Camp cripple creek
18 january - 24 june 1863
Lamme, John F. 32 (1828 - 1908?) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as Cpl in Co C; Promoted to Sgt (Co C) on 15 Jul 61; Promoted to 1 Lt (still in Co C) on 22 Jan 62; Transferred to Co H on 19 Oct 62 as 1 Lt (although one record says he was "in command of the Company" since 1 Sep 62; Promoted to Capt of Co H (officially) on 21 Dec 62; On 14 Apr 63, he had arranged to send $500 via express train to his family in Springfield, OH--unfortunately, the train was robbed by Confederate Cavalry and his family faced a sudden financial crisis that was compounded by his wife, Mary Kate, being "very sick" and "not expected to live" --He requested and was granted a Leave of Absence for 15 days on 21 Apr 63 [thankfully, Mary Kate recovered and he was able to arrange their finances for the comfort of her and their two little daughters]; Sent to hospital in Nashville on 16 Aug 63 due to Chronic Diarrhea and granted Sick Leave on 23 Aug 63 for 20 days, due to the same condition; In Mar (or May?) 64, he was recommended by his superiors Enyart, Hadlock, and Mitchell to serve as Major of one of the new regiments of Colored Troops being organized in Chattanooga--"Capt. Lamme is a good and energetic officer, a strict disciplinarian, and is in ever[y] respect fully qualified to fill the position proposed--He has raised himself from the ranks by his Bravery and good conduct on the fields of Gauley, Shiloh, Corinth, Chaplin Hills and Stone River and we are willing to say he has filled the responsible position of Captain with honor to himself and credit to his Regiment. We take pleasure in recommending him as a Gentleman, and an Officer of undoubted ability whose services would be a valuable acquisition to the Regiment. Hoping that this will meet with your approbation and approval."; He was examined for the position in May 64 and received word (in late Jun 64?) of his appointment as Col of the 178 USCT Regiment (although I am not sure whether he went in first as a Major or a Lt Col and was appointed Col by War's end or if he went in as a Col at the outset) Mustered out from the 1 KY on 18 Jun 64 and from the 178 USCT on 6 Feb 66; After the War, he moved to Venango Co, PA with his family (one source I found says he was born in Beaver Co, PA); He was a Merchant before the War and apparently tried his hand at the Oil Business later in life; The 1890 Census for Beaver Co, PA lists a John F. Lamme who was a PVT [?] in the 1 KY, who makes reference to having a broken leg during the War, but I don't know when this took place--perhaps in conjunction with his Sick Leave in Aug 63?; Enlisted in 109 USC [should it be the 178 USCT?] Inf Co C; Filed Invalid Pension 1895; [Note: I do not believe the John F. Lamme who died in Tazewell Co, IL in 1903 is OUR John! I believe that our John is the John Lamm1824-1908 who is buried in Butler Co, OH; If so, then he was born in OH and died in Sommerville, Butler co, OH; His wife was Mary K. Macy, whom he married in Butler Co, OH in 1851; He Sold Trees in Clark Co, OH in 1860, was a Farmer in Preble Co, OH in 1870 and 1880, and no ocupation listed in 1900 Butler Co, OH; I will post a photo of this man's headstone]
Fahrenhorst, Christoph Friedrich Wilhelm 21 (1838 - 1883) Born in Prussia, he came to America around 1848; Mustered in on 5 Apr 61 as a Pvt, but was promoted to Sgt on 6 Jun 61; He was apparently wounded quite seriously in the foot during a skirmish near Corinth, MS on 21 May 62, however there is no mention of his being absent (in Hospital or Convalescent Corps during the period from Apr - Aug 62); Promoted to 1 Lt on 5 Apr 63; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64 (Who was the 1 Lt of Co H from 21 Dec 62 until 5 Apr 63?); He applied to AAG Barnes of the Dept of the Missouri for an appointment as an officer on 30 Dec 64--there is no record of his serving after his 3 years in the 1 KY; He worked as a Porter in CIncinnati in 1860, but spent his life after the War in St. Louis, MO as a Saloon Keeper/Bartender; He was married in 1871, but I can find no record of his wife's name; Filed Invalid Pension 1880; He died in St. Louis on 25 Sep 1883 of a Strangulated Inguinal Hernia and is buried in St. Louis
Hoeke, Louis Henry 24 (1837 - 1885) Born in Baltimore to German immigrants; Married Catharina Elizabeth "Lizzie" Schweisinger in Cincinnati on 16 Jan 1861; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Musician and served as the Drum Major/Principal Musician for the Regiment; Promoted to 2 Lt on 1 Dec 62; On 5 Feb 63, Sgt William Busbey of Co C mentions in his diary, "...Lou Houke [sic] presented with a splendid, silver fife by Genl [John T.] Smith [of the 31st IN]. Tonight he gives us a tune." (Busbey would mention Lou Hoeke's musical abilities many decades later in a newspaper column he wrote--here is the link:; In May 63, while at Cripple Creek, Hoeke requested 48 hours' leave in order to go to Nashville to purchase the proper mouthpieces for their bugles, as well as other musical merchandise to enhance the Regimental Band and Genl Cruft approved the request and passed