Camp cripple creek
18 january - 24 june 1863
1st KY Volunteer Infantry
Companies A - I* and K
(* Company E Detached)
The Men of the 1st KY fought bravely in many battles,
SHILOH, TN...............................6 - 7 Apr. 1862
CORINTH, KY......................29 Apr. - 30 May 1862
PERRYVILLE, KY................................8 Oct. 1862
STONES RIVER...............31 Dec. 1862 - 2 Jan 1863
TULLAHOMA CAMPAIGN......... 24 June - 3 July 1863
CHICKAMAUGA, GA...................19 - 20 Sept. 1863
CHATTANOOGA CAMPAIGN....24 Sept.- 23 Nov. 1863
Plus Action in West Virginia, Mississippi, and Alabama
The 1st Kentucky lost only 143 men during the War:
60 were killed in action
or mortally wounded
83 died of disease
The 1st KY Volunteer Infantry was organized as a 3 - Month Unit, intended to run from Mar 61 - Jun 61. Because KY was trying to remain neutral, many of its first enlistees came from Ohio, a neighboring state that had already met its quota for troops to support the Union.
The 1st KY was originally commanded by Col James V. Guthrie (1809 - 1896), who resigned in Dec 1861.
The Regiment was reorganized as a 3 -Year Enlistment in June 1861. It was made up of 10 Companies, A - I and K, drawn from throughout the State, with a fighting force of 1, 668 men. It was mustered out on 18 Jun. 1864.
1 Mar 63 " " " " HEAD " " " " " "
>>>Cahill, Frank Patrick 30 (1832 - 1879) Born in Ireland; Mustered in on 18 Dec 61 as Capt of Co H; Promoted to Maj on 22 Jan 62; Promoted to Lt Col on 6 Nov 62, however, upon becoming Lt Col, he was sent on a detached assignment to command the 14th Army Convalescent Camp in Nashville, TN and would remain there until his resignation from the Service on 17 Aug 63, so he was NOT at Camp Cripple Creek; He was wounded slightly at Pittsburgh Landing in April 62 and the few months he was Commander in Nashville, he was diagnosed with several illnesses, including Iritis, Conjunctivitis, Catarrh, and finally Rheumatism, which led to his eventual resignation; He lived in Nashville, TN after his resignation and he died there in 1879; He was a Lawyer
Dickson, John A. <31> (<1830> - 1866) Born in PA, I believe he is the John Dickson who graduated in Philadelphia in 1846 with a PhG degree (his thesis was on Camphora); He was a druggist with John Angney (NE corner of 5th and Spruce) in Philadelphia from 1846 - 1853; He married Catherine "Kate" Carrall in Philadelphia in 1853; They moved to Cincinnati, OH by 1854 where he was a pharmacy clerk, later going into pharmacy business with Thomas B. Harris on 4th and Main; In 1858, he opened his own pharmacy on the SE corner of 6th and John (a building which housed the Eclectic Medical Institute on the upper floors); Enlisted for a 3-month term of service in April 61 and served as a Hospital Steward; Mustered into the 1 KY on 28 Jun 61 as a Hospital Steward; Appointed Asst Surgeon on 22 Jan 62; Was granted a Leave of Absence in Jun 63 to return to his home on Cincinnat to take care of some unsettled business (he and John Johnston were executors for a pharmacist named Samuel Alexander) and to see his family whom he had not seen since he "marched" away in Jul 61 (Col. Enyart, on his forwarding statement said, "Surgeon Dickson has been a most faithful officer and never absent from his regiment since he first enlisted"); Official records show that he was mustered out on 18 Jun 64 in Covington, KY, but there is a letter in his National Archives file that declared him as an enlisted man who was discharged 7 Aug 63 in order to accept an apointment as a Commissioned Officer (not certain what this was about); His name appeared as John Dickerson on the AG's Report, but in his other paperwork (and his signature) he is John Dickson or John A. Dickson; On 15 Jul 1864, he