Camp cripple creek
18 january - 24 june 1863

Becker, John 38 (1822 - 1892) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61 as Capt of Co K; Captured at Stones River and confined in Atlanta; Returned to his Command on 17 May 63; Mustered out 18 Jun 64; Buried in the Vine St Hill Cemetery in Cincinnati; The burial records of the cemetery show that he died in 3 Apr 1892, not 3 May 1893 as the Military Headstone record indicates--cause of death Chronic Rheumatism; There is no Widow's pension record, which leads me believe he is the John Becker in Cincinnati 1880 who was a Widower who worked as a Policeman, however, there is a peculiarity with this: He appears TWICE in the 1880 Census for Cincinnati--both listings for an address on McMicken Ave, both men are Policemen, born 1822 in Bavaria, but in one listing (dated 21 Jun) he is married to Elizabeth and in the next (dated 5 Jun) he is a Widower who is boarding at a house nearby the first one--the Census instructions say that "all persons...who were living on the 1st day of June" will be included and that people who have "DIED SINCE June 1 1880 will be INCLUDED". There must have been a misunderstanding on the part of the Census taker of the respondent; (A family source on Find-A-Grave lists his wife as Barbara who lived 1825 - 1877--if this is correct, then Elizabeth might have been a second wife; He is could be the John Becker (wife Barbara and children John, Edward, and Louisa), living in Cincinnati in 1850 who ran a Coffee House; He does appear in the 1890 Veterans' Census in Cincinnati
Harning, George Francis 21 (1840 - 1923) Mustered in as 1 Sgt on 3 Jun 61; Promoted to 2 Lt on 7 Jul 61; Granted a furlough for 25 days beginning 20 Dec 61 (no accompanying paperwork in his file, so I don't know if it was business of some kind, a family emergency, or a medical problem of his); Promoted to 1 Lt on 22 Jan 62; He was listed as Commanding the Convalescent Regiment from 26 Dec 62 until Mar/Apr 63, at which time he rejoined Co K (I find no documentation that he was ill or wounded at this time to warrant his being a patient in the Convalescent Regiment); Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Buried in Spring Grove Cem; Surname spelled any number of ways: Homung, Harnung, Horning, etc.
Tilley, Alexander 27 (1834 - ) Mustered in as Sgt on 3 Jun 61; Promoted to 1 Sgt on 7 Jul 61; Promoted to 2 Lt on23 Oct 62, although he was not mustered into the position until 6 Dec 62; Commanded the Company from 31 Dec 62 until 26 Apr 63--Capt Becker had not yet returned from being a POW and 1 Lt Harning was Commanding the Convalescent Regiment in Nashville during this time (On 3 Mar 63, Col Enyart wrote on Tilley's behalf to try to straighten out his pay situation, given the differences in official muster dates with the dates Tilley actually assumed the added responsibilities: [Tilley] "...has for a long time been in Command of his Company--and was in battle at Stone River and behaved Gallantly."; Wounded at Chickamauga, GA on 19 Sep 63; Detailed as Regimental Adjutant beginning 10 Dec 63; Mustered out 18 Jun 64; Name also appears as Tilly; He might be the Alexander Tilly born in Germany about 1834 living in CIncinnati in 1860, but I don't know
Hermann, Charles 20 (1841 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61 as a Musician and, as part of the Regimental Band, a member of Field and Staff--however, the Regimental Band position in F & S was soon done away with and he became just another Pvt; Appointed a Cpl on 15 Feb 63; Served as Company Clerk from Jun - Oct 63; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Also served with the 5 USC Co L; 1 US Art Co K [?]; 18 US Sur and Gen Service Co K; USC Hosp Corps [?]; Not to be confused with the Charles Hermann, aged 24, in Co H; Living St. Louis 1890 Census; Invalid's Pension filed 1896
Hess, John 24 (1837 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61 as a Cpl (although notations on the Muster Roll Cards indicate he was a Pvt to start with and was appointed Cpl either on 10 Jul 61 or 1 Feb 62); Promoted to Sgt on 23 Oct 62 (AG's Roll erroneously says 63); Wounded slightly in the left foot at Stones River and sent to Convalescent Camp near Nashville for Jan - Apr 63; (The Muster Roll Card for 10 Apr shows him Present (with his Company at Cripple Creek) and also at the Convalescent Camp in Nashville--perhaps he was moved to Cripple Creek on that date?); Mustered out 18 Jun 64
King, Charles F. 20 (1841 - 1910) Born in Wurttemberg, Germany 4 Jun 1841; Arrived in the USA around 1857; In !860, he was a Caprenter in Cincinnati; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61 as a Cpl; Promoted to Sgt on 1 Feb 62; Promoted to 1 Sgt on 7 Dec 62; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Married Kate Wilhelm about 1867; In 1870, he was a Journeyman Cabinet Maker in Cincinnati; In 1880, he is a Cabinet Maket in Cincinnati; Filed for an Invalid's pension in 1895 from OH; Census 1900--still in Cincinnati; Kate filed for her Widow's Pension in 1910; Pension card says he died 27 Feb 1910; Buried in Walnut Hills Cemetery
