Camp cripple creek
18 january - 24 june 1863

Bell, William P. 28 (1835 - ) Mustered in as Sgt on 5 Jun 61; Appointed 1 Sgt on 17 Jun 61; Promoted to 2 Lt on 1 Jul 62; Would be promoted to 1 Lt of Co B on 20 Feb 63, the same day that 1 Lt Bontecou would move to Co B (see below)--See the Page for Co B for the rest of Lt Bell's bio; It is not known if he was related to Cpl Andrew J Bell listed below
Bodine, James Madison* 26 (1836 - 1863) Born in Aug 36 to Hiram and Mary Ann (Jones) Bodine in Hamilton Co, OH--an older brother of Hiram D. Bodine (bio below); He was a School Teacher in 1860; Mustered in on 5 May 61 as Capt of Co G; Wounded at Shiloh and Absent in Hospital in Cincinnati; Spent a short time on Detached Duty as a Recruiter, but was back with his company at Cripple Creek by Feb/Mar 63; Would be wounded at Chickamauga on 19 Sep 63 and he died in Hospital 21 Sep 63; He is buried in Flagg Springs Cemetery in Hamilton Co, OH
Bontecou, Joseph Connable 25 (1838 - 1904) Name spelled variously as Bonticou, Bontecue, etc.; Born in Rhode Island in Nov 1838; A scholar and musician, his occupation was listed as Professor of Music at Ohio Wesleyan Univ in 1860, while living in Hamilton Co, OH; Mustered in on 5 Jun 61 as a Sgt; Promoted to 2 Lt on 17 Jul 61; Promoted from 2 Lt to 1 Lt on 1 Jul 62; Would be transferred to Co B as their 1 Lt on 20 Feb 63 (He and Capt William Bell, above, would both make the move to Co B on the same day)
[Were there any Lts in Co G after 20 Feb 63?]
Bell, Andrew J. 24 (1838 - 1907) Born in KY in Dec 1838; Mustered in on 5 Jun 61 as a Cpl; Taken prisoner near Mill Creek, TN in Jul 62 and paroled near Nashville almost immediately (21 Jul 62) and sent to Camp Chase, OH and later to Camp Wallace, OH, returning to his company at Cripple Creek on 17 Mar 63 (had left OH on 4 Mar); Sent to Convalescent Barracks in Murfreesboro on 23 Jun 63 and was still there for the Mar/Apr 64 Muster; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Never married; In 1900, he was a Farmer in Cleveland, OH; He died and was buried there in Apr 1907; It is not known if he was related to Lt William P. Bell listed above; Andrew's last name is sometimes given as Ball
Bodine, Hiram Dubois <21> (<1842> - 1884) Born in Hamilton Co, OH to Hiram and Mary Ann (Jones) Bodine--a younger brother of Capt James M Bodine, bio above; Mustered in as a Sgt on 5 Jun 61; Detailed Duty as Co Commisary Sgt and Regimental Comm Sgt between Jul 61 and Jun 63; Promoted to 1 Lt on 6 Dec 63; Commanded company 6 Dec 63 - 9 Feb 64 and again from 14 Mar 64 - 30 Apr 64; Mustered out 19 Jun 64; Worked as a Book Keeper in Hamilton Co, OH in 1870; Was employed as a Gvt Clerk in Washington, DC in 1880; Married Clara E. Johnson on 27 Mar 1883, but died 20 Nov 1884 in DC; Is buried in the Congressional Cem
Curry, Joseph 21 (1842 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Was slightly wounded at Shiloh; Appointed Cpl on 1 Jul 62; Captured near Mill Creek, TN on 21 [or 28] Jul 62, was paroled and taken to Camp Chase, OH ; Was listed [mistakenly?] as a deserter from the Hospital [?] at Camp Wallace, but rejoined his company at Cripple Creek on 13 Jun 63; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Hess, Perry A. 22 (1840 - 1912) Born in OH, he was orphaned at an early age; He worked as a School Teacher and later as a Ship's Steward before he mustered in on 5 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Was appointed a Cpl on 17 Jun 61; Was captured at Mill Creek in Jul 62 and paroled, returning to Co G by 10 Apr when they were at Cripple Creek; Was reduced to Ranks on 19 Jul 63 (possible because he was marked as a Deserter from Camp Lew Wallace on 12 Nov 62?); Would be wounded in his left hand at Chickamauga on 19 Sep 63; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Married Clara Hall in Oct 64 and moved with her to IL in 1868; He was a Minister for the rest of his life; He died in Williamson Co, IL in 1912