it up the Chain of Command--it is not known whether his leave was granted, but a subsequent request was made on 20 Jul 63, this one for 15 days to go to Louisville and Cincinnati to purchase "...drums, fifes, etc. for the Regiments of the 1st Brigade." A cover leter was submitted with his request, asserting, "...The stock of musical instruments in the Brigade is well nigh exhausted. We cannot draw any [musical instruments] from the Government, [however, we] have the money to purchase and wish to supply ourselves with good articles. Lt Hoke [sic] is the only competent man in the Regiment to select what we want. We therefore ask as an especial favor that he be allowed to go." and is signed by Lt Col John T. Smith of the 31st IN, Alva Hadlock of the 1 KY, Col Rippey of the 90th OH, and Col Sedgewick of the 2nd KY; Genl Cruft again gave his approval, adding "The regts of the brigade have several hundred doll[ar]s which they desire to expend in musical instruments for a general field band. It is desirable that Lt. Hoeke have his leave."; Unfortunately, the request was returned by Genl Rosecrans on 8 Aug 63, with the note, "...more information is required as to the kind of instruments desired"; Apparently Genl Rosecrans was eventually convinced, since Lt Hoekke is listed as "Absent with Leave" on the Jul/Aug 63 Muster Roll--presumably to purchase band instruments in Louisville and/or Cincinnati; In Nov 63, he was challenged by a Major Robinson of Cleveland to some sort of musical contest--Hoeke replied that he could not meet the Major in Ohio for the the challenge, but he invited Robinson to come to Chattanooga and engage him there; I don't know if the "play-off" ever took place; Lt Hoeke mustered out on 18 Jun 64 and returned to his wife and children in Cincinnati; In August 1872, he was charged with the rape of a young woman, Christina Fahner, who was a servant in his house; Hoeke' wife admitted in court that this was the third time such an incident had happened and that she would not live with him again and wanted him prosecuted; the scandal deepened when Hoeke's brother-in-law (Lizzie's brother) offered money ($1700!) to the girl and her guardian to drop the charges; When the guardian refused, Hoeke charged her with being a "medicine-selling woman" since she had sold the Hoeke medicine to cure their child's worms; A decision in the case was to be made on 30 Aug 1872--but I can find no record of what happened to the charge against him, only that the girl, as a minor, could not choose her own guardian [!]; The scandal must not have put a damper on his popularity [was it because he was a policeman?], since all other newpaper reports were complimentary and enthusiastic whenever the Drum Major of the 1st Regiment of the OH National Guard Drum Corps, and his band provided the entertainment at veterans events, picnics for the public, and other occasions--on 19 Jan 82 he was presented with "...a beautiful silver fife, gold mounted and finely chased" by the officers of the 2nd Army Corps, a fife which reportedly cost $1,000 (and $1 in 1882 equals over $23 in current currency!); He worked at various jobs after the War, including Iron Moulder, Janitor at the Courthouse, and Cincinnati Policeman; He was buried in the Vine Street Cemetery, but reburied a short time later with great pomp and public acclaim in the Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, OH; Wife filed for her Pension on 30 Jul 85
???Anderson, Eli Smith 21 (1843 - 1875) Born in OH, a younger brother of Daniel R. Anderson, whose bio is below; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Cpl; Reduced to Pvt on 15 Oct 61; Appointed Cpl again on 31 Aug 62; Wounded ("slightly") in left arm at Stones River and spent a few months in hospital in Nashville--returned to his Company before Jun 63?; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Enlisted in Co B 180th OH Infantry on 29 Sep 64 as a Capt and mustered out on 12 Jul 65; Married Annette (Frances?) McCafferty in Gallia, OH in 1868 and had one child, Norah S. Anderson; Annette died in 1872 and Eli died a few years later; Pension for Minor (Norah P. Anderson) filed in 1890 from OH;
Cahill, Joseph 19 (1842 - <1884>) Mustered in as 1 Sgt on 6 Jun 61; Reduced to Sgt on 23 Jul 61; Reduced to Pvt on 29 Aug 61; Promoted back to Sgt on 1 Jan 63; Promoted back to 1 Sgt on 5 Apr 63; Reduced to Pvt again on 28 Mar 64; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Was a Col in 23 and 24 Vet Reserves; In 1860 Cincinnati, there is a Joseph Cahill born about 1843 in Ireland living in a Hotel, listed next to an F.P. Cahill, born about 1831 in Ireland, whose job is listed as Hotel Keeper, so if these are the right Cahills, there might be some sort of family connection--although in 1850, there is only a Joseph Cahill, aged 9 and born in Ireland, living in the household of Patrick and Jane Cahill, but not Frank or FP, so they may NOT have been brothers; Joseph's Widow filed for her Pension 14 Jun 1884