enlisted "from civilian life" (aged 32) as Surgeon for the 111th US Colored Troops; He was wounded by a shell fragment in right shoulder and his regt. was taken prisoner at Battle of Sulphur Trestle, AL on 25 Sept.1864--he was not taken prisoner, but was left by the enemy and allowed to remain treating the wounded; He was granted a leave of absence for 20 days on 14 Oct. 1864 and was on detached service on a Recruiting Rendezvous in Nashville, TN on 23 Nov. 1864; Did he see action in the Battle of Nashville on 15-16 December 1864?; For the next few months, he was in charge of a Contraband Camp Hospital in Nashville and a Freedmen's Bureau Hospital (the same facility?); In June 1865, he was ordered to report to Louisville, but on 14 Sept, he requested to remain "15 - 18 days until a successor has been appointed" (Did he feel a loyalty to his patients?); By 23 Sept., his request was denied and he was again ordered to report for duty, but he countered with a request for leave, citing medical reasons; On 7 Oct 1865, he resigned, suffering from bronchitis and severe laryngitis; He returned to Cincinnati, even though Catherine (Kate) was living with family in Philadelphia; Cincinnati Daily Gazette obituary from 19 Jan 66: Dr. John Dixon, formerly of Philadelphia, a surgeon in the US Army, died 18 Jan 66 of Chromic Bronchitis induced by exposure in the discharge of duty during and after the Battle of Nashville (A similar notice ran in the Philadelphia Public Ledger of 25 Jan 66); The death record for PA listed his cause of death as "Phthisis" and shows him as aged 35, married, and buried in the Woodlands Cemetery in Philadelphia (although cemetery records show "the Major" as being aged 40--as a Surgeon with the USCT, his rank would have been Major); Kate B. Dickson was finally granted a widow's pension ($25 a month) on 13 Mar 1867; When John was interred on 2 Mar 1866, three other interrments were made in the same plot--Jane, Ella, and Clara--I believe these to be children of John and Kate (Jane having originally been interred on 5 Feb. 1865--Ella and Clara I suspect were originally interred in Cincinnati and sent to Philadelphia along with John), although on Kate's pension application she states there were "no children"; Kate married Joseph Franklyn James around 1867, and had one daughter with him, Clara V. James, on 17 June 1868; When Kate died in 1876, she was buried in the plot with John and her parents, Clara James was also buried with them when she died in 1906
Enyart, David Alexander 36 (1825 - 1867) Born in Warren Co, OH; Mustered in sometime in 61 as a Lt Col; Promoted to Col on 22 Jan 62; While at Cripple Creek, he was presented with an engraved ceremonial sword by his men on 10 May 63; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64 and was Breveted as a Brig-Gen on 13 Mar 65; Died in 1867 in Cincinnati
Fee, Franklin W. 41 (1821 - 1911) Born in Vevay, IN, but lived most of his life in CIncinnati, OH; Mustered in as 1 Lt on 28 Jun 61; Promoted to Regimental QM on 22 Jan 62; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Worked as a Chemist selling patent medicine in CIncinnati; Buried in Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, OH
Hadlock, Alva R. 27 (1834 - 1909) Born in OH, he mustered in on as Capt of Co B on 10 May 61; Promoted to Maj on 18 Dec 62; Would become Lt Col on 1 Sep 63; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Worked at different times as a Finisher and as a Machinist; Lived in Cincinnati for the first part of his life; Was living in Nebraska in 1870, but eventually settled in Cass Co, IN before 1880; He died in Logansport, Cass Co, IN
