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The 5th Middle TN Cavalry

(Co. C & Co. F) join the troops

at Camp Cripple Creek


Drilling, drilling, and more drilling

1  -  16  may

FRI.  1                    Very pleasant

19 -- Charles Hayden  (1 OH LA)

27 -- William C. Howe  (1 OH LA)

29 -- Floyd Beaty  (31 IN H)

34 -- James Dobbins  (90 OH G)

[35 -- William W. Koonce  (5 TN F)]          


Battle of Chancellorsville (VA) begins



Went to Murfreesboro to Express Box Home with Coat and

Locket[.]  Paid two dollars for Expressage[.]  Rumors of an

advance movement of the hole [sic] army



All the sick were this day sent to the hospital  [Was there

one general hospital in Murfreesboro at this time or still

dozens of small hospitals in vacant homes, churches,

stores, etc.?]



Chilcote says he is on picket again, but moved from his

old post, down to the woods.  Does not say whether he

took the cow along--or not



...Pay 2 dollars for a lithograph of The Field of Stone River,

to be sent home from Cincinnati[,] Sketched by [Alfred E.]

Mathews of the 31st OH.  Sick sent to Murfreesboro to-day.  

[William] Cobaugh and [Charles] Meyer[s] from our company.  

Brigade Drill at 3 o'clock.  Quarters thoroughly policed.  

Lieutenants Berry and Jones Signal Officers on the Knob.  

Lieutenant Fitch Signal Officer here.  More Shelter Tents

furnished.  Unbleached linen.





SAT.  2                  Warm and sultry; Night showery


          33 -- 2 Lt Jacob Bush  (90 OH C)


Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson was mortally wounded (would die on 10 May)



On Picket to day [--] all quiet



Come in off picket, washed up, and cleaned up our

quarters.  Battalion drill and dress parade in the afternoon.



...Sockwell relieved from the Commissary, the QM of the

90th [OH] taking his place.  Brigade Dress Parade in the

evening.  A reading room and bulletin board erected at

Hd Qrs.  At night Pickets disturbed.



SUN.  3                 Very warm                                                      FULL MOON


         23 -- James W. Davis  (5 TN C) 

          25 -- William M. Camp  (1 OH LA)


Second Battle of Chancellorsville (VA) begins



One or two Companeys [sic] of Stokes['] Cavelry [sic] encamped

[at] Cripple Creek[.]  Brigade Review B[y] Genral C. Cruft[.]  Very

nice Review



Fifteen weeks this day at Cripple Creek.  We were joined by two

companies of the First Tennessee Cavalry [later referred to as

the 5th Middle Tennessee Cavalry].  They went into camp on the

flats across the creek.  Regular brigade review.



We had inspection in the forenoon, and general review in the




...On Picket having a pleasant time...




MON.  4                Very warm; Rainy afternoon with Severe thunderstorms during night


          22 -- Martin Fields  (31 IN H)

          23 -- George Francis Harning  (1 KY K)



Officers and non Commissioned off[ic]ers drill in forenoon[.]  

Bat[t]alion drill after noon[.]  Great and Cheering news from

the Raphanock [sic] General Hooker advancing on fredericksburg



The One Hundred and Twentieth Illinois Infantry passed our camp,

going towards Murfreesboro.  The regiment had been for some time

in the Second Brigade of General Palmer's division, but had been

reduced by sickness and desertion, so that it did not then contain

over one hundred and fifty effective men...


Regimental drill and dress parade today.



...3 companies [it should read "2 companies"] of Stokes Tenn Cavalry

camp near us yesterday.  The Brigade reviewed by Genl Cruft

yesterday afternoon...Rumored today that we are to go to Lebanon.  

Severe Thunder Showers at night. 




TUE.  5                 Warm, but air pure [low humidity?]; cloudy still some rain; Beautiful


          19 -- Benjamin P. Ansel  (90 OH B)

          21 -- Tallison Gomer Williams  (1 KY C) 

          24 -- Alonzo Vincent  (90 OH B)



Officers drill in forenoon[,] Brigade drill in the after noon[.]

...Received information [alas, incorrect information!] that

General Hooker has taken fredericksburg with several

Prisoners and Peaces [sic] of artil[l]ery



The Twenty-Third Kentucky Infantry passed our camp, on

their way to take the place of the One Hundred and Tenth Illinois...



Very quiet in camp.  Some of the boys are out on picket.