Coffee, Frank 19 (1842 - 1891) Born in Memphis, TN; Mustered in as a Pvt on 6 Jun 61; He was hospitalized ("Sick") in Louisville sometime during the period from Apr to Aug 62, but his illness is not specified, nor are the exact dates of his illness; Promoted to Cpl on 4 Apr 63; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; He married a woman named Susan (one source says her last name was Colliver, another says Busby) and he enlisted in the 54th KY Mounted Infantry on 22 Sep 64 for a year, where he quickly rose from Pvt to Sgt Maj; He was described as being 5' 8" tall, with a fair compllexion, grey eyes, and light-colored hair; His peacetime occupation was Farmer, although the source who supplied the information for his Find-A-Grave page lists him as "Dr. Franklin or F. E. Coffee"--was he a medical doctor or a PhD?; He filed a petition as an Invalid in 1889 from Missouri, and Sue filed for her Widow's pension in 1891, also from Missouri; He is buried in Livingston, MO; His first name is given by other sources as Francis
Colsher, John Nelson 17 (1843 - 1900) Born in Boone Co, KY on 12 Dec 43 (so he was not yet 18 when he mustered in on 23 Jun 61 as a Pvt); Wounded in the right hip at Stones River (one Casualty Sheet says "slightly" and one says "severely"--he was in hospital then in Convalescent Camp in Nashville until 10 Apr 63, so it was probably more than "slightly" but not exactly "severe"); Promoted to Cpl on 4 Apr 63 (in absentia? Or did they wait until he returned to the Company the following week?); Taken prisoner at Graysville, GA on 10 Sep 63 and sent to Richmond, VA--thankfully, he was paroled fairly quickly 27 Dec 63 and arrived at Camp Chase, OH on 14 Jan 64; Unfortunately, he was listed as AWOL on 25 Feb 62, but returned to the Army (of his own accord?) on 3 May 64; He was sent to the Convalescent Camp in Nashville (his second time there) and mustered out on 18 Jun 64 by telegram; In 1870, he was Working in a Cooper Shop in Lincoln Co, TN; Married Maggie Hughes in Lynchburg, Moore Co, TN in 1875; Filed for an Invalid's Pension 1877; 1880 saw him working in Lynchburg as a Store Keeper, but at some point he moved with his wife and children to Colorado; He died in Victor, Teller Co, CO; His name appears variously as Colcher, Colshear, Calshear, etc and his middle initial is incorrectly given as M in the AG's Roll; Maggie filed her Widow's Pension in May 1900 from TN
Fry, Josiah Mansfield 21 (1838 - 1909) Born in Wooster, Wayne Co, OH, but his family had moved to a farm in Peru, IN by 1860; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Promoted to Cpl on 23 Dec 62; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Lived in CIncinnati for the rest of his life after the War; He filled his petition for an Invalid's pension in 1887; He reported to the official conducting the 1890 Veterans' Census that he suffered from a Wartime wound in his left leg; In 1900, he listed his occupation as Grocer; His widow, America (Coghill) Fry, filed for her Widow's pension in 1909; He was buried in Cincinnati's Spring Grove Cemetery
Head, William Joseph 23 (1838 - <1873?>) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as Sgt; Was absent from Mar/Apr 62 until Nov 62--"sick" at hospital in Nashville--no indication of his illness; Promoted to Sgt Maj on 1 Mar 63; He was wounded at Chickamauga on 19/20 Sep 63, but he apparently did not spend any time in hospital; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; NOTE: This is NOT the same William Joseph Head who served with the 28 KY Co A, who was born 2 Aug 1839 in Nelson Co, KY, but was married to Annie Bell--he died 5 Jan 1913 in Jeffersonville, IN; Question: Who was William J. Head born circa 1838 in Ireland, who served as a Cpl with the 5 US Vet Vols, Co, H from 2 Apr 64 to 3 Apr 65, because HE died of Phthisis Pulmonalis on 10 Nov 1873 and is bur in Cincinnati's St, Joseph New Cem; I suspect that THIS is our William, but I cannot say for certain
Hyde, Jesse 29 (1832 - 1908) Born in OH, the son of Samuel Hyde; Went to Linn Co, Oregon in the early 1850s, as he was a member of the 2nd Oregon Militia, Co C in 1855; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as Sgt; Spent some time sick in hospital in Charleston, VA during mid-61--the Clerk did not always indicate whether a man was absent or present, so he may have only been gone a few days; Was sent on Detached Service as a Recruiting Officer on 23 Dec 63 until the end of April 64; Mustered out 18 Jun 64; He married Ethelinda McNorton in Allegheny Co, PA circa 1864; In 1870, he is a Carpenter-Joiner, living with his wife (Ethelinda) and two sons in Greenwood Co, KS; Filed for an Invalid's Pension in 1877; In 1880, he is a House Joiner in Adams Co, OH; Arrived in Washington State by 1890, according to Find-A-Grave, although the 1900 Census shows the family in Douglass Co, OR; He died of Senile Dementia and Chronic Diarrhea on 30 Nov 1908 in Black Rock, Moxee Co, Wash--occupation given as House Joiner (although Ethelind is erroneously entered as his mother's name); He was buried in Black Rock Cemetery; Ethelinda filed her Widows' Pension 28 Jan 1908 from Washington