Leibrandt, Christian 44 (<1819> - <1869>) Born Germany; 1850 Census for Cincinnati shows Christian and Charlotta (he is a Cap Maker); Mustered in on 3 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Taken prisoner while on picket duty on 27 Aug 61 near Camp Gauley, (W)VA--he was taken to New Orleans on 25 Sep 61 and later to Washington (or Salisbury?) NC where he was paroled on 28 May 62, sent to Camp Chase, OH on 2 Jun 62; Appointed Cpl 15 Feb 63 (I am not sure about this date, since he did not arrive back with his Unit until 25 Mar 63); Captured at Graysville, GA on 10 Sep 63 and sent to Andersonville Prison Camp--I find a record for someone with his name from 1 KY Co K at Andersonville, but he is not marked Absent on any of the Muster Roll Cards from Sept 63 until Jun 64 when he musters out; Various spellings including Leligg, Librane, Leibrand, Lybrant; He apparently enlisted in the 181st OH, Co I (or A) on 29 Sep 64 and mustered out 14 Jul 65, since there is a widow's pension in the name of Charlotte Leibrandt filed in 1869 from OH for his service in the 181st OH (no mention of the 1 KY); Christian is listed in the City Directories through 1869--Am I confusing two different men of similar age and name? Assuming it is the same man, he died in 1869 in Cincinnati and is buried in the Walnut Hills Cemetery, just as his 1 Sgt listed above
Littig, Christian 18 (1843 - 1928) Born in Germany; Mustered in 3 Jun 61; Promoted to Cpl on 23 Oct 62; Wounded at Stones River and sent to Hospital in Louisville; Returned to his company (at Cripple Creek, I assume) on 16 Jun 63; Taken prisoner at Graysville, GA 10 Sep 63; Sent to Andersonville Prison 19 Mar 64; Paroled 14 Dec 64 from SC; Mustered out 20 Feb 65; Was described as 5' 10(?)" with a dark complexion, brown eyes and brown hair; A Confectioner by trade; Married Eliza Haggerty in 1870; Lived in Cincinnati as a Street Car Driver and Street Car Oiler; Filed for an Invalid Pension in 1880; In 1904, he entered the Disabled Veterans' Home in Dayton, OH; He transferred to the Mtn Branch Veterans' Home in Johnson City, TN in 1908, He transferred to the Western Branch Veterans' Home in in Leavenworth, KS in 1918, but left on his own recognizance a few days later; a few months later he went back to Johnson City for a few more months, but left in 1920; Did he live with his step-daughter for the last 8 years of his life?; Admission information included he was 5' 10", light complexion, grey hair and eyes; Protestant, Can read and write; Laborer; Medical conditions detailed in his admission records included the loss of left index finger due to a GSW, varicose veins in both legs, cicatrix of old ulcer on left leg, loss of teeth, smallpox scars, chronic rheumatism, arteriosclerosis, cardiac hypertrophy, and senility; He is erroneously listed as having been in the 10th KY Inf in the Johnson City admission info; Veterans' Pension file shows he died 20 Mar 1928; Buried in the St. Joseph's New Cemetery
Lott, John* 38 (1823 - 1864) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Appointed Cpl on 20 Feb 63; Captured at Graysville, GA on 10 Sep 63; He died in a POW hospital in Richmond, VA on 4 Apr 64 of Anasarca (Extreme, generalized swelling); His POW record shows him as being 45 and a Gunsmith in civilian life; His Widow filed for her Pension on 12 Sep 1866
Mauritz, Florenz 32 (1829 - 1902) Born in Prussia, came to America 1857; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61 as a Cpl; Promoted to Sgt on 1 Feb 62; Detailed on a Recruiting Service in Newport, KY, from 23 Dec 63 until 15 Apr 64; Mustered out on the 18 Jun 64; Listed in the AG's Roll as Florenz Novety, but other variations abound--Florence, Mauritz, Morritz, Mowitz, etc. Lived in the Cincinnati suburb of St. Bernard where he was the Sexton of a Graveyard; Filed for an Invalid Pension in 1890 (Florenze Marwitz); Widow filed for her pension--no date, name, or location; Buried in the Calvary Catholic Cemetery
Norden, Charles* 30 (1831 - 1864) Born in Germany; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61 from Cincinnati, where he worked as a Butcher; Described as being 5' 7" tall with a dark comlexion, brown eyes, and black hair; Appointed Cpl on 23 Oct 62; Taken prisoner at Graysville, GA on 10 Sep 63; Confined in prison at Richmond, VA; Paroled at City Point, MD on 21 Mar 64 and taken to the Army Hospital in Annapolis, MD where he died of Typhoid Fever on 4 Apr 64; Buried in the Ash Grove National Cemetery in Richmond--his death record says he was 27 when he died in 64 (meaning he was born around 1837), but his enlistment form has him being 30 years old in 1861 (meaning he was born around 1830); Surname given variously as Norton, Norten, Norden, etc.; Widow filed for her Pension on 14 Jul 64; A Minor's Pension also filed--no name, datee, or location given
Rain, Frederick 27 (1834 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Appointed Cpl 1 Feb 62, although on 21 Feb 62 he had 1 month's pay stopped out of his wages as penalty for some unspecified disciplinary infraction; Was slightly wounded at Shiloh--apparently was not absent from the Company; Detailed to the Pioneer Corps on 22 Sep 63 and remained with them until he was mustered out on 30 Jun 64; Name erroneously appears as Bain in the AG's Roll; Is his the George F. Rein in the Pension File whose Widow filed for her Pension 14 Apr 1891?
