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A Commissary Tent


Pilot Knob




1  -  14   FEBRUARY 

SUN.  1                 Tolerably pleasant but cloudy 

        21 -- Charles W. Davis (2 KY D)

           29 -- Martin Meyer  (1 KY I)

           45 -- Thomas G. Brown  (2 KY A)




...Turn out for roll call under arms after day light.  No inspection...[1st Sergt James G.] Lawrence made 2nd Lieut in Co. F.  Sergt [ William Joseph] Head of Co. H promoted to Sergt Major.  Night clear and cold.




MON.  2                 Pleasant    


          22 -- Ross Porter Shinkle  (1 KY H)

          24 -- Aaron Harkless  (90 OH B)

          27 -- Daniel S. Snyder  (90 OH G)



Regt on Picket



...Awake early, have roll call--break ranks, then ordered to form line of battle.  

Guard mounted.  Men dismissed.  The regiment starts down the creek valley

after forage, going but a short distance.  The expedition in accordance with

Genl Order No. 30.  Frequent roll calls--no pillaging allowed.  Our co returns

to camp before noon.  Have chicken noodle soup for super.  Old Horse cook.



TUE.  3                 Morning cold and frosty                FULL MOON   


                    18 -- Samuel Dearth  (90 OH B)

                    18 -- John A Eveland  (90 OH G)

                    22 -- John M. Williams (1 KY C)

                    43 -- David Barr  (90 OH B)



Battle of Dover, TN (also known as The Second Battle of Ft. Donelson)



...Col. [David] Enyart and Lou Hoeke arrive in camp.  

Lou [is] 2nd Lieut in Co. H--Enyart commands the Brigade.  

With 2 co's of the 90[th OH] on Picket taking a post on the left...



WED.  4                     Morning pleasant; afternoon cloudy and cold; sleet and snow in evening


          16 -- Edgar Thomas Payne  (90 OH G)          

          19 -- Henry O. Harden  (90 OH G)

          21 -- Albert Breith  (1 KY I)

          24 -- Samuel W. Stuckey  (90 OH E)




Regiment went to Gard [sic] train to Murfreesboro



Forenoon pleasant--but the sky becoming cloudy and a cold sleety snow falling in the evening.  Artillery firing heard to the right all day.  Relieved by the 2nd [KY] at 2 o'clock.  Find Hunt [by this, does he mean Capt Ralph Hunt who had been put in charge of the Convalescent Camp in Nashville since early Dec 62?  It would make sense for him to be there for Guthrie's sword presentation] in camp...[2 Lt John] Guthrie receives a sword--present from the Old Colonel [Does he mean James V. Guthrie, the original colonel of the 1 KY, who was young John's uncle?]




THUR.  5                      Morning stormy; night clear and cold






Co B detailed to Gard [sic] train to Nashville



A gloomy, stormy morning.  Up at Reveille, but do not awake

the boys till day light.  Some trouble in getting in line.  Company

well supplied with socks.  George Hunt goes to town to see

Phil [Foreman] and Charles [Rice] and returns with a detail

[as] a Division Teamster.  Lou Hoeke presented with a splendid

silver fife by Genl Smith  [Brig-Genl William Sooy Smith?].  

Tonight he gives us a tune.  Night clear but vey cold.  Fort

Donelson attacked on the 3rd by rebels.



FRI.  6                            Cold

          28  (or 32) -- Joseph Phillips  (90 OH G)

          31 -- Augustine Cook  (31 IN H)



Regt on Picket



Morning stingingly cold.  In line of battle early but soon stack arms, break ranks.  Geo[rge] Hunt reports to QM Shoemaker.  Many rather Grapevinish rumors in camp.  Longer without letters from home than ever before...




SAT.  7                     Pleasant   

          35 -- James Sligar  (31 IN A)





Very pleasant.  Relieve the 31[st IN and the] 2nd [KY] on Picket.

 Heavy Artillery firing to the right all day.  Signal Corps telegraph

"Rebel cavalry near" Keep a sharp lookout:  having but little

[camp]fire and that well shaded.  Stand a relief from 8 to 10.  

Foxes around us by the scores making the grove noisy with

their barking and squalling.  The surfaces rocky with fissures.  

Good hiding places for them.  Hear the rebs were repulsed at

Fort Donelson. 