Keck, William S. B. 44 (1819 - 1882?) Mustered in as a Cpl on 5 Jun 61; Slightly wounded at Bridge Creek near Corinth, Mississippi on 28 May 62; Appointed Sgt on 1 Jul 62 and 1 Sgt on 1 May 63; Reduced back to Sgt on 23 Jul 63; Sent on Recruiting Service 17 Dec 63 - Mar/Apr 64; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; There is a William Keck, born in PA about 1823 who is living in Cincinnati in 1870--he is a Carpenter; In the 1880 for Cincinnati, there is a William B. Keck born in PA about 1814 who is a Widower and who is also a Carpenter--is this our William S B Keck? There is also a William B Keck who died on 27 Apr 1882 and is buried in the Dayton National Cemetery in Grave C - 12 - 15, who might be our William, as well
Markham, Charles* <22> (<1861> - 1863) Although he served under the name Charles Markham, it was discovered that his real name was Charles Bird; He enlisted 10 Jun 61, but was discharged due to his being underage and born in a foreign country (Canada or England); Nevertheless, he turned right around and enlisted under the name Charles Markham and was mustered in as a Pvt on 10 Jun 61 (the same day he tried to enlist as Charles Bird); Appointed Cpl on 1 Jul 62; Would be Killed in Action at Chickamauga on 19 Sep 63
Sark, Benjamin 23 (1840 - ) Born in Burke Co, PA; Mustered in on 5 Jun 61 as a Cpl; Detailed as a Color Sgt on 10 Aug 61; Appointed Sgt on 1 Aug 62; Captured on 21 Jul 62 and taken to Camp Chase, OH by Sept/Oct 62; He was released to return to his Company on 11 Jan 63; He was described as 5' 8 1/2" with Hazel eyes, Brown hair, and a Dark Complexion; He was a Tobacconist before the War; Re-enlisted as a Vet and reported to Maj Gen Howard when the rest of the 2 KY mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Stewart, George L. 22 (1843? - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61 as a Cpl; Captured with most of the rest of his company on 21 Jul 62; Paroled and sent to Convalescent Barracks in Nashville by Nov/Dec 62; Returned to his Company while at Cripple Creek by 30 Apr 63; Appointed Sgt on 1 May 63; Re-enlisted and was given a furlough in Feb 1864; At that time, he was described as being 6' tall with Grey eyes, Black hair, and a Fair Complexion; He was reportedly 20 years and 9 months old on 1 Feb 64, making his birthmonth probably May 43; When the rest of his Company mustered out, he was sent to Maj Gen Howard for his new assignment
Ulrich, John Adam 32 (1831 - ) Born in Waldeck-Frankenberg, Hessen, Germany in Jul 1831; To USA in 1853; Mustered in on 5 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Appointed Cpl on 1 Jul 62; Taken prisoner in Jul 62 near Mill Creek, TN, but paroled 21 Jul 62 and sent to Camp Chase, OH, then to Camp Lew Wallace, OH by 31 Oct 62; Returned to his company at Cripple Creek by 10 April 63; Charged $1 IN Mar/Apr 64 to replace 5 missing wipers; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Served in Co E of the 8th Veteran Volunteer Infantry; Returned to Germany where he married Annie Baltz and began his family, but by 1880, he had brought his family to the USA and settled in KS; By 1885, they lived in Osage, KS; where he spent the rest of his long life as a Farmer; He died in Vassar, Osage, KA in Apr 1934, almost 103 years old!; His original Army muster card lists him as S. J. A. Ulrich

Berkly, George 23 (1840 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Listed in AG's Roll as Berhly
Brunning, Otto 25 (1838 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Listed as Alto, not Otto
Dean, George P. 22 (1841 - ) Mustered in on 7 Jun 61; Would be appointed Cpl on 12 Mar 64; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Deerester, Theopolis 20 (1843 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Name given in the AG's Report as Theopolis Derewided
Ewing, Alexander(*?) 25 (1838 - 1863?) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Would be reported as Missing in Action (Presumed Dead) at Chickamauga on 19 Sep 63
