Camp cripple creek
18 january - 24 june 1863

Fernando Cook 23 (1840 - ) Mustered in on 10 Apr 61 as 1st Sgt; Promoted to 2 Lt on 6 Jun 61; Promoted to 1 Lt on 13 Mar 62; Promoted to Capt of Co E on 10 Apr 62; Was captured and paroled on 21 Jun 62; Was granted 20 days' leave from 25 Jan - 13 Feb 64 due to Fascial Erysipelas; Would eventually be promoted to Maj on 4 Mar 64; AG's Roll mistakenly lists him as Ferdinand; Also listed as Ferdinando on one of the Muster Roll Cards
Seth Woodruff Tuley 21 (1842 - 1921) Born in New Albany, Floyd Co, IN to Preston and Mary Woodruff Tuley; In 1861, his sister, Priscilla, married Col. Thomas D. Sedgewick; Mustered in on 1 Apr 62 as a Sgt; Promoted 2 Lt on 13 Mar 62; Promoted to 1 Lt on 25 Apr 62; After the Battle of Stones River, he was appointed Adjutant on the staff of Brig Gen Charles Cruft (making Tuley one of the ones who would inspect the troops at Cripple Creek and causing Cpl McKee to remark in his diary that Tooley [sic] was "a perfect bore"--I suspect Tuley was the unnamed inspector mentioned by Sgt William Busbey who "took names" of the officers who were out of line during another inspection at Cripple Creek; Tuley would eventually become Capt of Co B on 25 Jul 63; After the War, he married Nathalie Peters and settled down as a business man selling insurance; By 1877, he was facing domestic [marital?] strife and excessive debt and on 7 Jun 77, he disappeared, leading friends, family, and associates to wonder if he were dead; In 1880, his wife had resorted to turning their home into a boarding house; Meanwhile, Tuley had quietly gone out West (to Texas and New Mexico) where he took a Civil Service job for the post office; This job eventually took him to Washington, DC where he was apprehended in Sep 1884 just as his brother was attempting to get the insurance company to finally pay the family's claim for his life insurance; Amazingly, he was not convicted of any crime and was allowed to keep his post office job--in 1900, he finally assumed his real name over the alias he had used all those years (Philip Nolan, as in the antihero of Edward Everett Hale's novella, The Man Without a Country); Nathalie and their children joined him in Washington where they remained until Nathalie's death in 1911 and his death in 1921; He was active in the GAR and apparently suffered no repercussions from his escapade
Karr, Charles Wesley 21 (1841 - 1929) Born in Hamilton Co, OH; Mustered in as a Sgt; Appointed 1 Sgt on 11 Feb 62; Promoted to 2 Lt on 1 Apr 62; Slightly wounded at Stone River; Would become 1 Lt on 27 Dec 63 and Capt of Co E on 21 Mar 64; Worked as an Attorney and served as Adj Gen of the State of Ohio; Died in Springfield (Clark Co) OH in 1929 and was buried in Maple Grove Cemetery in Cleves (Hamilton Co) OH
Cloud, Francis Marion 23 (1840 - 1919) Born in Indiana to James and Laura Cloud; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Cpl; Appointed Sgt on 11 Feb 62; Went on a Recruiting Service from 18 Dec 63 until Apr (?) 64; In Mar/Apr 64 was charged 7 cents to replace a lost Cartridge Belt Plate; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Married Sarah E. Radley in 1868; Other than living in Hamilton Co, OH in 1860, he lived most of his life in IN working as a Laborer, a Tinner, and a Farmer; He died and is buried in Hancock Co, IN; The 1900 Census shows he was born in May 1840
Howell, Benjamin F. 21 (1842 - ) Born in Harrison, OH; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Cpl; Made Sgt on 7 Sep 61; Appointed 1 Sgt on 1 Apr 62; Was captured 21 Jul 62, paroled, and returned to his company on 15 Feb 63; Re-enlisted on 31 Dec 63 as part of the 21st KY Veteran Volunteer Infantry and received a 30-day furlough beginning 26 Jan 64
Krugel, Emil 35 (1828 - ) Mustered in on 25 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Made Cpl on 12 Oct 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; The AG's Roll mistakenly lists his first name as Ehonell--his first name should be either Emil or Emille; His last name varies as Kringle, Krugle, Krugille, Krugel, etc.