...Brigade Drill from 3 till 5.  A very good time.  In the morning

the 23rd KY move out of our lines going to Readyville to relieve

the 110th IL.  Stop for a rest near our camp and the officers

escorted by Col Enyart to visit the most attractive portions.  

Rumors reach us [incorrect rumors] of Hooker's success in the east.




WED.  6               Cold, wet, and disagreeable--rained all day and into the night


               24 -- ???Francis M. Gates  (31 IN I)     



on Picket to day...



Got mail today...



...Write out a furlough for [Cpl James] Crouse



THUR.  7             Dreary, cold, rainy, and gloomy (again!)


          19 [?] -- George Heilemann  (2 KY C)

          20 -- Frederick Owen  (90 OH A)

          31 -- Lorenzo B. Adams  (1 OH LA)



Still continues to Rain[.]  Got Circular of American Watch

from Indianapolis...



A damp, drizzly day.  We drew rations today.



...Picket early...[John] Lamme returns to camp...My Diaries

safe at home



FRI.   8                Cold and disagreeable in the forenoon, but clear and pleasant in the afternoon


          25 -- Sylvester Wyckoff  (90 OH B)

          27 -- Harrison Taylor  (31 IN A)



Served as officer of the Gard [Officer of the Day?]...

Conflicting Rumors in Regard to Hookers fite [sic] on

the Raphanock [sic]



Lieutenant [Norman] Baldwin returned from home,

bringing numerous packages for the men, sent by friends



Company drill in the forenoon, and brigade drill in the afternoon.



...Relieved at the usual time.  [John] Lamme returns my

watch in running order.  While talking with him discover an

old friend near him for so long a time and no acquaintance.  

Tis one of the strangest freaks of fortune...Brigade Drill--

double quick to day.



SAT.  9               Warm, pleasant, beautiful





Co B Gards train of Wagons to Murfreesboro[.]  

Col [John] Osborn[e] Start home to day



The camp quiet, as usual



...Complete the arrangement of my new roll book...

Dress Parade in the evening.  Quarters policed.  Camp excited over rumors from the east.



SUN.  10            Beautiful weather


            21 -- James Strait  (90 OH H)

            21 -- Michael Kummer  (1 KY I) 

            23 -- James Morgan  (31 IN A) 

            26 -- Jamess M. Woodbury  (31 IN B)        


Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson dies



On Picket to day...Flag presented to our Battery to day[.]  

Nothing on [sic] any importance going on to day



     J. P. Beers died at noon.  His disease was Typhoid fever.  He hailed from Collamer, a few miles East of Cleveland, Ohio.  

     At 3 o'clock a grand review of the entire brigade took place, after which the troops were formed in a hollow square, when Captain Standart was called out and presented, by Generall Cruft, on behalf of the officers of the brigade, with a beautiful flag for our Battery.  But great was the Captain's surprise, when the General presented him with a splendid sword, as a mark of respect and high estimation in which the officers of the brigade held him.  General Cruft then made a neat little speech, which was happily resonded to by Captain Standart.  Colonel Barnett being present, also offered a few remarks, in which he alluded, in a happy manner, to the good discipline and soldierly bearing of the men, and congratulated us for the fair name and reputation which we had gained.  

     Colonel Enyart, of the First Kentucky Infantry, was also presented with an elegantly wrought sword, by the officers and soldiers of his command.  Immediately after the above ceremony, loud, long, and heary cheers were given for General Cruft, Colonel Barnett, Captain Standart, Colonel Enyart, and the officers of the First Brigade.  And now all quietly marched back to their respective quarters.  

     Sunday, May 10, 1863, will long live in the remembrance of those who composed Standart's Battery...   



General review this evening.  Lieut Geo. Richey returned to the regiment today from a furlough home.


[For the next couple of weeks, there are no entries from Sgt. Busbey--pages lost?]



MON.  11           Rained


          20 -- Milton Beaty  (31 IN H)

          26 -- George W. Saxton  (31 IN A)

          36 -- Harry J. Koch  (2 KY K)



General Palmer has moved out the 3rd Brigade to day and Camped

near our Brigade[.]  Rumors of an atact [sic]



...the body of J.P. Beers was sent home.  The detachment to which

he belonged escorted his remains outside the lines.



A very warm day, and everything quiet.