SUN.  8                       Partly cloudy during the day; unseasonably warm after dark


            22 -- Pierre J. Maillard (1 KY F)

          37 -- Jeremiah Hatfield, Sr.  (31 IN H)



Pleasant with sky partially clouded.  Awakened by Reveille in camp and by [William] Cobaugh talking...Have a good time at night reproducing old stories.  [I am not entirely sure what this means, but later accounts make it sound as though Busbey regales his tent mates with stories--both of his own writing or from some of his favorite books.  In some cases, it sounds like he might have turned some scenes into tableaux or scripts that the men performed--readers' theatre?] ]  Night very warm for the season.





MON.  9                           Day pleasant; night rainy

          23 -- John H. Archdeacon  (2 KY F&S)

          42 -- Muscn. Francis G. Philbrick  (90 OH D)




Regt on Picket[.]  Driziling [sic] Rain in the Eavening[sic]



Having been discharged from the hospital [in Nashville], we started on our way to join the regiment at Camp Cripple Creek.  Passed through Lavergn [sic] and camped 20 miles from Nashville [on the night of the 8th]...Started again this morning and got to the regiment at Cripple Creek in the evening, and went on picket at night.



...Reveille late.  At 9 o'clock start a foraging winding miles into the right of Readyville Road.  Forage scarce.  Rebels near.  Reported in Bradyville.  The country wild looking.  People peculiar.  No intelligent men, no pretty women...Another pleasant time with stories.




TUE.  10                      Pleasant during the day, but rainy at night    


          35 -- Thomas S. Mains  (90 OH H)


"Gen. Tom Thumb" (Charles S. Stratton), the dwarf

entertainer made famous by P.T. Barnum, was

married to Lavinia Warren (also a dwarf) in NYC's

Grace Episcopal Church.  Stratton (1838-1883)'s

best man was "Commodore Nutt" (George W. M. Nutt,

1844-1881).  The bride (1844-1919) chose her sister,

Minnie Warren (1849 - 1878) as her maid of honor.



Was a rainy day.  Were relieved and went to camp.



Very pleasant.  Reveille early and line of battle.  Make out New Descriptive Rolls for Tinker, [Cpl Frank] Hodgkins, and Miers [Probably Pvt. Charles Meyers].  (Lt. John A.] Snediker resolves to make effort not to have [Philip] Foreman's Pay stopped.  Roberts and Daniels leave the Commissary here for a post in Nashville.  At night reproduce for the benefit of the boys "Elsie Venner" by [Oliver Wendell] Holmes and have a good time.  The expedition yesterday very orderly--no pillaging allowed.  Night inclined to be rainy.





WED.  11                Warm, cloudy, pleasant


                        22 -- Francis D. Story  (1 OH)

                        23 -- Adam Barnes  (31 IN A)

                        25 -- John W. Renouard  (1 OH)

                        32 --  George W. Terrill  (1 KY A)

                        32 -- Richard W. Kennard  (90 OH B)




This is a very warm, nice day.  Went down to the Creek and

washed some clothes.  The regiment had dress parade this




...In Picket at 2 o'clock...




THUR.  12                  Cloudy and misting rain at times


          19 -- Rufus Hixon  (31 IN A)



...It has been a very disagreeable day.  Our camp is very muddy and disagreeable.



 Warm with misty rain at times...Reproduce at night the "Lady of the Lake" [by Sir Walter Scott].





FRI.  13                      [Conflicting reports about the weather--see below]


          26 -- Thomas A. Beaton  (5 Mid TN Cav)


Friday the 13th



Turned cold.  Went on picket today.  Traded for some corn bread

out on the picket-line.  It tasted good, and was a change from hard-tack.



Warm and balmy as Spring...





SAT.  14                Cloudy and warm; rainy in the evening and overnight   


             31 -- Cpl/2 Lt John Cook  (31 IN A)



Valentine's Day



On pickett  [sic]



The regiment drew two days' rations today.  It began raining in the evening and rained all night.



Warm with a clouded sky.  Brigade Inspector takes names of officers not in line.  Couriers fired on last night between here and town.  Lou [Lt. John A.] Snediker and [Lt. John] Guthrie give [Capt. Andrew] Hogan [of Co. I] a burlesque serenade last night...Write to Genl Rosecrans in the [Philip] Foreman case.  Happy indeed are we tonight.  Pledge ourselves to meet two years from tonight if alive and well and compare notes.



Col. David A. Enyart

Ft. Donelson

  John Chilcote arrives

        in camp from a

   hospital in Nashville

15  -  28   FEBRUARY




SUN.  15                 Rained all last night, but cleared off this morning


               21 -- Stephen Hester  (90 OH B)



Still cloudy, but did not rain much.  Very muddy in camp.  