Long, Benjamin J. 34 (1829 - ) Born in Centre Co, PA; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Cpl; Appointed Sgt on 7 Sep 61; Re-enlisted on 31 Dec 63; AG's Roll erroneously lists his middle initial as H and his age as 32 (making him born ca. 1829), however on his re-enlistment papers he states his age as 38 years and 8 months in Dec 1863--making him born about Apr 1825; He is described as being 5' 11" with blue eyes, brown hair, and a fair complexion
Mooney, George 31 (1832 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Appointed Cpl on 12 Oct 61; Made Sgt on 5 Jan 63; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Quinn, Bernard 26 (1837 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Cpl; Appointed Sgt on 8 Apr 62; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Ross, John Philip 21 (1841 - 1919) Born in IN; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Appointed Cpl on 6 Mar 62; He was captured at some point in 62 and exchanged on 10 Dec 62, returning to his Company on 15 Feb 63; Was wounded at Chickamauga and sent to Hospital in Chattanooga and transferred to Louisville in Jan/Feb 64 and returned Mar/Apr 64; Was charged 7 cents to replace a cartridge box belt plate in Mar/Apr 64; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; He later joined Co C of the 9th US Veteran Volunteers; Married Katie R. Montgomery in IL in 1872; He worked as a Harness Maker; By 1900, they lived in Des Moines, IA and he is buried there in Woodland Cem
Stabler, George 25 (1838 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Made Cpl on 23 Jun 62; Would be demoted to Pvt on 25 Aug 63; Mustered out 19 Jun 64
Weamer, Robert Harrison 24 (1839 - 1909) Born in PA; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Made a Cpl on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; The 1900 Census shows him born in Apr 1839; He worked as a Printer and an Editor; Died on 22 Apr 1909 in Auburn, IN and is buried there, in the Woodlawn Cemetery in De Kalb Co, IN
White, George 20 (1843 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Made Cpl on 31 Dec 62; Re-enlisted on 2 Jan 64
Wolf, Godfriedt W. 40 (1823 - 1893) Born in Germany; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Appointed Cpl on 31 Dec 62; Re-enlisted 2 Jan 64; His re-enlistment paperwork stated he was 5' 4 1/2" tall, with a fair complexion, blue eyes, and brown hair; Buried in Vine Street Hill Cemetery
Cook, Christian 16 (<1847> - 1895) Mustered in on 16 Jun 62 as a Drummer; Charged 66 cents for the replacement of two haversacks in Mar (?) 64; Turned over to Provost Marshall in Covington, KY because his time was unexpired; Mustered out 18 Jan 65; Also served in Co C of the 5th US Veteran Volunteer Inf; Lived most of his life in the Cincinnati area as a Cigar Maker; Received a Veteran's headstone; He died 30 Dec 1895 and is buried in St Mary's Cemetery in St. Bernard (Cincinnati), OH; His widow, Rosa, filed for her pension on 9 Jan 1896, although the Pension File Card erroneously lists him as having been in E 2nd KY Cav; Last name sometimes spelled Cooke; He apparently went by Cris
Herman, Frederick 21 (1842 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Appointed Wagoner on 1 Jan 63; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64

Apple, John 23 (1838 - ) Born in Berne, Germany; Lived in Cumminsville, Hamilton Co, OH; Mustered in 6 Jun 61; Captured (date?) and exchanged on 10 Dec 62; Was returned to his Company on 25 Mar 63; Would be wounded slightly (contusion on ankle) at Chickamauga, but would develop Diarrhea and a host of other symptoms: pain in kidneys, scant urine output, swollen hands and face and legs, poor appetite, weakness, unable to move head; Discharged 5 Feb 64 from Bridgeport, AL on Surgeon's Certificate of Disability, at which time he was described as being 5' 4" tall with fair complexion, blue eyes, and light-colored hair; He was a Cooper
Ball, Albert 20 (1843 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Would be appointed Cpl on 28 Aug 63; Re-enlisted on 2 Jan 64