Hays, Addis <23> (<1838> - 1880) Born in New Jersey about 1838--his Army records, as well as the Census records show his birth year as anywhere from 1836 - 1839, however, his tombstone shows his year of birth as 1832; Mustered in on 10 May 61 as a Cpl in Co D; Appointed as Hospital Steward on 22 Jan 62; He lived and died in Burlington Co, NJ before and after the War and worked as a Druggist
Head, William Joseph 23 (1837 - ) Mustered in on 30 Apr 61 as a Cpl in Co H; Promoted to Sgt in Co H on 22 Jan 62; He was absent from Apr/Aug 62 until the end of Sep/Oct 62--Sick in Hospital in Louisville (injured at Shiloh? There is no indication he was injured there); Promoted to Sgt Maj on 1 Mar 63; Wounded at Chickamauga 19 - 20 Sep 63 (probably only a slight wound, since he was not absent from his unit); Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; This is NOT the Wm J. Head who lived and died in Jeffersonville, IN
McKee, William James 19 (1842 - ) Mustered in on 10 May 61 as a Pvt in Co I; Promoted to Sgt of Co I on 19 Apr 62; Promoted to Sgt. Maj on 17 Sep 62; Promoted to 1 Lt of Co I on 1 Mar 63; He served as Acting Company Commander from 15 Aug 63 until the Company was mustered out on 18 Jun 64
Menzies, Samuel Garber 51 (1810 - 1882) Born in KY, he was a Physician before the War; Mustered in as Surgeon on 5 May 61; His tombstone records incorrectly show he was a Surgeon with the 1st Missouri, but I find no record of him there; He applied for a pension as an Invalid in 1879; He died in Cincinnati and is buried there in Spring Grove Cemetery
Robb, Charles 35 (1826 - 1872) Mustered in as Commissary Sgt on 28 Jun 61, a post he would proudly serve in until he mustered ou 18 Jun 64; Sgt. Busbey mentions his friend, Charley Robb, several times in his diary--Busbey had been assigned to the Commissary until 13 Dec 62; Robb was a poet and artist whose work was collected and published by his neice; One of his most moving poems is about the death of young Cpl Black of Co C at Stones River; I could not determine whether there was a connection between Charles Robb and Samuel H. Robb, whose bio follows this one
Robb, Samuel Hitch <23> (<1838> - 1908) Born in OH; Mustered in on 5 May 61 as a Pvt in Co C; He was appointed as QM Sgt on 1 May 62; Filed for an Invalid's Pension in 1886 Moved to Gibson, Buffalo Co, NB sometime before 1900 and died there; I could not find any connection between this man and Charles Robb (see previous bio), who was the Commissary Sgt for the Regiment
Wright, John A. 21 (1830 - ) Appointed as Adjutant (from civilian life!) on 22 Jan 62 in Manchester, TN; Sometime in Aug/Oct 62, he was placed on Detached Duty as Aide-de-Camp for Brigade Hd Qrs--I assume this was specifically for Brig Genl Cruft, since Writght is specifically named as Aide-de-Camp for Cruft in a series of missives in April 63: On 12 Apr 63, a letter is sent from all the officers of the 1st Brigade, asking for Wright to be granted a 15-day Leave of Absence in order to select the gift the Brigade will present to Capt Standart (a flag and a ceremonial sword); Cruft responds on 14 Apr that he doesn't think Wright can be spared from his staff duties," but by 22 Apr, Cruft responds "the affairs of my command are in such shape that Lt Jno A. Wright can be spared for 10 days leave..."--I don't know how long Wright's leave was for, but the sword and flag would be presented to Capt Standart on 10 May 63; Even though Lt Wright was officially absent from the 1 KY during this period, he appears to have been no stranger to the men of the 1 KY at Camp Cripple Creek; He is mustered out with his unit on 18 Jun 64; I can find no further information on him
Borteau, L. L. (Sgt Maj)
Conine, James W. (Adj)
Ewin, John B. (Sgt Maj)
Guthrie, James V. (Col)
King, Courtland (Adj)
Leiper, Bart G. ( Lt Col)
Oxley, Robert (QM Sgt)
White, William L. (Asst Surgeon)