Wehmann, Ernst 18 (1845 - 1878) Born in Prussia and came to America in 1857; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Appointed Cpl on 6 Dec 62; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Enlisted in Co E of the 17th OH on 24 Sep 64 and served until he mustered out of that unit on 7 Jun 65; Name spelled variously as Wamann, Wamar; Lived in Cincinnati before and after the War, working as a Barber and raising a family with Louisa, his wife; He died of Meningitis and was buried in the Vine Street Hill Cemetery; Louisa filed for her Widow's Pension 19 May 1886
Wolf, Joseph 22 (1839 - 1885?) Born in Prussia; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61 as a Cpl; Promoted Sgt on 1 Feb 62; Spent the last few months of his enlistment sick in hospitals from Bridgeport, AL to Nashville, TN to Cincinnati--his illness was not specified; Mustered out 18 Jun 64; Lived in Cincinnati with his family after the War where he worked as a Cigar Maker; He might be the Joseph Wolf who died 10 May 1885 and is buried in the Vine St. Hill Cemetery in Cincinnati; His widow, Magdalena filed for her pension in 1886, as well as for a Minor
Wurst, George 29 (1832 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Appointed Cpl on 15 Oct 61; Promoted to Sgt on 1 Jan 63 (He was also detailed as Bugler by order of Col Enyart beginning on 1 Jan 63--I guess he was a Sgt who could "blow his own horn"!); Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Enlisted in Co C of the 11th OH for the last few months of the War; His name appears as Worst, Wurst, Warste; He filed for an Invalid's pension in 1891 from TX, but I can find nothing else that is definitely our George
Koelsch, John*** 24 (1837 - 1863) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61 as a Pvt, but was listed as a Deserter on 15 Jul 61--he was found driving a wagon for a different regiment and arrested; He claimed he lost his unit and fell in with the other unit; He apparently lost much of the uniform and equippage the Army provided him with and it had to be replaced (at his expense); Capt Becker was not pleased and brought him up on charges, but it is not clear what the disposition was; He was allowed to rejoin Co K on 21 Oct 61; He was appointed Wagoner on 1 Jun 62, unfortunately, this may have contributed to his death, in that he was killed in a wagon accident on 25 Apr 63 at Camp Cripple Creek; [Some of the men who wrote about this tragedy alleged that John was drunk whe he fell beneath the wagon and was run over--he lingered a day before he died of internal injuries];(See Calendar for accounts of this tragedy); I would assume he was buried at Cripple Creek, but I cannot find any record of his being reburied at Stones River National Cemetery or anywhere else; Pension Form filed under Kelsch, with his Mother, Anna, filing on 21 Mar 64 and his Father, Walter, filing separately
Wunker, Frederick "Fred" 18 (1844 - 1906) Born in Hanover, Germany; Came to America in 1860; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61 as a Pvt; Was sent to a hospital when he was at Camp Gauley in Sep/Oct 61; Appointed Wagoner on 26 Apr 63 (the AG's Report erroneously says 62) after Wagoner John Koelsch was killed in a wagon accident; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; He worked as a Dairyman in Cincinnati and later in Terre Haute, IN; He filed for an Invalid's pension in 1895 and his widow, Lucy, filed for her pension shortly after his death in 1906; He was buried in the Highland Lawn Cemetery in Vigo Co, IN; His name spelled so many different ways: WInker, Winkind, Frederic, etc.