Bartlank, John* 20 (1843 - 1863) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Would die 20 Sep 63 from wounds received at Chickamauga
Beyer, Henry 29 (1844 - 1911) Born in OH; Lived most of his life in Cincinnati; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Extra duty as a Division Teamster from 30 Jan 63, but he apparently spent some of his time at Cripple Creek; Mustered out 19 Jun 64; Name sometimes appears as Byer, Beyers, etc; Widow's name is Mary--married before 1860; Buried in Baltimore Pike Cemetery in Cincinnati
Dahn, Frederick 23 (1840 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Doud, Michael 26 (1837 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Would be captured at Chickamauga on Sept 63
Feiss, Pius 27 (1836 - 1910) Born in Wurttemberg, Germany; The 1900 Census does not give his month of birth, only 1836; He came to America in 1853 and was Naturalized; He lived for many years in Cincinnati as a Blacksmith; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Was in Hospital in Nashville (wounded) in Jul 62; Captured near Barboursville, VA and exchanged 10 Dec 62; Returned to his Company on 10 Apr 63; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Name given variously a Pens Fhis, Peus Fais, Peter Fist, Peus Fies, etc.; Most family records show him as Pius Feiss; He entered the Veterans' Home in Dayton in 1896, comlaining of Rheumatism and Defective Vision; He was described then as being 5' 9" with gray hair and eyes and a fair complexion, able to read and write, and a Protestant; He left the Home at his own request in 1906 and went to live with two of his children in CIncinnati--he died there and was buried in St. Mary's Cemetery in St. Bernard, a suburb of Cincinnati
Fisk, John W. H. 21 (1842 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Drummer; Reduced to ranks on 7 Jun 61; Mustered out 19 Jun 64
Fleisch, Michael 27 (1836 - ) Mustured in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out by telegram on 14 Jun 64; Name also given as Flusch
Ford, Martin 47 (1816 - ) Mustered out on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Grass, George 24 (1839 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Handelman, Ferdinand 35 (1828 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out by telegram on 14 Jun 64; Name also given as Handleman
Hess, Charles 27 (1836 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Name also spelled Huss
Hesson, Frederick 20 (1843 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Appointed Cpl on 8 Apr 62; Reduced to Pvt again on 20 Sep 62; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Huber, Leibold 22 (1839 - 1927) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Name also given as Lebold Huber, and Leybolt Huber
Huber, William B. 26 (1837 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Middle initial also given as H.
Kezer, William 53 (1811 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out by telegram on 14 Jun 64; Name also spelled Kiser, Kizer, etc.
Kramer, Godfriedt 19 ( - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Leibold, Jacob* 20 (1843 - 1863) Born in Bavaria and arrived in the USA in 1858; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Was originally mustered in as a Cpl for a 3-month enlistment, but chose to be a Pvt when he re-enlisted for 3 years; Was described as being 5' 7" tall with a fair complexion, blue eyes, and light-colored hair; He was a Farmer; Would die in Stevenson, AL on 22 Oct 63 of Chronic Diarrhea; Name also spelled Libolt, Leobolt
Lenhoff, Peter 25 (1837 - 1908) Born in OH; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Working as a Hospital Nurse 6 Dec 61; Taken prisoner at Antioch Station (Mill Creek) TN 21 Jul 62; Paroled at Nashville TN on 21 Jul 62; Arrived Camp Chase, OH on 27 Jul 62; Returned to his Company (at Cripple Creek) on 4 Apr 63; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64;