Our regiment drew some clothing today.  I got a blouse.



Last night and this morning rain...On Picket at 2 o'clock.  

Commence Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables" the book of the time...




MON.  16                Rainy, muddy, disagreeable


                26 -- George Kull  (90 OH E)


The regiment worked on the intrenchments [sic] today

in the rain and mud.  It was very disagreeable work, but

we had to do it.



A rainy day.  Several Union families move inside our lines

with our forage train, intending to go north.  One man carries

his furniture 5 miles...




TUE.  17                Rained all day and all night                                                     NEW MOON


              18 -- George Blackford Henderson  (31 IN I)

               20 -- Jasper Pennell  (90 OH B)


Shrove Tuesday



Resolutions adopted and approved unanimously Denouncing the

Course of the Legislator [sic] and Butternuts of the State of Indiana.



The regiment went on picket today.  We had a rainy time of it.  

Rained all day and night.



Raining and disagreeable.  [Work] Details busy felling trees

and paving the streets...Waked about midnight by the water

surrounding us.  Have a serio-comic tableau.  Read aloud for

the boys Hugo's "Waterloo".




WED.  18               Damp and dreary


              24 -- Lt Col Charles H. Rippey (90 OH F&S)

               44 -- John Towell  (90 OH B)

Ash Wednesday



Regt on Picket



The regiment came in off of picket duty.  _____ two day's [sic] rations.



Damp and dreary.  Streets finished...Have no candle at night and relate reminiscences of former life.




THUR.  19             Very pleasant after a cloudy start


                   20 -- Albert H. Adams  (1 KY B)

                   21 -- Josiah Wolf  (2 KY A)

                   24 -- James McGowan  (1 KY B) 

                   26 -- Cpl. Elbridge G. Williams  (90 OH G)



All Quiet



Cleared off about 9 o'clock.  Stood guard in another man's place.



Very pleasant. On Picket at 2 o'clock... 




FRI.  20                  Pleasant


                18 [?] -- Jared Septer  (90 OH A)

                40 -- Godfriedt W. Wolf (2 KY E)



This was a very nice day.  Got breakfast and did a big washing.  

Everything quiet in camp.




The pleasantest day of the season.  Genl Wood[s] now commanding

our corps visits camp attended by Genl Cruft and others...Finish

"Les Miserables"...Excellent indeed is Hugo in "Les Miserables".





SAT.  21                Disagreeable and rainy


          28 -- Jesse Thomas Longsworth  (31 IN I)



Letter to sister about weather, tents



Began to rain about noon, but we had to go on picket,

all the same.  It seems it can rain down in this country any time.  

It makes it very disagreeable for us who are living in tents and

have to stand out on duty.




Disagreeable and rainy.  No Reveille at Hd Qtrs and none

in the regiments till long after daylight.  No line of battle formed

but merely roll call...At night have quite a time narrating my

adventure after robbers some years ago in the house of

Genl [James William] Denver's father [Patrick Frederick Denver],

near Wilmington, Ohio.




SUN.  22                 Cold and cloudy


          26 -- Andrew J. Amerine  (90 OH E)

          41 -- Dr. Richard H. Tipton  (90 OH F&S)




1st [OH] on Picket to day  General Rosecranse [sic]

ordered a Salute of 43 [sic--should be 34] Rounds

fired from each Batry in honor of Washington's Birthday.



This being the anniversary of Washington's birth-day,

at sun-down we fired a salute. [Cutter puts this event

as happening on "Sunday, January 22" but Washington's

birthday occurred in February.]



...Wrote a letter while out on picket and another when

I came in.  We have to put in the time, some how, to

keep from getting homesick.



This great day passed quietly in camp.  Reveille early and line of Battle.  Co. Inspection at ten o'clock and for once no other duty in camp...At 4 o'clock the companies formed and Genl Rosecrans' Anniversary Order read.  At sunset our battery fires a national salute of 34 guns [one for each state in the Union at that time, including the ones that seceded] that echoes to the thunder from Murfreesboro.  Never did Old Nature strike "sundown" in a grander Swell.  Rehearse at night the story of Cosette. [Part of the novel Les Miserables by Victor Hugo.]




MON.  23            Clearing and turning colder after dark


          28 -- Lt. Charles E. Adamson  (31 IN I)


          34 --  Morris Mullaly  (1 KY D)




Bill Antibus Returned to Regt



Captain Standart started for home, having obtained a

short furlough.  [He would return 14 Mar.]