Leach, James 32 (1829 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Forfeited 2 months' pay as a result of a General Court Martial in Nov / Dec 61; Promoted to Cpl on 1 Aug 62; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Filed for an Invalid's Pension 1892
McCabe, John 22 (1839 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Cpl; Promoted to Sgt on 1 Aug 62; Remained in Murfreesboro (sick in hospital) on 24 Jun 63 when the rest of the Company left Cripple Creek--unspecified illness of short duration, since he was back with the Company for Jul/Aug 63; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64;
McGinley, Dennis 24 (1837 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Was sick in hoospital in Bowling Green, KY during the Jan/Feb 62 pay cycle, although he still "reported for duty"--the same thing hapened the next pay cycle (Mar/Apr 62), in that he was sick in hospital, this time in Savannah, TN, but still "reported for duty"; Promoted to Cpl on 21 Dec 62; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64
Rafferty, Bernard 22 (1839 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Cpl; Promoted to Sgt on 4 Apr 63; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64
Shane, John N. 22 (<1838> - 1930) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Appointed Cpl on 15 Oct 61; Promoted to Sgt on 5 Apr 63; Promoted to 1 Sgt on 28 Mar 64; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Enlisted with the 54 KY Co K; Filed for an Invalid's Pension in 1896; Family records say he was born in Jun 38 (1900 Census says Jun 32) in KY; Married Matilda Heaverin in 1866 in Bracken Co, KY, and moved with her and their children to Kansas where he was a Farmer until his death in 1930; Died 22 Dec 1930 in Abilene, KS
Shinkle, Ross Porter <20> (1841 - 1917) Born in Brown Co, OH; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 asa Pvt; Appointed Cpl 15 Oct
61; Promoted to Sgt on 4 Apr 63; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Married Mary Allen Barnes and lived with her and their children in KY for the rest of their lives; Ross was a Farmer; His tombstone and death certificate show his birthdate as 3 Feb 1841, but another family source on Ancestry shows his birthdate as 23 Feb 41; Filed for Invalid Pension in 1887; Died 12 May 1917 in Petersburg, KY; Widow's Pension filed for on 24 May 1917
Spencer, George B. 23 (1838 - ) Mustered in on 9 Jul 61 as a Pvt; Promoted to Cpl on 1 Aug 62; Daily detail as Color Guard with the Mar/Apr 64 Muster Roll Card; Mustered out by telegram on 18 Jun 64
Haufbauer, George C. <21> (<1841> - 1892) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Began detached assignment as Drummer in Regimental Band around May/Jun 63; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Name also appears as Humphbower; He may be the George Humphbower, aged 9, living with George and Salina Humphbower (parents?) and Mary Humphbower (sister?)--all born in Germany--in Campbell Co, KY in 1850; Invalid's Pension filed 1890; Widow's Pension filed, but no date, name, or location; Headstone inscription file lists him as Hamphboner; Died 27 Sep 1892 of Liver Disease and Dropsy and is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Cleveland, OH
Niederman, Ernest 24 (1837 - 1921) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Sick in Hospital in Nashville from Apr - Aug 62 Muster Roll Card until finally in Camp (at Cripple Creek) on 10 Apr 63; Began detached assignment in Regimental Band as Bugler on 6 May 63; Taken prison at Graysville, GA on 10 Sep 63; His peacetime occupation was listed as Painter; Spent several weeks in and out of Howard General Hospital in Richmond beginning on 10 Feb 64 with Variola (Small Pox); Paroled 8 May 64; Mustered out 15 Jul 64; Name variously spelled as Earnest Neederman, Neiderman, etc.; Probably the Ernest Niederman who was born 31 May 1837 in Switzerland and came to American in 1850 (Naturalized, although some sources say he came to the US in 1860)--if so, he lived most of his life in Cincinnati where he worked as a Dressmaker with (his wife?) Margareth Niederman, then as an Embroiderer (wife named Katherine, whom he had married 1879), as a Health Officer, as a Landscape Painter, and finally as a Cabinet Maker before he died in Cincinnati in 1921; Invalid's Pension filed 1884; Died 14 Dec 1921 in Cincinnati
Sparks, Alfred 23 (1837 - 1916) Born in KY, probably the son of Charles and Mary Sparks; Mustered in on 9 Jul 61 as a Pvt; Wounded (severely?) by GSW in hip on 21 May 62 (no explanation); Appointed Wagoner for Co H beginning with Sept/Oct 62 Muster Roll; Detailed as the Division Teamster from 7 Jul 63 until 22 May 64; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64 by telegram; Maried Isabelle Sparks circa 1867; Filed for Invalid's Pension 1876; Lived Lewis Co, KY in 1870 as a Farmer; Lived in Rowan Co 1880 as a Farmer; Back in Lewis Co in 1890; In 1900, He is a Pensioner living in Mason Co, KY; Same in 1910; Died because of Asthmas and Defective Heart Action on 7 Jun 1916 Fleming Co, KY, according to death certificate, [although the Veterans' Files reflect that he died in in Piper City, Ford Co, IL]; Buried in Oak Ridge Cem in Fleming Co, KY