He appears to have lived most of his life in Cincinnati / Hamilton Co as a Laborer; He filed for an Invalid's pension in 1880; He was admitted to the Soldiers' Home in Dayton for a few months in 1887- 88, at which time he was 5' 10", fair complected, gray eyes, dark hair, a Laborer by trade, and Single; In 1890, he told the Veterans' Census taker that he suffered from Rheuatism and Deafnesss; He died and was buried in Cincinnati; He apparently never married; Note: He is NOT the Peter Lenhoff who was a Stone Mason, born in Bavaria in 1832, who married a woman named Mary, and moved to Dubuque, Iowa
Lever, Philip 26 (1837 - ) Mustered in on 25 Jun 61; Mustered out by telegram on 14 Jun 64
Long, George 20 (1843 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Would be captured at Chickamauga on 19 Sep 63; Exchanged on ; Mustered out on 19 Jun 61
Lynn, Sidney 22 (1842 - 1900) Born in Harrison, Ohio; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Cpl; Reduced to Pvt on 25 Mar 62; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; On 9 Aug 64, he enlisted for 1 year as a Landsman in the US Navy; He was described as being 5' 7" tall with gray eyes, light-colored hair, and a bronzed complexion; with a scar on his left leg He was a Brick layer, a [Wagon?] Driver, and a Laborer; He married Margaret Stamper in Kenton Co, KY in 1865; Sid and Maggie had several children and lived in Covington, KY, Cincinnati, OH, Baltimore (Wood Co), OH, Michigan, and Indiana over the years; In 1890, he told the Veterans' Census taker that he suffered from "Camp Diarrhea" and Piles; In 1900, he is a Widower who reports he was born in Feb 1838, but other records place his birthyear as 1842 or 1843;His Pension Record reflects both his time in Co E of the 2nd KY and in the Navy; His Invalid pension was filed in 1886 and a Minor named Willis Lynn filed a pension petition from IN in 1901; Name given variously as Sydney, Lunn, Linn; He died in Delaware Co, IN and was buried in Wood Co, OH
Markgraf, Julius 30 (1833 - 1880) Born in Saxony; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Taken Prisoner of War at Mill Creek, TN in Jul 62; Paroled at Nashville, TN on 21 Jul 62; Arrived at Camp Chase, OH on 27 Jul 62; "Exchanged" on 10 Dec 62 [Wouldn't he have already been exchanged when he was paroled?]; Returned to his company (at Camp Cripple Creek) on 10 Apr 63; Sick in hospital at McMinnville, TN Jul / Aug 63; On 8 Sep 63, a group of physicians in Cumminsville [OH] (including a Dr. A F Joseph) submitted an affidavit stating that Private Margkraf was not fit to return to duty, due to the fact that he was suffering from "Splenitis with affection of the left Lung"; The affidavit was notarized by an E P Joseph, Justice of the Peace (a relative of the doctor?); Accompanying the affidavit was a separate letter from Dr. A F Joseph) who makes a personal plea to the Surgeon General to discharge Priv Markgraf from the Army as "an act of kindness" because "...he is all the time coughing and is unable to do anything at Camp Chase and it will kill him if he has to come back again..." [Dr. Joseph confided that he was a neighbor to Julius Markgraf and the doctor could vouch for him.]; A later statement in Markgraf's file says he was "Again captured and paroled at McMinnville, TN on 3 Oct 63"; [Was this AFTER the affidavit?]; It doesn't matter, I guess--The Surgeon General must have been unimpressed with Dr Joseph's efforts, since Private Markgraf returned from hospital [and/or captivity?] on 30 Oct 63; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Sometimes listed as Markgraff, Margraf, Margroff, etc.; He married Phillippina Reubel and worked for many years as a Saloon Keeper in Cincinnati; Buried in Spring Grove Cemetery
Meeker, Benjamin 21 (1842 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Meyers, Charles 31 (1832 - ) Mustered in on 9 Jun 61; Captured at Chickamauga on 19 Sep 63; Exchanged on ; Mustered out by telegram on 14 Jun 64
Miller, David 30 (1833 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Miller, Harrison 40 (1823 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
O'Hern, James 21 (1842 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Re-enlisted as a Veteran Volunteer; Deserted at Altoona, GA on 2 May 64