Baumann, Frederick 35 (1826 - 1889) Born in Switzerland, he lived in Cincinnati before the War and worked as a Nailsmith; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Gun Shot Wound (slight?) in right arm and captured at Stones River, but paroled almost immediately on 3 Jan 63; Present with Co K until he was sent to hospital in Murfreesboro on 29 Jun 63 (had his wound become infected?); Discharged from hospital and sent to the Invalid Corps (which would later be called the Veterans' Reserve Corps) at Camp Joe Holt in Jeffersonville, IN on 20 Aug 63; He was described on his discharge papers as being 5' 7" tall with black hair, dark eyes, and a dark complexion; He joined Co E of the 4th OH in Aug 64 and served until the end of the War; Suffered effects from his GSW and from Chronic Rheumatism; Filed for an Invalid Pension 16 Jul 64, filed under the name Frederick Banman; Entered Disabled Veterans' Home in Dayton, OH in 1873; He was a Widower with no next of kin; He died there in 1889 of Phthisis Pulmonaris and Aortic Stenosis and is buried in the National Cemetery there in Grave H - 5 - 9
Buehren, Henry 23 (1840 - 1911) Born in Germany; Came to America in 1860; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Missing after Stones River--captured and sent to Richmond, VA prison 16 Jan 63; Paroled City Point, VA on 26 Jan 63; Arrived Camp Chase, OH on 22 Mar 63; Returned to his company on 9 Jun 1863; Wounded in left hand at Chickamauga, GA on 19 Sep 63; Hospitalized in Louisville and at Camp Dennison until being mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Filed Invalid Petition 1879; Married Bertha Lorenz in 1877; Worked as a Newspaper Deliveryman in 1900; Buried in Spring Grove Cemetery; Numerous variations on his name
Dewaine, Nicolaus 28 (1833 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Received furlough for 15 days beginning 16 Dec 1861; Wounded at Chickamauga, GA on 19 Sep 63; Was sent to Hospital for his wounds, and was marked absent through Mar/Apr 64 Muster Roll card--did he rejoin his company prior to being mustered out?; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; also listed as Nicholas Devaine, Dewein, Devoria; Filed for an Invalid's Pension in 1864 as Nicholas Dewein
???Domire, Frederic 27 (1834 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; On Detached Duty as part of the Pioneer Corps beginning 18 Nov 62 and this note would apear on most of his Muster Roll Cards after this, however he is listed as Present (in Camp with Co K?) for Mar/Apr 63--Was he actually at Cripple Creek?; Mustered out 18 Jun 64; Name spelled variously as Domeier, Domier, Domeyer, etc.; He apparently enlisted in Co I of the 106th OH in Sep 64 and was mustered out 29 Jun 65; There is a Fred Domeyer who enlisted in the Regular US Army and was honorably discharged on 26 Oct 68; He might be the Frederick Domeir who lived in Cincinnati in 1870 with Jette Domeir
Fiedler, Martin 34 (1827 - 1904) Born in Germany (Baden?); Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Nov/Dec 63 Sick in Regt Hospital; Suffered from GSW to right leg from Chickamauga 23 Sep 63; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Enlisted in 181 OH, Co I; Mustered out 14 Jul 65; Lived in Toledo, OH in the 1860 and 1870s as a Carpenter.Laborer; Admitted to Veterans' Home in Dayton in 1881 when he was 64, Widower, a Laborer from Toledo, OH, Suffering from Deafness in both ears and Senility; Invalid Pension filed 1890 under the name Martin Fiedler; Died at the Veterans' Home in Dayton 7 Jan 1904 of Lobar Pneumonia; Bur in the Cemetery there in Section N, Row 19, Grave 36; Some records list him as Feadler
Furste, Ludwick 29 (1832 - <1897> ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Absent--On Convalescent Duty at Nashville Nov/Dec 62; Present on Jan/Feb 63; 30 Jun to 31 Oct 63 - Detailed as Hospital nurse at Chattanooga, TN; Mar/Apr 64 Present sick; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Filed for an Invalid Pension in 1880 under the name Ludwig Furste; Name also appears as First, Ferst, Fuerst, etc.; Widow's Pension filed by Margaret on 5 Apr 1898 from OH; I believe he is the man, born in Hanover, living in Cincinnati 1860, 1870, 1880 as a Dyer
Habig, Michael 25 (<1836> - 1905) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; $12 fined for absenting himself from a train by the Provost of the 1 KY 15 Aug 63; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; His 1890 Census entry in Hamilton Co, OH indicates he re--enlisted in as a Veteran Volunteer (in 1890, he was an Inmate at Longview Insane Assylum, likewise in 1880 and 1900, although his occupation was given as Laborer); Also listed as Flatbick, Habich; Invalid Pension filed 1872 (or 1892?) He might be the Michael Habig who married Magdalena Pup in Cincinnati in 1860; There were also listings for a Michael Habig listed in the Cincinnati City Directories (both a Michael Sr and Jr) from the 1860s through the early 1900s who worked as a Clerk, Huckster, etc., but the 1890 Veterans Census told me definitely that my Michael was an Inmate at Longview, the city insane assylum; Find-A-Grave lists a Michael Habig, 74,Single, who died suffering from Marasmus--extreme malnutrition--who had been an Inmate at Longview for 36 years--meaning he entered the hospital around 1874--when he died there in 1905; Was his mental condition caused by the War? PTSD? And his Marasmus--was that perhaps caused by a parasite he picked up from bad water during the War? I shall never know, but my heart breaks for him; He is buried at Roselawn Cemetery
Hainback, Peter 33 (1828 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Wounded at Stones River--to Hospital in Louisville/New Albany and returned to Company on 17 May 63; Sent to Hospital in Tullahoma on 13 Aug 63; I assume he was returned to his regiment before they mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Enlisted in 2 US Vet Vols Co C; Married Fredericka Schick in IL; Filed for Invalid's Pension 1880 under the name Heimback; Widow's Pension filed by Fredericka D. Heimback 1883 [?] in IL, also a Minor, Fredericka H. Loss, filed 1888; Name also appears as Hainback, etc,
Hecker, Ferdinand 28 (1833 - 1911) Born in Germany (Baden); Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Also listed as Flecker; Enlisted in 19 US Inf Co D and in 28 US Inf; Enlisted in 149 IL Co H on 22 Jan 65 in Albion, IL and Mustered out 22 Jan 66 in Springfield, IL; Filed for an Invalid's Pension in 1868 [?]; Admitted to Dayton Veterans' Home 10 Dec 1887--age 55, 5' 6", Fair complexion, Gray eyes, Gray hair; Farmer in Des Moines, IA, altho his wife, Joanna, lives in Chicago; Suffering from Rheumatism, etc.; At one admission, he claims GSW incurred at Stones River, but I don't see reference to his being shot or even wounded at Stones River, He left AWOL in May 1888--he would have 8 admissions (and discharges) over the next 20 years!; 1890 Veterans' Census finds him in Kansas City, MO; His admission to the Milwaukee Veterans' Home (date?) lists Senility Medical [?] Insufficiency, Cardio hyperrophy, Arteriosclerosis, Mental condition is eccentric; Veterans' Administration Master Index shows he was Born 16 Sep 1833, died 19 Aug 1911, Buried Elmwood Cem, Cook Co, IL (although their records show he was born in 1840, still I am sure this is my guy!)