Anderson, Daniel R. 24 (1837 - 1915) Born in Warren Co, OH to Dr. William H. and Martha (Smith) Anderson--he was an older brother of Cpl Eli Anderson listed in the box above this; Married May Craige (probably sometime before the War); Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Like his brother, Eli, he enlisted with a different regiment when his 3 years in the 1 KY were over, being mustered into Co I of the 26th IN Infantry and serving until the War's end; Lived in Warren Co, OH as a Carpenter until sometime after 1880--his wife died in 1879 and he married a second time in 1886 (Mrs. Mary E. Perkins nee Roberts) and he and his second wife spent the rest of their days in the Indiana State Soldiers' Home in Wabash, Tippecanoe Co, IN; He is buried there in Grave 8 in Row O of the Central Section
Bannister, John T. 20 (1841 - 1913) Born in KY, his father was a Merchant when he was a boy; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; He aparently suffered no wounds or illnesses while in the Army and he was never captured; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Except for his time in the War, he spent all of his life as a Farmer in Marion Co, KY; He was married twice and was the father of six chilldren who lived to adulthood; He was buried in the Ryder Cemetery in (you guessed it!) Marion Co, KY; Name also spelled Banister
Bayless, John 38 (1823 - 1906) Born in Staffordshire, England; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Taken prisoner at Stones River and sent to Richmond, VA 16 Jan 63; Paroled 3 Feb 63 and sent to Camp Chase, OH; Was granted a short furlough on 10 Apr 63, but apparently took too long and was arrested as a "Straggler/Deserter" on 22 Apr 63; Sent from Camp Chase to Murfreesboro on 2 Jun 63--his arrival date in TN is not listed, but he apparently made it to Camp Cripple Creek before the Regiment left on 24 Jun 63; He was wounded on 19/20 Sep 63 at Chickamauga (gun shot wound to his right shoulder) and was sent to hospital in Nashville but was able to rejoin his Company by the Mar/Apr 64 Muster Roll; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; He lived in Cincinnati after the War with his wife and family and was employed as an Iron Moulder; In 1883, he was a widower and unable to work, so he entered the Disabled Veterans' Home in Dayton--he was 5' 6" with blue eyes, a fair complexion, and able to read and write; He died of a Cerbral Hemorrhage in 1906 and was buried in the Dayton National Cemetery in Section N, Row 5, Grave 11; Name also spelled Bayliss
Bell, John H. 27 (1834 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Detailed duty as the Regimental Blacksmith from 27 Feb/30 Jun 63 Muster Roll Card through the end of the War; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64
Connolly, Michael (no middle initial) 28 (1833 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Listed as being Absent, Sick in hospital in Murfreesboro during the Mar/Apr 62 Muster Roll, which makes me think he might have become ill or might even have been injured at Shiloh in April; By May/Jun 62, he is listed as being in hospital at Louisville, where he would remain until 10 Apr 63 when he joins his unit at Cripple Creek; There is a Casualty Sheet for this Michael saying he was wounded slightly at Corinth on 21 May 62--which does not exlain his hospitalization in Mar/Apr, however, there is also a Casualty Sheet for Michael G. Connolly saying he was wounded slightly at Corinth on 21 May 62; Were they both wounded at Corinth? If this Michael's wound was only a slight one, why was he in hospital from Mar/Apr 62 until 10 Apr 63? (Michael G. Connolly was apparently never sent to hospital for any reason); Are there any of the Connollys in the 1 KY who were related? All of them have their names spelled variously as Connolly, Connelly, Connolley, Connely, etc.; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Mother filed for her Pension on 21 Jun 1872; His Pension file also reflects he served in Co F of the 1 KY at one time
Connolly, Michael G. 25 (1836 - ) Originally assigned to Co F, but transferred to Co H on 8 Jul 61--There was a Michael M. Connolly in Co F, so if this Michael were transferred to another Company to avoid confusion, why send him to Co H, since they already had a Michael Connolly (no middle Initial)? Or did these two Michaels want to be in the same unit because of kinship? Were either of them related to the Dudley Connolly in Co. H who was discharged on 6 Jan 63 from Louisville with a broken kneecap incurred at the skirmish near Corinth?; Were any of them related to the Michael M. Connolly in Co. F who was killed at Stones River? In any case, there is a Casualty Sheet for Michael G. Connelly for being wounded slightly in the arm in the skirmish near Corinth, Mississippi on 21 May 62, however, there are no hospital records for Michael G. Connelly--has he been confused with the Michael (no middle initial) listed above or was this Michael simply not wounded seriously enough to warrant a trip to a hospital?; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Is he any relation to the other Michael Connolly in the bio above?