Company's [sic] H and E went out foraging today for

mule feed.  We also concluded we wanted some feed

for ourselves, and finding some hogs, killed four of them

while the wagons were being loaded.




Last night rather cold.  Mud freezing.  Remain up till long after bed time.  This morning damp and cloudy.  Afternoon clear and pleasant, night cold and frosty.  Our regiment on Picket, the 2nd [KY] on a foraging expedition.  Nothing important occurring.  Passers by give some trouble.  The country people come as usual to trade pies, biscuits &c for coffee...A shot fired on [Cpl. Jacob] Miller's Post.




TUE.  24                Sunny

          24 -- 1 Sgt. William H. Busbey  (1 KY C)

          25 -- John Gutjahr  (2 KY K)



Territory of Arizona organized





Stayed in camp and rested from our foraging trip

yesterday, and enjoyed eating some of our fresh

pork.  It tasted very good.



My Birth Day.  Beautiful and full of sunshine.  Go early to [Cpl. Jacob] Miller's Post and learn the shot was accidental.  Have a hearty laugh at his discomfiture.  Camp very quite [sic], seeming like some monster, lazy and half asleep.  Night full of dim and gentle moonlight.  Dim as the past is growing, uncertain as the future now.  I am satisfied with life.





WED.  25              Rainy afternoon

          35 -- William Martin Connerly  (31 I I



Ordered to be ready to go on picket at 7 o'clock, to relieve

those on duty so they could go to camp and draw their pay.  

It began raining, as usual, when we got there.


A disagreeable day--rain commencing about noon.  The

regiment paid for two months by Maj. Griffin.  Pay [John]

Guthrie the one dollar borrowed and receive three

dollars of [Samuel] Duff...At night relate the story of "The Unionist's

Daughter" [by Mrs. Metta Victoria Victor].  Night very

stormy and the tents leak like riddles.






THUR.  26            Rainy


          23 -- Thomas William Given  (1 KY G) 

          27 -- William C. Fritts  (2 KY A)

          31 -- Joseph B. Sockwell  (1 KY F)




On Picket to day  Not allowed any fire by order of Col. [D. A.] Enyard [sic]

Commanding 1st Brigaded [sic] 2nd Division



Came in off picket, drew three day's [sic] rations, and got orders to go on

a foraging expedition tomorrow.  We may get some more fresh pork, or

something else good to eat.



Reveille early--no line of battle but ordered to be ready to go a foraging

at 8 o'clock.  Rain still continues.  The streams all rushing torrents and

the order is countermanded.  [John] Guthrie goes to Murfreesboro and I

complete another pay roll.  Right or wrong I write some verses half

serious and half comic.  At night relate a tale of my own, one of my

Ideal Dreams "The Forest Queen or Three in One".  

Pay $7.50 for pair of boots.




FRI.  27                 Beautiful morning; rainy afternoon  

       27 -- John McFarland  (31 IN K)




Commenced raining at 1/2 past 1 o'clock today.



After scouting the country for forage, started back for camp, arriving about 3 o'clock



A beautiful day.  Our regiment on picket at 8 o'clock.  Under direction of Brigade Engineer an old stable fixed up as a rallying point for the pickets...Read the particulars of Tom Thumb's marriage Feb 10, at Grace Church, New York to Lavinia Warren the ["]Little Queen of Beauty'.  [Maj. Alva] Hadlock returns to camp.  




SAT.  28                    Rainy   





Payd by Major Griffin 28 dollars and 85 cents



The regiment cleaned up guns and accoutrements for inspection.  Also policed our quarters.  It was so wet we had a hard time of it.  Drew five day's [sic] rations.  The regiment was paid off today.  It was a busy day and we were mustered for our next two months' pay.



Rainy and disagreeable.  Relieved at 8 o'clock and return to camp and get ready for Genl Muster at 10 o'clock.  Mustered by Lieut Tooley, Brigade Inspector.  The muster coinciding with the morning report.  At night sleepy and tired and to bed early.  At the marriage of Charles S. Stratton, Commander Nutt and the Bride's Dwarf Sister were the attendants.  The wedding in grand style--the event of the season. 



General Thomas J. Woods

General Charles Cruft

    Men celebrating birthdays while at Cripple Creek in February (exact date unknown):

          21 -- Joseph W. Ewan  (90 OH B)

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