TUE.  12         Rain at daylight but clearing later


       19 -- Jacob Bluim  (1 OH LA)

       28 -- Sgt Edward A. Elliott  (90 OH K)

       36 -- Jacob C. Ater  (90 OH A)



General Palmer moved his headquarters from Murphysfeesboro

[sic] to camp on Criple [sic] Creek[.]  all quiet today



The Third brigade of our division arrived, and camped near us.



The regiment had battalion drill today.  Gen. Palmer moved his

quarters to this place, today.  He is our division commander.


[Also, the 6th OH and 4 companies of Grose's [Third] Brigade arrive at Camp Cripple Creek today.  (They came as the escort ot the 110th IL.)  The 84th IL were already at Camp Cripple Creek.]



WED.  13          Rainy





Nothing unusual to-day.  It rained, but that is no unusual occurrence.





THUR.  14        Raining at daylight


          23 -- Levi Septer  (90 OH A)

          36 -- Samuel S. Timerlake  (90 OH G)


Battle of Jackson, Mississippi 



...Order of Picketing changed to day [-- from now on, instead of

a whole company being assigned to Picket Duty, each company

would send 5 men.]...



Had brigade drill.  Everything very quiet in camp.



FRI.  15           -----  [This is the first day at Camp Cripple Creek that I have NO weather report!]


             19 -- Moses B. Andrews  (90 OH B)


A soldier sentenced to be Shot to death at or near Murfreesboro for desertion. [This could be William Minix of the 9th KY who was executed in Murfreesboro on 16 Jun 1863, or David Blazer of the 4th IN Artillery who was executed in Murfreesboro on 20 June 1863.  Chanaces are, he is speaking of John Schockman of the 1st KY who was executed at Camp Cripple Creek on 23 June 1863.]



A little excitement in camp, caused by a horse-race for

one hundred dollars a side.  [What does this mean?] 

Our Whilom mule-driver says that his steed can run the

"har" clean off them dandified looking "critters."  But says

he don't "keer" about betting, as cabbages ain't very plenty

just now.  ["cabbages" = "money"?]



We began doing picket duty to-day, by detail, that is so

many from each company each day.



SAT.  16         -----





Company Cook House put up to day, detail of Companey [sic]

Cooking to Commence next week



This is Saturday, and wash-day.  We had dress parade in the evening.






"The Field of Stone River" by

Alfred E. Mathews

Union University--one of many buildings used as a hospital in Murfreesboro


Chilcote is taken out of

"the dairy business"

Col. William B. Stokes

Gen. Hooker would meet with defeat at Fredericksburg

Gen. T. J. "Stonewall" Jackson

Gen. John M. Palmer

The Battle of Jackson, Miss.

Title. Double click me.

17  -  31  may

SUN.  17                      -----                                              NEW MOON


          1 -- Jacob H. McDaniel  (90 OH D) 



Review to day of the 1st Brigade 2nd Division by Generals

Palmer and Cruft...General Palmer and Staff, with 60 of the

1st Tenn Cavalery [sic]  [the 5th Middle Tenn Cavalry] 

Captured 18 Rebels Prowling Round our Lines



On this morning, as General Palmer and Staff were out, with some of the First Tennessee Cavalry [5th Middle TN], on a reconnaissance, when about five miles from camp they were suddenly confronted by a large body of Rebel cavalry, who at once opened fire on them.  General Palmer gave the command for his cavalry to charge, at which order the brave Tennesseans were not slow in obeying.  With drawn sabres they rushed on the Rebels, which caused them to give way, when they broke and fled in confusion.  The result was the capture of about twenty prisoners, the same number of horses, and a few muskets.  Two captains were among the prisoners.  One or two of the enemy were killed, and several wounded.  Two or three slightly wounded on our side.  The prisoners were soon after brought into camp.  Brigade inspection in the afternoon.  Seventeen weeks in camp at Cripple Creek.



This is Sunday.  Had insection this morning and review

in the evening.  A Kentucky chaplain preached to our

regiment at 10 o'clock.  





MON. 18                     -----


               22 -- Robert Mattox  (90 OH G)


The Siege of Vicksburg begins [It would finally end on 4 July]



Brigade Drill Conducted by General C. Cruft.



The men are putting in the time drilling, except those on picket.



TUE.  19                     -----





Company Cooking Commenced to day [with] William Artibus and

A. J. Poole [as] Cooks



Brigade drill today.  Squad and company drill were going on

almost every day, in addition to battalion and brigade drills.






