather delightful.  

Peach trees in bloom.  Trees leaving out.



Chaplain W C Holliday preached to day; after which we

had a brigade drill and dress parade.  It might have done

more good to have had the preaching afterward.  [Why?]



...Line of Battle early.  Co. Insection at 9 o'clock...Brigade

Dress Parade at 3 o'clock.  Splendid affair, Col [David] Enyart

presiding.  Day quiet and peaceful, a real sabbath...



MON.  23                 Warm, but threatening rain





inSpection by Brigade inspector Tooley [Seth Tuley][--] a Perfect Bore



Co H went out on picket to relieve one of the 31st IN co[mpanies]

on picket duty in place of a company of the 1st KY, which is out on

Pilot Knob on guard.



...On Picket at 8 o'clock.  Have quite a time although tis reported

that the rebels are advancing along the entire line.



TUE.  24                  A gloomy, rainy day


                 19 -- Henry Beyer  (2 KY E)

                    39 -- James E. Cox  (2 KY F&S)       



Battalion drill at 3 o'clock [but] Commenced Raining [so] Returned

back to Camp.  Sold Watch to O[liver] Leonard 29 dollars Payable

next Pay day.



Cleaned up our guns and accoutrements, and were inspected by

the brigade inspectors; then went out to drill, but it rained and we

did not drill.



...Go out to drill in the afternoon but rain prevents.  [Sgt. Samuel] 

Duff went to Murfreesboro guarding prisoners to Hd Qtrs.  Reports

the 10th Brigade ________ on the 22 loan [Pvt. Wesley] Quigley

5 dollars.  [Genl Joseph] Reynolds talks to you like a first-class

conversationalist--not for effect--but to make you understand.




WED.  25                 Rainy; Temperature falling all day; Night clear and frosty


         23 -- Joseph Briggs  (90 OH A)

         29 -- Leander Amerine  (90 OH E)



Received news to-day that George D. Eldridge--a member

of our company--was dead.  He died in hospital, in Nashville.



Went out on picket.  It was quite cold, but we were not

allowed to Have fires.  Got mail again today.



...About 11 o'clock, our co and Co G go to Murfreesboro as

Train Guard.  Rather a disagreeable time.  Get back and have

the wagons unloaded before Sundown.  At night courier post

between here and Murfreesboro 2 miles from camp captured by

rebel cavalry.  One man mortally wounded left for dead...




THUR.  26                A pleasant day


          19 -- Augustus B. Hayes  (1 OH LA)

          22 -- Christian Clayton  (2 KY A)

            23-- John W. Jackson  (31 IN I)

          26 -- William E. Burton  (31 IN A)


on Picket to day [--] all quiet


Company drill in forenoon, and in the afternoon battalion

drill and dress parade.



...The man wounded last night dies to day.  No drill in the forenoon.  

Battalion drill afternoon.  Get rather amused upon maneuvering.  Ration of whiskey issued this evening.  

At night make out the Monthly Report...




FRI.  27                  Chilly and cloudy today;  Night rainy





Policed our quarters.  John Haines of Co D died today

and was buried the same day



...Pickets of the 9th Brigade driven by rebels this morning.  

9 wounded--2 killed.  The 10th Brigade [the 6th OH?] moves up

to within 2 miles of camp, camping south.  Shelter tents.  [By this, did he mean that the 10th Brigade already had the new shelter tents?]  On Picket an attack expected on our lines...Companies [?] A and D roused [?] from our beds by the rain.  [The 6th OH would be camped at Cripple Creek the 27th and 28th.]



SAT.  28                  Gloomy, wet, and chilly


          21 -- William F. Wimer  (90 OH E)

          24 -- Henry Zeigler  (90 OH B)


Cutter 10 o'clock [pm], we had an alarm.  It was caused by our pickets, who fired on a small party of Rebel cavalry--the cavalrymen having made a dash on them, so the pickets reported.  No one hurt.



No drilling today as it was a wet day.



...Relieved the 2nd [KY on Picket]



SUN.  29                 Clear and cold


          19 -- Joseph F. Pettit  (90 OH G)

          21 -- Samuel C. Dorman  (90 OH G)


Palm Sunday



Went on picket again today, although it was cold, we

were not allowed to have fires.


Walker (to his Mother)

...We are still in camp at the old place but I don't know

how soon we shall leave, for we are under marching

orders now and have been for a month.  Water is pretty

hard to get here, but it is raining now, so I think water will

be plenty again.  The boys say that Vicksburg is in our

possession but I have not seen any account of it in the

paper yet.  Well, mother, I can tell you that Sam Hook

and I are cooking for the company, but I don't think I shall

cook for very long, for I think it is as easy to drill as it is to

cook: and it is not so hard on clothes.  They do not pay us

anything for cooking.  We have very good grub now.  We

draw flour, meal, potatoes, beans, lots of sugar, coffee,

and tea.



...Inspection at 10 o'clock...William B. detailed as Reg Carpenter.  [I show Remi Jeunesse as the Regimental Carpenter as of May/June 63.]  About 9 o'clock the rebels after firing on a courier make a dash on our outpost on the Pike but receiving a volley scatter in the woods.  About 80 in number make a pass [?] around from the right.  No confusion in camp but Col Enyart quickly visits the line.





MON.  30               Spitting snow--cold and disagreeable; Night rainy


          22 -- William Easton  (2 KY B)

            26 -- James Renicks  (31 IN A)



on Picket to day [.]  Spits Snow not allowed no fire [--]

very disagreeable



Battalion Drill and dress parade today.



Line of Battle early.  Quarters policed.  Company drill.  

Afternoon Battalion Drill one hour and one hour flank 

drill [?] the right wing around the left.  Each party gaining

one game.  The left first...The Signal Corps telegraphs

that 2 companies of rebel cavalry were last night at Halls

Mills [Halls Hill?].




TUE.  31               Coldest day of the season--full of sunshine, but a real winter's wind blowing


          23 -- Nicholas Sohn (2 KY B)



all Quiet and Pleasant[.]  Received Shelter tents to day.



Battalion drill again today.  Dress parade in the evening.



...Line of Battle early but quickly dismissed.  Neither [Lt. John] 

Guthrie nor [Lt. John] Snediker out on Picket at 8 o'clock.  Too

cold to have a very pleasant time as no fires were allowed...

Night one of beautiful moonlight but stingingly cold.  Maj [Alva]

Hadlock, Capt [James] Mitchell and Capt [Franklin] Fee make

rather an informal visit to the Pickets.  Results very nearly

troublesome, they refusing to halt when ordered to...



Chaplain William C. Holliday

Men celebrating birthdays while at Cripple Creek in March (exact date unknown):  

                20 -- Thomas Kearns  (2 KY D)

                33 --  Patrick Higgins  1 KY C

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