Hefter, Raymond 21 (1830 - 1894) NOTE: Military records show him as being 21 when he enlisted in 1861, making him born in 1840, yet family and other civilian records show him being born in 1830, so I will assume the military was wrong! That being said, here goes: 1860 Census of Cincinnati shows him Born in Germany circa 1830, and working as a Carpenter, married to wife Anna with two children; Family recods show he married Anna Brengman, but do not show his marriage to Magdalen Schneider; Mustered in as a Sgt on 3 Jun 61; Granted 15 day Furlough on 16 Dec 61; Reduced to the ranks 1 Feb 62; Detached duty as Brigade Wagon Repairer 15 Jul 62, but still Present with his Company; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Enlisted in 13 OH Cav Co H; Married Magdalena Schneider in 1871; In 1880, "Rymond and Magdalen Hester" are living in Green Twp, where he is a Farmer; Invalid Pension filed 1889 (Raymond corrupted by Indexer into Rumused!?); 1890 Veterans Census finds him in Green Twp of Hamilton Co, OH; Died 24 Apr 1894 and buried in St. John's Cemetery in Cincinnati Sec 1, Lot 36, Grave 3;Cemetery records show him born 1830, not 1840; Magdalena's Pension filed 10 May 1894; Also lists him as Heffter
Hermansteifer, Charles 35 (1826 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Sick in Nashville on Sep/Oct 62 Muster Roll card; On Convalescent Duty in Nashville until Mar/Apr 63 card; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Name also given as Hermansdorfer, Herrmannsdoerfer, etc.; Names like these are SO hard to research!; There is a Charles Hermansdoerfer who married Francisca Stegman in Hamilton Co on 23 Jul 1865--is this our Charles? Likewise, Charles Hermannsdoerfer is listed in the Cincinnati City Directory for 1866 and 1867--he was a Saloon Keeper
Huber, Joseph 24 (1836? - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; [Enlisted in 183 OH Co E on 3 Oct 64 and mustered out 17 Jul 65 in Salisbury, NC;] Invalid's Pension filed in 1891 from Oregon; 1900 Census filed from Oregon Soldiers' Home in West Roseburg, Douglas Co, OR--he was a Widower, born in "June 1836" in Germany; However, I can find no record of him in the Soldiers' Home in Roseburg! [There is a cemetery record from St. Mary's Cemetery in Cincinnati, OH for a Joseph Huber who was born on 6 JAN 1837 (not Jun 1836 as the 1900 Census states) and the record omits his service in the 1 KY, mentioning only his service in the 183 OH. THIS IS A PUZZLEMENT, since the official Pension Record reflects that the Joseph Hiber who fought in the 1 KY is the same man who fought in the 183 OH. Yet, the Joseph Huber from the 183 OH is listed on the 1900 Census in Cincinnati with his wife,Helena May Huber, and their children. Is the man who died in 1917 of Chronic Nephritis OUR Joseph? Does the Pension file incorrectly link two different men?