WED.  20                     -----


          18 -- John Brown  (31 IN B)

          20 -- Lafayette Gaston  (90 OH B)

          21 -- Michael Kummer  (1 KY I)

          24 -- Vinal Aye  (31 IN A)



Started on a scout at daylight.  Went about 4 miles, and as we

found no enemy, we came back to camp and drilled in the evening.






THUR.  21                A nice, warm day



        21 -- Henry Spindle  (1 KY B) 

       24 -- John R. Cage  (90  OH E)

        25 -- Royal Edwin Allen Pease  (1 OH LA)



All quiet, except drill...




FRI.  22                      -----


          26 -- James K. Wells  (31 IN B)



21 Months to day since Co. B went in to camp at Camp Vigo

Terre Haute, Ind.  



The mail was distributed to day.  Had brigade drill.




SAT.  23             Very warm--the warmest so far this year





Very Warm to day[,] the Warmest Weather we have had

this Spring[.]  news of Grant and Pemberton [reached us

today] fite [sic] on Miss[issippi River.]  all quiet in the

Cumberland Army



Did not drill today, but did our washing, policed our quarters, and had dress parade in the evening.



SUN.  24             Beautiful, but very warm




McKee of Grant fiting [sic] with Great Sucksess [sic] Confirmed[.]

Brigade Review by Brigadier General C. Cruft[.]  31st [IN] done

Load marching [Is this a maneuver that could be part of a Review?]



General inspection and grand review.



MON.  25            -----


          23 -- Adam Strosnider  (31 IN H)

          26 -- William Leive  (2 KY C)



Received a Letter from father and mother [and] answered it to day



Nothing unusual.  Details made for picket, guard duty, etc.



TUE.  26           Very hot


          24 -- John Wesley Jackson  (31 IN I)

          26 -- Abednego Bower  (90 OH E)

          29 -- George S. Reading  (1 OH LA)



...We had battalion drill in the evening.



WED.  27        Very warm and sweltering





...Brigade drill [--] all quiet



We got mail again to-day.  A detail worked on a well.



THUR.  28     Pleasant (?)




The 54th Massachusetts leaves Boston for its first fight



Pleasant [pheasant?] are sturing [sic] this afternoon [--] all quiet



Company and battalion drill.




FRI.  29         Drizzling all morning


          22 -- Brazilla Worthman  (90 OH E)

          24 -- Patrick Coyle  (1 KY C)




Ordered to be Ready to Start on a Scout at 6 1/2 o'clock [6:30] [.]

Drizaling [sic] Rain[,] Started at 6 1/2 o'clock[.]  Went some 3 or 4 miles

no Rebels to be Seen[.]  Still Drizaling Rain at 11 o'clock [AM or PM?]




A fine banner was brought to our regiment today.  A detail went to Murfreesboro.




SAT.  30      Raining


          22 -- Silas D. Foulke  (31 IN D)



Still Raining to day received a letter from home And answered it today



Inspection at 1 o'clock.  No drill on account of rain.




SUN.  31     Drizzling rain, but still "very pleasant" (according to Cpl. McKee)


          [26 -- Ernest Niederman  (1 KY H)]

           30 -- Jacob B. Williams  (31 IN B)

           34 --  Florenz Mauritz  (1 KY I)


Brigade inspection by Brigade inspector, Tooley

 [Tuley]...all quiet. 



General review today.  The fine banner was presented to the regiment to-day, while on review.  [This banner is one of the two tattered remnants seen at the annual reunions of the regiment.  I am not sure whether the banner referred to here is the Regimental Flag or the Battle Flag.]











Gen. Robert Gould Shaw

of the 54th Mass

  In addition to drilling on the Parade

     Ground, the dwindling water in

  Cripple Creek necessitated that the      men do some drilling of a different   

           kind on the creek bank!

Vicksburg, Mississippi

    Men celebrating birthdays while at Cripple Creek in May (exact date unknown):
         19 -- David A. Tharp  (90 OH H)
         20 -- Thomas M. Hunter  (1 OH LA) 
         20 -- Rupert Rieger  (1 KY A)

         21 -- Joseph W. Tarvin  (2 KY D)
         24 -- Mathias Gill  (1 KY I)

         25 -- David McQuade  (90 OH B)
         41 -- John Becker  (1 KY K)

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