???Davis, Reuben G. 20 (1840 - ) Mustered in on 23 Jun 61; Detailed as Teamster on 6 Jan 62; Relieved from duty as Teamster on or about 10 Mar 63 and was returning to his Company (at Cripple Creek), when he was captured near Bradyville, TN on 12 Mar 63 and sent to Richmond, VA as a POW; Paroled on 25 Mar 63 and sent to Camp Chase, OH, followed by Louisville, KY and then to Nashville, TN by 5 Jun 63; Detailed at Redoubt Johnson at Fortress Rosecrans in Murfreesboro from July/Aug 63 until 11 Apr 64 when he was returned to his Company and was Mustered out by telegram on 18 Jun 64; Was he ever at Cripple Creek? When he was detailed as Teamster, was he housed at Murfreesboro or Nashville or Cripple Creek? After he reached Nashville on 5 Jun 63, did he rejoin his unit at Cripple Creek before being detached to Fortress Rosecrans?; He was erroneously listed as a Deserter when he didn't report to Cripple Creek after being relieved as a Teamster in March 63 and the mistake was not corrected in his Army records until 6 Nov 1888!; Filed for his Invalid Pension in 1887; Widow's Pension filed--no date, name, or location
Dermoody, Thomas* 41 (1820 - 1864) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Sick in Hospital in Bowling Green during the period Jan /Feb 62, but still reported for duty; Notmention of whether he was Present or Absent for the Mar/Apr 62 Muster Roll Card; Absent in Louisville during the Apr 30 - Aug 31 62 Card, but he was Present for the Sept/Oct 62 Card; Taken prisoner at Graysville, GA on 10 Sep 63; Sent from Richmond, VA to Andersonville Prison Camp, GA on 21 Mar 64; Died at Andersonville on 5 Jun 64; buried in Grave 1627
Drynam, David 25 (1836 - ) Mustered in on 20 Jun 61; Became sick and was sent to hospital at Ooltemah, TN on 17 Apr 64 and was probably still there when the rest of the Regiment went to be mustered out, so David was mustered out by telegram on 15 Jun 64; Name also appears as Dryman, Drynan, etc.
Erwin, William B. 18 (1843 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Appointed Cpl 15 Oct 61; Forfeited one month pay and reduced to Pvt again as result of General Court Martial on 1 Mar 62; Wounded "severely" in leg at the skirmish near Corinth, Mississippi on 21 May 62 and hospitalized (where?) although his unit had him listed as AWOL!; Returned by Sep/Oct 62 (there is no record of his AWOL status ever being removed ); On Daily Duty as a Clerk in Mar/Ar 64; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Enlisted in Co I 191st OH as a Pvt on 6 Feb (or 8 Mar) 65; Promoted to 2 Lt on 9 May 65; Mustered out 27 Aug 65; Pension file lists him as Ewing and reflects that he served in the War With Spain in 1899; Invalid Pension filed in 1925
Fricke, Sebastian 24 (1837 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Names also spelled Frick; Might be the Sebastian Frick, aged 12, born in OH, living in the St Aloysius Orpahn Assylum in Cincinnati in 1850 with F. Xavier Frick, aged 9, born in Germany; I find no Sebastian Frick(e) in the Pension File, but a Philip Frick filed an Invalid's Pension in 1899 and his card also reflects he served in the War With Spain--is Phillip Frick the same man as Sebastian Frick(e)?
Graham, Patrick 26 (1835 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; First name sometimes spelled "Patric" in the records
Harvey, James 21 (1840 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Sick in Hospital in Nashville during the Mar/Apr 62 Muster Roll (reason not specified); On the Feb 28 - Jun 30 Pay Card, it says he had to forfeit $5 pay to the Regimental Provost Marshall--no reason given; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64
Kenyon, John 35 (1826 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Promoted to Cpl on 9 Aug 61; Promoted to Sgt on 15 Nov 61; Reduced to Pvt again on 1 Aug 62; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64
Kernan, Albert 20 (1840 - 1891) Born in Austria (or Switzerland); Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Beginning with the Feb 28 - Oct 31 Muster Roll Card, he is listed as doing daily duty in the Regimental Band; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; After the War, lived in the Greater Cincinnati area, working at various times as a Baker, Wagon Driver, and a Coffee and Tea Agent; Invalid's Pension filed 1888; Minor's Pension filed--no date, name, or location; Pension file card is misread by the Indexer as Sebert Kerven!
King, Michael 29 (1832 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mar/Apr 62 listed on Muster Roll Card as Absent Sick--not known where, although he was back with Co H for the next Card; Once again, sent to Hospital with sickness (not sppecified) in Murfreesboroo on 18 May 63 (so, he was at Cripple Creek for a couple of months); Remained in hospital from May 63 until he was transferred to Veterans' Reserve Corps by Surgeon's Certificate of Disability on 30 Nov 63
Larkin, Michael 28 (1833 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Sent to hospital in Murfreesboro during the period between April and Aug 62, but was still able to report for duty (don't know the nature of his medical problem); Wounded at LaVergne, TN on 31 Dec 62--one report says in the left hand, another says severely in the right arm; Was present at Cripple Creek by the Mar/Apr Muster Roll Card; Reported to be sick while at Bridgeport, AL and sent to hospital on 8 (or 3?) Nov 63, but was back with his unit by Jan/Feb 64; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Filed an Invalid Pension 1890;
Mack, James 32 (1829 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Sent to hospital in Stevenson, AL on 8 Sep 63 (no details on the reason, but it was apparently serious enough to warrant his being sent to Nashville on 1 Oct 63); Back with his unit by the Jan/Feb 64 Muster Roll; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Related to John Mack?