Fisher, George 20 (1843 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Forter, Abraham 35 (1826 - ) Born in Switzerland; Married Catharina Stuber/Steiber in mid-1850s; Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Taken prisoner in early Jul 62 and paroled in Nashville 21 Jul 62; Arrived Camp Chase, OH on 28 Jul 62; Was erroneously (?) listed a a Deserter in Oct 62, but there is no further mention of this--even to a later lifting of the designation Deserter, so he may never have officially been listed as such; Present in Camp Cripple Creek on 10 Apr 63 (perhaps there earlier than 10 Apr); Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Lived in Cincinnati for the rest of his life, occupation Laborer; Buried in Spring Grove Cemetery; Alternate birth year inferred to be 1831 and alternate surname listed as Foster
Freeburg, John 22 (1841 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Gestadore, Louis 23 (1840 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Name also given as Gestodere
Gilden, Charles 20 (1843 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Name also given as Gilde
Henry, Marshall 20 (1843 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Hill, George 22 (1841 - ) Mustered in 14 Jun 62 at Camp Joe Holt, IN; When rest of Co G mustered out in Jun 64, his 3 years had not expired yet, so he reported to Provost Marshal
Holsback, Antoine "Anthony" 22 (1841 - 1874) Born in Germany to William and Anna Holsbach, they lived in Cincinnati in 1850 (there were two younger children, one of them named John, whom I believe to be the next bio); Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; He appears to have gone by Anthony Holsbach; In Feb 1873, he entered the Veterans' Home in Dayton suffering from Paralysis of the right side, Dropsy, Rheumatism with heart complications; He says he was born in Cincinnati, although the Census has him born in Germany; He worked as a Painter and had a wife and two young children in Cincinnati; In less than 6 months, he was dead from a Paralytic stroke; He was buried in the St. John Cemetery in CIncinnati; Name also given as Antrim Holhsback; Holcksback, Holzbach, etc.
Holsback, John 20 (1843 - ) If he is the younger brother of Antoine, listed above, then he was born in Germany to William and Anna and lived in Cincinnati in 1850; Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Name also given as Hulksback; He re-enlisted as a Vet 1 Feb 64 and when his original three years were over on 19 Jun 64, he reported to Maj Gen Howard; Name also given as Hulksback, Holcback, etc.
Knecht, John M. 31 (1829 - 1907) Born in France; Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Taken prisoner in early Jul 62 and paroled in Nashville 21 Jul 62; Arrived Camp Chase, OH on 28 Jul 62; Was erroneously (?) listed as a Deserter in Oct 62, but there is no further mention of this--even to a later lifting of the designation Deserter, so he may never have officially been listed as such; Present in Camp Cripple Creek on 10 Apr 63 (perhaps there earlier than 10 Apr); Wounded slightly at Chickamauga (GSW in lower jaw); Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Vet 1 Feb 64 reported to Maj Gen Howard; Re-enlisted as part of the 183 OH, mustered out 22 Jun 65; Name also given as Knicht; Married Helen Gerth; Worked as a Varnisher; Admitted to Soldiers' Home in Dayton in 1890 - 1891; He was 5' 8" tall with a florid complexion, brown eyes, and black hair; He was a Catholic; Buried at St. Mary's Cemetery in St. Bernard, OH Note: His birthday was 25 Jan, but he was not at Cripple Creek until April
Leiman, Frederick 27 (1837 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Name also given as Leeman
Limmenkohl, John Wilhelm 20 (1845 - 1919) Born in OH; Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Taken prisoner in early Jul 62 and paroled in Nashville 21 Jul 62; Arrived Camp Chase, OH on 28 Jul 62; Present in Camp Cripple Creek on 10 Apr 63 (perhaps there earlier than 10 Apr); Detailed as Regimental Wagon Maker in Feb - Jun 63; Would be promoted to Cpl on 17 Feb 64; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Lived the rest of his life in Cincinnati as a Wagon Maker; Never married; Buried in Vine Street Hill Cemetery; Name erroneously given as Gunnenkold in the AG's Report; Name also given as Linnenkohl, Limienkohl, etc.