Kautz, John 32 (1829 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Not the same as Sgt John D. Kautz in Co D, b.1838; Enlisted in 82 OH Co B; Rosina filed for a Widow's Pension filed 2 Nov 1872
Keller, Frank 29 (1832 - 1916) Born in Germany; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Re-enlisted in 2 US Vet Vol on 22 Feb 1865 and Mustered out 21 Feb 1866; Invalid Pension filed 1890 under name Kellar; Living in Cincinnati at the time of the 1890 Veterans' Census; Admitted to the Veterans' Home in Dayton in 1894, at which time he was 62, 5' 3", Single, Catholic, Dark Complexion, Gray eyes, Gray hair, Able to read and write, Working as a Laborer in Cincinnati, Suffering from General debility; He was discharged 22 May 1914--"dropped from rolls"; Died 23 Oct 1916 in National Military Home OH of Chronic Nephritis; Bur in Spring Grove Cem
Krumm, John 31 (1829 - 1911) Born in Baden, Germany on 24 Jun; Immigrated about 1855; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Transferred to Pioneer Brigade 18 Apr 64; Enlisted in 34 IL Co H in 7 Mar 65 in Quincy, IL--at the time, he was 5' 4" Fair complexion, Auburn hair, Gray eyes, A Farmer from Quincy, Ellington Co, IL; Mustered out 12 Jul 65 in Louisville, KY; Married Elizabeth Baumann in Adams Co, IL in 1866; In 1880 he is working as a Farmer in Adams Co with Elizabeth and four children; Filed for Invalid's Pension 1890 from IL (name transcribed by the person creating the index as Kumon!); In 1900 and in 1910, John Krumm lives in Chicago, IL; He died 18 Dec 1911; Buried in the Bethania Cemetery (Mt. Auburn Memorial Park) in Cook Co, IL (Headstone says "Krum", but on a larger monument beside it, the name appears as "Krumm") ; Widow's Pension filed from IL 27 Jan 1912 by Elizabeth; Also listed as Krum
Lenart, Leonhart* 34 (1827 - 1864) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Detached as Bugler for Sep/Oct 62; Detailed as Bugler 1 Jan 63 [Is there a difference between being Detached and Detailed?]; Captured at Graysville, GA on 10 Sep 63; Died of Bronchitis at Andersonville 15 Mar 64, Buried in Grave 48; Name also given as Lennert, Lemmert, Linnert (his uncle, Conrad Hartmann, refers to him as Leonhard Linnert in a letter dated 16 Sep 62, inquiring of Col Hofman, Commissary Gen of Prisoners, whether he is still alive)
Miller, Frank 28 (1833 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64
Miller, Rudolph 18 (1843 - 1917) Born in Prussia or Hanover on 20 Apr; Came to America around 1860; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Sick since 15 Oct 61--first in Danville, then in Bowling Green, KY; Returned to Company by Nov/Dec 62; Detailed as Bugler May/Jun 63; Taken Prisoner at Graysville, GA 10 Sep 63; Delivered to Vicksburg, Miss on 21 Mar 65; Was a passenger on the Sultana 27 Apr 65; Officially mustered out on 9 May 65; Married Caroline Fiedler [any relation to Martin Fiedler above?] circa 1865; In 1870, he and Carrie lived in Cincinnati where he was a Common Laborer; Living in Cincinnati with Carrie and their children in 1880 where he was a Porter in a Store; Invalid's Pension filed 1892; In 1900, he was a Night Watchman in St. Louis; Admitted to Veterans' Home in Danville, IL on 25 Aug 1912--at the time, he was 69, 5' 8", Dark complexion, Gray eyes, Gray hair, Able to read and write; Catholic, Married, Working as a Baker in St. Louis, MO, Suffering from a Rupture [Hernia?]; Discharged on 25 Jul 1913 at his request; Died 30 Dec 1917 in St. Louis of Arteriosclerosis; Buried Calvary Cemetery
Moehlmeier, William 25 (1836 - 1880) Born in Bavaria; Married Dorothea Warner; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Worked in a Soap Factory in 1880; Died 13 Jul 1880; Buried in the Vine Street Hill Cemetery; Listed in the AG's Report as Moremeir, as Mulmire in Fold3 records, and Moehlmeier in Ancestry records; Widow, Dora, filed for her Pension in Nov 1888; Also filed under Mohlmeier
Nagel, Henry 21 (1840 - 1899) Born in Germany; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64, Married Emma Brandt circa 1867; As Harry Nagel, he worked in Cincinnati as a Grocer in 1870; Invalid's Pension filed 1879; Worked as a Grocer in Cincinnati in 1880; Died on 3 Jun 1899 in Cincinnati; Buried in the St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery in St. Bernard, Hamilton Co, OH
Poppe, August 26 (1836 - 1872) Born in Germany; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Died in Cincinnati on 29 Nov 1872 of Phthisis pulmonalis; Buried in the Vine Street Hill Cem [although, the cemetery record says he was not buried there until 12 Feb 1973--so where was his body for over 2 months?]; Note: This is NOT the August Poppe 1835 - 1891 who was also buried in the Vine Street Hill Cem with his wife, Caroline; I don't know that MY August ever married
Roheer, Frank 25 (1836 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Sick in Hospital in Chattanooga 12 Oct 63; Present again Nov/Dec 63; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Invalid's Pension filed 1886 under name Rolwer; Minor's Pension Name also given as Roliver (John H. Rethlake, Gdn.) 18 Jan 1894; [I am stumped by this one; was John H. the son of Frank who was adopted by his mother's second husband?]