Mack, John 27 (1827 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 15 Jun 64 by telegram--I don't know why; Related to James Mack?; Invalid Pension filed 1890
McLaughlin, William 29 (1832 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Left in Bridgeport, AL (sick) on 25 Jan 64, but had returned to his unit by Mar/Apr 64; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64
Mailey, Edward 19 (1843 - 1910) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Name spelled variously as Edmund, Edward, Maley, Mailley, etc.; Served in Co F for a time, according to his Pension Index card; Invalid's Pension filed 1880; Died 18 Mar 1910; Mary E. filed her Widow's Pension in Apr 1910 from PA; Is this the Edward Mailey, coal miner in PA, who married Mary Cody and is buried in Calvary Cemetery in Allegheny Co, PA
???Metcalf, James H. 20 (1841 - 1899?) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Placed on detached duty as the Corps Purveyor Teamster on 21 Oct 62 and again (or still) detached as Purveyor Teamster on 8 Nov 62; He is Absent on most of the Muster Roll Cards from this period; He was erroneously marked as a Deserter in Mar/Apr 63, but he was actually captured near Bradyville, TN on 12 Mar 63 and sent to Richmond, VA; He was paroled 31 Mar 63, sent to Camp Chase, OH for a short time (to recuperate from his time in captivity?) and sent to Co H on 2 Jun 63; On 13 Jun 63, he is again placed on detached duty as Purveyor Teamster, so he would only have been in Camp Cripple Creek for a day or two, if at all; Mustered out by telegram on 15 Jun 64; Name spelled variously as Metcalfe, Metkelf, etc.; He might be the James H. Metcalfe born 1839 in KY, lived in Kenton Co, KY, and died there about 1899
Miller, Job H. 21 (1840 - 1920) Born in Hamilton Co, OH on 16 Apr; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Spent a short time in hospital in Springhill during Mar 1862; Beginning while he was at Cripple Creek, he would occasionally leave on detached duty as Teamster (for the company? the regiment? both?)--this extra duty continued through May 64; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Spent nearly all of his life in Hamilton Co, OH, working Odd Jobs, often as a Farm Laborer; Married Catharine Sarah Ann Brown in 1870; Filed for Invalid's Pension 1885; Died 19 Apr 1920 and is buried in the Elizabethtown, OH Cemetery, according to his death certificate, but Find-a-Grave does not list him; Catharine filed for her Widow's Pension on 1 Jun 1920 Pension file mistakenly lists him as John H. Miller
Murphy, Robert 23 (1837 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61 as a Cpl; Reduced to a Pvt on 1 Aug 62; Is noted as "Sick in Hospital in Nashville on the Nov/Dec 62 Muster Roll Card, but the next card says he was Hospitalized in Nashville from 23 Jan 63; Present with his Company at Cripple Creek with the Mar/Apr Card and would remain so until Mustered out 18 Jun 64; Filed for an Invalid's Pension 1892; Widow's Pension filed--no date, name, or location
Newman, Michael* 22 (1839 - 1863) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Would be killed at Bridgeport, AL on 24 Nov 63
Ohman, Henry 21 (1840 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64
Powers, John D. 29 (1832 - 1885) Born in Ireland; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Spent time at a hospital in Nashville during the period from Mar/Apr 62 and was released 12 Apr 62 with a note that he was given a furlough to await discharge (?); Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Invalid's Pension filed 1878; Admitted to Veterans' Home in Dayton in 14 Jun 78 when he was age 48, a Single Laborer from Cincinnati with no known relatives; He reported being wounded in his left wrist at Resaca, GA on 20 May 64; He died at the Home on 5 Nov 1885 of Pneumonia and is buried at the Cemetery on the grounds in Sect E - Row 17 - Grave 27