Lutz, George 21 (1842 - ) Mustered out by telegram 3 Jul 63; Name also given as Luly
Mitch, Christopher 26 (1837 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Name also given as Mich
Mowry, John 22 (1841 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Name also given as Mowey
Price, Leonidas L. 21 (1842 - 1909) Born in Cincinnati, OH, the son of Henry B Price (an artist) and Mary (Ludlow) Price; Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; His next door neighbor in 1860 was Lt. Bontecou, listed above; Taken prisoner in early Jul 62 and paroled in Nashville 21 Jul 62; Arrived Camp Chase, OH on 28 Jul 62; Present in Camp Cripple Creek on 10 Apr 63 (perhaps there earlier than 10 Apr); Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Re-enlisted as a Substitute in 18 OH I on 13 Mar 65 and served until 9 Oct 65; Worked as a Blacksmith, a Brick mason, and a Laborer; Never married; Filed for an Invalid's Pension in 1887; Died in the Soldiers' Home in Montgomery Co, OH, and was buried in the Laurel Cem in Madisonville, OH; Some records show him as Leonidas S., but I suspect L. is correct--perhaps for Ludlow, his mother's maiden name
Quantz, William 26 (1837 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Robinson, Edward G. 30 (1833 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Taken prisoner 21 Jul 62, paroled, and returned to his Company by 10 Apr 63; Made a Cpl on 1 May 63, but Reduced to Ranks by the end of the month (perhaps for playing a part in procuring and drinking alcohol for/with Lt. Bontecou?); Vet (meaning he re-enlisted before his 3 years were over); He was described as being 5' 6 1/2" tall with blue eyes, brown hair, and a fair complexion; He said he was 30 years and 6 months old when he re-enlisted on 1 Feb 64 (making him born around Aug 33; He reported to Maj Gen Howard with the other "Vets" when the rest of his company mustered out on 19 Jun 64;
Schulz, Clements (28) (1835 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61 as a Cpl; Reduced to the Ranks on 1 Sep 61; Taken prisoner on 21 Jul 62, but was paroled and sent to Camp Chase, OH and then to Camp Wallace; While at Camp Wallace, he went AWOL on 5 Dec 62, but returned to his Company while they were at Cripple Creek by 10 Apr 63; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Name appears variously as Clemens Sultz, etc.
Seiberger, Andrew 32 (1831 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Listed in the AG's Report as Subager
Smith, Edward 25 (1838 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64
Spahr, Henry 27 (1836 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Listed in the AG's Roll as Spates
Stahley, Martin 20 (1843 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jul 61; Taken prisoner on 21 Jul 62, paroled, and released and back with his unit at Cripple Creek by 10 Apr 63; Was made to forfeit one month's pay in Jun 63 (for a disciplinary infraction?); Wounded in his left hip at Chickamauga on 19 Sep 63 and taken prisoner (If it weren't for bad luck, he'd have no luck at all!); Exchanged and sent to OH and given a furlough; Entered a Hospital in Nashville where he was present for Jan/Feb 64 and Mar/Apr 64--at the same time, he was marked absent from a Hospital in Cincinnati for Jan/Feb 64 and listed as a Deserter, which I don't believe he was; Back with his company for the Mar/Apr 64 muster card; He was described as being 5' 4" tall with a fair complexion, gray eyes, and brown hair; He worked as a Gilder; Mustered out on 14 Jun 64
by telegram