Rahal, Adam 23 (1840 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Also spelled Rahal, Rabal
Rawe, Herman Casper 22 (1839 - 1937) Born in Germany (family sources differ on the place--Hanover? Andrup?--likewise his name--Herman Casper? C. Herman?) to Johann Willhelm and Ann Angela; Family came to America in 1860 and he was Naturalized; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Alternately listed as Rail, Rall; He was married in 1871, widowed, and remarried in 1883--both times in Covington, KY; All of his life, after coming to America, was spent in Northern KY; In 1880, he owned and operated a Furniture Store, later in life, he was a Farmer; In the 1890 Veterans' Census, he was bothered by failing vision and eyesight; He died at age 98 in Covington, KY and was buried in Ft. Mitchell, KY
Reed, Peter 32 (1831 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Schuder, Henry 22 (1840 - 1908) Born in Germany; Came to America in1858; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Married Carrie Biegle in 1867; Worked as a Laborer and as a Foreman in a Glue Factory; Admitted in 1904 to the Central Branch of the Soldiers' Home in Dayton, OH; He was 5' 7" tall, Protetant, Widower, Unable to Read and Write, with Gray hair, Blue eyes, and Fair complexion; His admitting diagnosis was Cardiac Hypertrophy and Dilatation, and crippling Rheumatism; He died in the hospital of Chronic Interstitial Nephritis and he was buried in Cincinnati; His name also spelled Schudder, Schuette
Sullivan, Timothy J. 21 (1840 - 1902) Mustered into 2 KY B and transferred to Co E on 20 Jun 61; Seriously wounded in left arm at Shiloh on 7 Apr 62; Admitted to Convalescent Barracks in Nashville in Nov / Dec 62; Returned to his company (at Cripple Creek) by 1 May 63 as the Regimental Blacksmith; Became the Blacksmith for the Division Supply Train in Aug 63; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Unable to determine which Sullivan family in the civilian records is the right one; Buried in the St. Joseph's New Cem
Schweitzer, Anton Simon 25 (1837 - 1912) Born in Baden-Württemberg, Germany and came to America in 1860; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Married a woman named Sophia and lived in Springfield, Hamilton Co, OH; Also spelled Switzer, Sweitzer; Buried in St. Mary's Cem (in St. Bernard); Not to be confused with Samuel S. Sweitzer (1836 - 1917) of the 115th OH in Columbiana Co, OH
Weber, Adam 23 (1840 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Worken, Nicholas 21 (1842 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Also spelled Werkin

Ackerman, Francis
Cable, Albany (Cpl)
Dant, Valentine
Drum, Peter
Grampker, Frederick
Hilgers, Joseph
Hubbard, William B.
Jesson, Henry (Sgt) -- Died in Field Hosp on 4 Jan 63 after Stone River)
Joyce, John (Sgt)
Kucket, Amos
Meyer, Dominick
Scanlan, William (1 Sgt)
Sheridan, James (Sgt)
Ball, Flamen (Capt)
Blair, Bernard
Curny, Hugh
Dasher, George W. (Capt)
Dinkel, Fredeerick
Engelbrecht, Henry
Roelofson, Frederick (1 Lt)
Shaw, John (1 Sgt)
Sullivan, Timothy -- (Wounded at Shiloh, left arm disabled)
Transferred to Regular Army
Pierce, Daniel C (Cpl)
Sandelback, William
Schleitzer, August
Snyder, Frederick (Cpl)
Foster, William E. (Cpl) on Detached Duty with Provost Guard in Columbus, OH after he was exchanged from POW camp (in Columbus from 10 Dec 62 until 1 Aug 63)
Kramer, Jacob -- Dropped from Roll on 30 Apr 64 (Wounded at Shiloh)
Carl, Morgan
Christy, Michael
Cobley, Michael
Dougherty, Isaac
Fisk, David
Meyers, Solomon
"Deserted from Parole Camp in Columbus, OH on 22 Jun 63"
Baird, George R.
Brunett, Henry
Cook, Charles
Cook, Nicholas
Erdman, Ferdinand
Foehr, Peter
Holden, Stephen
Pimerton, Hugh
Ripley, J. H.
Scanlan, Richard
Solar, Andrew
Sullivan, Dennis
Tracy, Michael
Weber, John
McKinna, Bernard --
Wounded at Stones River, sent to Hosp in Louisville, KY and discharged from there on 2 Feb 63
Marberger, Simon -- Sent
to Columbus, OH after
his release from
POW camp in Dec 62, he died in Columbus on
18 Apr 63
Ulsmer, Joseph -- In Nashville Convalescent Barracks from 26 Dec 62 until 11 Jul 63