Rufel, Martin 21 (1840 - <1892?>) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Promoted to Cpl 24 Oct 62; Wounded (right ankle, slight) and taken prisoner Stones River 31 Dec 62; Pardoned prisoner at General Hospital 7 Feb 63; Returned to Company 16 Jun 63; Sent to Hospital Tullahoma, TN on 6 Jul 63, then to Camp Douglas near Chicago; Transferred to the Invalids' Company 20 Aug 63 and then to the Veterans' Reserve Corps (8 VRC Co B) on 20 Nov 63; Filed for Invalid's Pension 1890 in IL; A Guardian's Petition was filed under the name Emilie Jaegar on 23 Apr 1893--the soldier's name listed as Martin Rueffel
Rusenberger, Adam 39 (1822 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; On Convalescent Duty in Nashville in Nov/Dec 62 and Jan/Feb 63; Present with Company Mar/Apr 63; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Name also given as Rosenberger; Widow Elizabeth living in Cincinnati in 1890 Veterans' Census; Elizabeth living in "Home for Incurables, Lick Run" in 1893 Cincinnati
Schaub, Balthasar 30 (1831 - 1886) Born in Germany; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Injured at Shiloh (not mentioned in records)--he lost his right eye caused by a tree falling on him; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; When he was admitted into the Dayton Veterans' Home 13 Oct 1880 under the name Balthasar Schwab, he was 55, Single, a Farmer from Cincinnati with no known relatives; Died 23 Dec 1886; Buried in Dayton Home Cemetery Section F, Row 12, Grave 9; Name also appears as Batshauser, Balthazar, etc.
Schmetz, Christian 36 (1826 - 1873) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; There is a Christian Schmeltz who is listed in the Cincinnati City Directory in 1861 as a Laborer--is this OUR Christian?; Buried in the Walnut Hill Cemetery under the name Christian Schmeltz--he died 4 Jun 1873; next of kin was listed as Carl Wenzel
Schneider, August 21 (1840 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Living in Cincinnati at the time of the 1890 Veterans' Census; There are several listings for an August Schneider in Cincinnati and there is a cemetery record for August Schneider, born 28 Oct 1840 who died 18 Nov 1890, buried in St. Mary's German Catholic Cemetery--the problem with this being MY August is that the man buried at St. Mary's served in the 28 OH, Co G--enlisted 20 Sep 62 and mustered out 6 Jun 65, so it is probably NOT my August
Schubert, Adolph 35 (1826 - 1893) Born in Austria; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; In 1870, Adolph, his wife, Mary, and son, Gustave, live in CIncinnati and Works for a Tanner; Admitted to Dayton Veterans' Home on 21 Sep 1875, originally, and Discharged on 3 Nov 1876; He is readmitted on 31 Jul 1878--although, there is a line through the page and a note that says to See Page 5567, Reg #12 [the page when he was originally admitted; there was a not saying he claimed he had never there before] He was 53 [in 1878], born in Austra, a Farmer in Cincinnati, a Widower with a son named Gustave in Cincinnati [At his original intake, he was 50 and Married with One son, and suffering from Rheumatism]; In 1876, he was suffering from Chronic Bronchitis; In 1880, he is living at the Home in Dayton, his occupation is given as Tanner; Filed for Invalid's Pension 1890; He was living in the Veterans' Home at the time of the 1890 Census; He died 29 Dec 1893 from Lobar Pneumonia; Buried in Grave Section I, Row 23, Grave 37; Also known as Adolphus
Schweiger, Ludwig 21 (1840 - 1891) Born in Germany; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Is he the Louis Sweiger in Cincinnati 1870, born in Prussia circa 1835 as a Journeyman Printer with wife Kate and two children?; Died 11 May 1891 of Rheumatism; Buried in the St. John's German Catholic Cemetery
Simon, Frederick 23 (1838 - 1900) Born in Wurtemberg on 4 Mar 1838; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Wounded right leg and captured at Stones River 31 Dec 62; Confined at Richmond, Paroled and returned to Company 20 May 63 (he was not at Cripple Creek on his birrthday, so I have not included him on the Calendar); To Pioneer Brigade 18 Apr 64; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; He married Martha Warner, probably in Scranton, PA in 1865; In 1880, he was a Rag Peddler in Scranton, PA; On 1890 Veterans' Census, he says he was wounded in the left leg at Stones River; Invalid's Pension filed for on 15 Mar 1900 from PA; He died 27 Apr 1900 in Scranton; Martha filed for her Widow's Pension on 9 May 1900 from PA
Stein, John 40 (1821 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Sick in Chattanooga on 22 Oct 63; Jan/Feb 64 Present, but sick; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Invalid's Pension filed for 1864
Steurer, John 28 (1833 - <1887>) He married Henrietta Wuest in Hamilton Co, OH in 1858; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; On Convalescent Duty in Nashville Nov/Dec 62; Present again in Jan/Feb 63 Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Enlisted in 8 US Vet Vols Co A; Henrietta's Widow's Pension filed for on 8 Mar 1887; Also listed as Stuverer