Stevens, George 19 (1840 - 1898) Born in Perry Co, PA; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Reported Absent--Sick for Mar/Apr 62, but Muster Card does not say where not foor how long (back in camp foor the next pay period); Apparently overpaiid by two months in May/Jun 62, since he was not paid during Jul/Aug 62; Forfeited $5 for some sort of disciplinary infraction on the Feb 28 - Jun 30 62 Card; Apparently committed some other rule violation, as $20 is forfeited from his pay for the period of Jun 30 - Oct 31 62; No further problems and he mustered out with his Company on 18 Jun 64; Also served in the 14 US Infantry and the 6 PA HArt Battery E; Invalid's Pension filed 1890; Entered Sawtelle, CA Veterans' Home in 1891, age 52, 5' 3" tall, Sandy complexion, Single, Protestant, Working as a Laborer in San Jose, CA, Suffering from General Debility and Disease of Heart; Left 7 Apr 92 at his request, Appears on 1894 Voter List as Inmate in Napa Veterans' Home 5' 4", Sandy, Gray, Sandy, Thumb on right hand crippled; On 1896 Voter List, he is still in the Napa Home, 5' 2 1/2", Light, Blue, Auburn, Right thum dislocsated; Died 8 Jan 1898 in the Vet Hom in Napa, Calif, Buried in Veterans' Memorial Grove Cemetery, Yountville, CA, Section Bm Row 4, Grave 17
Toomey, David 24 (1837 - 1882) Born in Ireland; Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Was sent to a Chattanooga hospital in Apr 64 (undisclosed illness) and apparently was still there when the rest of his Regiment was mustered out on 18 Jun of that year; When David was ready to be released from the hospital, there was some sort of mix-up with his paperwork that caused him to be arrested as a Deserter and held until Dec 64 (or longer!) when someone was able to vouch for his identity and verify that the 1 KY had been mustered out in Jun; After the War, he remained in the Cincinnati area, working as a Laborer; He never married and had no close relatives or friends listed on his admission form in 1878, to the Home for Disabled Veterans in Dayton, OH; His main complaint was a tumor in the right side of his groin; He was discharged from the Home at his own request on 10 Jun 82; The final notation says he was killed in a railroad accident near Amsterdam, NY on 27 Sep 82 and buried there by the local G. A. R. Post
Woods, David 27 (1834 - ) Mustered in on 6 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; There is a Pension File card for a Joseph S. Wood, but I can't find him in the AG's Roster or elsewhere--is he the same as David Woods? Joseph Wood also served in the 3 KY Co H and filed for an Invalid's Pension in 1890
August, Wilhelm (Sgt)
Foley, Martin
Garrish, William
Hoane, Martin
Meyer, Henry
Realer, Christian F.
Burch, James L.
Connolley, Dudley
Covey, Isaac
Dennis, John W.
Haney, Timothy
Lyons, William H. (2 Lt)
Merrill, James
Nicholson, Samuel
Reardon, John
Ross, James C.
Vanderburgh, M Bertrand
Williamson, James T. (Capt)
Worthington, William W.
Cahill, Frank (Capt) -- To Maj of
1 KY F & S
Christie, Samuel L. ( 1 Lt) -- To
Capt of Co A
Stager, Michael -- To VRC
Detached elsewhere:
Lambert, Christopher -- Detached
to Pioneer Corps beginning 24
Nov 62
Trew, Marion -- Detached to
Commissary Dept in Nashville
from 8 Jan 63 and then as
Brigade Teamster on 24 Jun 63;
Returned to Co H on 21 May 64;
Mustered out by telegram 15 Jun
Davis, Joseph --
Hospitalized 1 Mar 62
- 24 Oct 62 and again
from 27 Dec 62 until
well after Jul 63 -- I
don't know the nature
of his illness(es)
Dixon, James M. -- In
Hospital in Louisville
from 20 Oct 62 until
his Desertion from
there on 22 May 63
Haley, Martin -- Disch on
10 Mar 63 from
Louisville, KY
Herman, Charles -- In
Hospital fro 31 Aug
Aug until 1 Jun 64
Polena, Oscar -- Disch
on 13 Oct 63 from
Madison, IN
Tygh, Michael -- Disch
on 28 Apr 63 from
Louisville, KY
Whitney, William --
Disch on 14 May 63
from Gallatin, TN
Cook, Matthew
Darby, William M.
Donnovan, James
Dressel, William (Fifer)
Lacombe, Peter
Lavelle, Thomas (Cpl)
Lowe, Henry (Drummer)
Loyd, Edward
McGlinn, James
McGrane, Terrence (Cpl)
Magee, William
Murry, William H.
Ogelsby, William
O'Halloran, Edward
O'Merlin, Patrick
Reiley, William
MIA (Presumed Dead)
Albert, Frederick
Brick, Donald
Creigg, John
Mullins, Martin
Weinhousen, August
West, Thomas
Dignan, Joseph M. -- Captured at
Stones River, taken to Richmond,
paroled, sent to Camp Chase, but
somehow got listed as a Deserter;
Was finally returned to Co H in late
Oct 63, but after they had already
left Cripple Creek
Tracey, Michael -- Captured at
LaVergne, TN on 1 Jan 63 (or 31
Dec 62), then Paroled from
Richmoned, then marked as a
Deserter, then returned with no
explanation on 2 Dec 63;
Whatever the facts, he was NOT
at Cripple Creek
Weaver, John E -- Allegedly died by falling from a railroad car on 9 Jul
61, but it turns out he had actually
deserted! He was arrested and
returned 4 Jan 64 (restored to the
service of his country, but lost all
pay and allowances during his
absence) and mustered out with
the Company on 18 Jun 64 (Aged
34 when he enlisted)