Sullivan, John W. 20 (1844 - 1865) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Was slightly wounded at Shiloh; Taken prisoner at Chickamauga on 19 Sep 63 and taken to Danville, VA on 12 Dec 63; One document says he was released (paroled) from Wilmington, NC on 27 Feb 65, but I think it should be 64; Next, there is a letter in his file dated 22 Feb 64, recommending he be sent to the Insane Asylum in Washington, DC (I am thinking Post Traumatic Stress Disorder); He is granted a 30 day furlough that only lasts from 10 - 30 Mar 64; The final date in his file shows him released from the Asylum (and from the Army?) on 20 Sep 64; Sadly, he died 18 Jul 65 (according to the cemetery records) and was buried in the Wesleyan Cemetery in Cincinnati, OH, in grave I - 119 - 10; I believe our John was the son of James M and Martha Sullivan who was born in OH on 17 May 44, however the family source on Ancestry shows him (John Westley Sullivan) as dying on 9 Jul 65
Thompson, Samuel B. 26 (1839- 1892) Born in IL; Married Kitturah Huldah Grant in 1860 in Hamilton Co, OH; Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Promoted to Cpl on 1 Jan 62, but reduced back to Pvt on 23 Apr 62; Taken prisoner in early Jul 62 and paroled in Nashville 21 Jul 62; Arrived Camp Chase, OH on 28 Jul 62; Erroneouly listed as a Deserter 9 Oct 62; On Detached Duty in Louisville, Ky 6 Mar 63, but would report to Cripple Creek, possibly in Apr 63; Would be made a Cpl for the second time on 18 Feb 64; Mustered out on 19 Jun 64; Sometimes listed as Samuel L. or Samuel M. Thompson; Worked as a Laborer; Buried in the Laurel Cemetery in Hamilton Co, OH
Weber, George 23 (1840 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Vet 1 Feb 64 reported to Maj Gen Howard; Also listed as Webber
Williams, Benjamin 29 (1834 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Mustered in as a Vet on 1 Feb 63 and given furlough; Deserted while on furlough on 20 Apr 64
Wilson, William 21 (1842 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Vet 31 Dec 63 Sick in Hosp at Chattanooga
Witzenburg, Michael 21 (1842 - ) Mustered in on 5 Jun 61; Appointed Cpl on 18 Feb 64; Vet, Reported to Maj Gen Howard; Name erroneously given as Mitzenberg in the AG's Roll


Custard, John N. --
Murdered 8 Jan 62
Dickman, Charles
Fitzpatrick, Mathias
Gramenger, Gotleib
Killpatrick, John
Pistner, Joseph
Platygraff, Jacob
Schultz, Xavior
Snyder, Gaspar
Weniger, Frederick --
Killed at Stone River
Bird, Charles (British
Brown, George
Deran, John (Minor)
Free, William
Hoffman, Joseph
Killinea, Edward (Cpl)
Murray, John
Ong, David M. (1 Lt)
Slaughter, James A (Sgt)
Smith, James
Smith, William
Brooks, Freeman --To
Simmons' Batt 1 Nov 61
Dasher, George -- To Co
H in 61, Co E 62
Parkhurst, John D. (Capt)
-- In Co H until Jan 64
To Regular Army
Brim, Moses
Houpt, John
Wiggins, Richard
Barnet, William
Bauman, George
McCarty, John
Mire, John
Smith, Christopher
Wactman, John
Wollenhaupt, William
Deerted After Being POW and Paroled on 10 Apr 63
Brice, Henry
Case, Oregon
Cramer, Peter
Dunn, John
Edward, Thomas
Feurestine, Mathew
Kingry, Jacob
Leonard, Charles
Levenger, Andrew
McLellan, George
Minehart, John
Moser, George
O'Hallen, William
Reed, John
Smith, Andrew
Anderson, Edward --
Sent to Hosp (Greenup St, then Seminary) in Covington, KY where he was a Hosp Cook from 29 Jun 61 until transf to Veterans' Reserve Corps on
1 Sep 63
Horning, Christopher --
Wounded Stone River
Disch 21 Nov 64 Mershon, John B. (Sgt)
Disch 23 Jan 63
Mihaus, Herman -- Disch 14 Jan 63
Perkins, George -- Leg Amputated Stone River, Disch 30 Nov 63
Richardson, James --
Sent to Hosp (Greenup St, then Seminary) in Covington, KY where he was a Hosp Cook from 29 Jun 61 until transf to Veterans' Reserve Corps on
1 Sep 63
Warwick, Edward --
Died Murfreesboro
6 Mar 63 ( of Consumption)