Vonderhaar, Clemence 39 (1822 - 1893) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Wounded at Stones River on 31 Dec 62; Returned for duty to Company on 18 Jun 63; Sent to Hospital in Tullahoma on 6 Jul 63; Transferred to Invalid Corps on 20 Aug 63; Transferred back to Co K of 1 KY on after 19 Feb 64 for Drunkenness on Duty by Order of War Dept Provost Marshall; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Filed for an Invalid's Pension in 1864; In 1890 Veterans' Census for 1890, he reported he had been wounded in his right knee and that he was vlind in his right eye; Rachel died in 1892; He died 19 Jan 1893; Buried in the Walnut Hills Cem; Also listed as Wonderhaar
Walthall, William 23 (1838 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Sick in Hospital in Louisville since 20 Feb 62, then considered to be Deserted; Was actually working in Hospital in Louisville (his record had apparently become lost!); Returned to Company 16 Jun 63; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Also Walthalle, Waltholl
Wanisler, John 26 (1835 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Nov/Dec 63 Detailed to the Provost Guard, but Present; Sick in Hospital in Chattanooga on 7 Feb 64--don't know when he returned to his Company prior to being mustered out; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Also Waussler, Wamsler
Wederkind, August 27 (1834 - ) Born 27 Apr 1834 in Hannover, Germany; Married Sophie Elise Denken 1857 in Hannover; Immigrated to America around 1859; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Severely wounded in left leg and taken prisoner at Stones River 31 Dec 62; Paroled and returned to his Company 7 Jun 63; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Filed Invalid's Pension in 1879 under the name Wedekind, likewise the Widow's Pension filed ; In 1880, he is a Farmer, living in Hennepin Co, Minn, Divorced, with a son and a daughter; Married Mra. Mathilda Hedtke, 1884, in Hollywood, Minn; Listed in 1890 Veterans' Census for Watertown; Died 10 Aug 1896 in Watertown, Minn; Buried St. Peter Lutheran Church Cemetery in Watertown; Also listed under Wedehind
Weiss, Frederick 35 (1826 - ) Born in Germany; Lived in Cincinnati and worked as a Varnisher before the War; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Sent to Hospital in Tullahoma, TN on 13 Aug 63; Sent to Hospital in Louisville, KY and discharged from there on 2 Nov 63, due to Chronic Diarrhea and Extreme Emaciation; At the time of his discharge, he was described as 5' 5" with a light complexion, blue eyes, and light-colored hair;
Werner, Henry 21 (1840 - ) Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Taken prisoner at Graysville, GA on 10 Sep 63; Paroled and arrived Camp Chase, OH 4 Apr 64; Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Enlisted in 181 OH Co I; Filed for Invalid's Pension in 1888
Wippragtiger, Joseph 30 (1831 - 1871) Born in Switzerland; Mustered in on 3 Jun 61; Detailed to the Provost Guard Nov/ Dec 63 (still Present); Mustered out on 18 Jun 64; Enlisted in 5 OH, Co C, on 29 Aug 64 and Mustered out 21 Jun 65; Admitted to the Dayton Veterans' Home on 4 Jun 1869 as Joseph Wippragtiger; He was 35, a Farmer, and Single, suffering from Chronic diarrhea that originated in the Army; Also listed as Wippragtiger; Died 25 Jun 1871 in the Home; Buried in the Home's Cemetery in Section A, Row 8, Grave 41; Also listed as Wippragliger, Wippergliger

Bigge, Frank
Boettger, William
Burgheimer, Frank
Felsel, Herman
Frabel, William
Koppenhill, William
Krackenberg, John
Kuhle, Joseph (Sgt)
Wolf, Jacob
Arnold, Michael
Berty, George
Bepler, Frederick H.
Forster, Hartsman
Gausman, John (Cpl)
Gerdes, Herman
Hauck, Charles (Cpl)
Hune, Renick
Johnson, Frank
Kotsbue, Charles
Kramer, George
Lowenstein, Samuel B.
Nedecke, Bernhardt
Scherer, John
Sponhaner, Christian
Sundmeyer, Henry
Willenberg, Frank (Sgt)
Wohman, Christian
Wolf, Frederick (2 Lt)
Oemich, Joseph -- To
1st KY Indep Battery
Guestler, Philip --
Detailed as a Nurse
until captured at
Stones River, then
a Paroled Prisoner
at Camp Chase
Sauther, Gotfried -- To
4 US Art Batt H on
15 Jun 62
Scholge, William -- To
Pioneer Corps 18
Nov 62
Schroeder, Henry -- To
Pioneer Corps 18
Nov 62
Stettenkamp, William --
Taken prisoner on
27 Aug 61; Exchanged
but "absented himself" (went AWOL) on way
back to Company on
15 Mar 63; returned
2 Aug 63
Went to Hospital--
Never Heard From Again
Kanuck, John H.
Albecker, Jacob
Stohn, Herman
Theis, Jacob (1 Lt)
Severely Wounded
on the Battlefield
When Last Seen--
Missing In Action
Kan, Daniel
Weiser, Frederick
Zaiher, Jacob
Zander, Anton (Cpl)
Rauscher, Jacob --
Discharged 18 Mar 63
Schaefer, Albert --
Convalescent Duty at
Camp Dennison since
1 Oct 62
Yost, Philip -- Sick in
hospital from 21 Jul
62 and eventually
transferred to Vet
Reserves on 11 Nov